
Chapter 39: A Dynasty Falls… and Another Raises

[ Arthur POV ]

Two days have passed since I came to this place. The threesomes were honestly amazing, the daughter's cries in the begging were kinda off putting. But she got used to it fast and seeing her mother riding me, and having her mother look at her while I took her virginity and mounted her.

Sadly today I will have to set off, this was a nice time I spent with them. Lord Mooton had an accident sadly.

Hopefully, though, he left a child with lady Mooton… I made sure to try hard to honor the Lord while I fu*ked his wife. I am sure that she will be with a child soon, so I did get another spawn point which is a lord this time.

Trash like Mooton having any power is a shame. Trusting a coward with power is not something I would've done.


[ General POV ]

Arthur and his army set off to go towards the Trident, where an injured Robert is laying on his bed. But even though he was alive there was a fire in his eyes.

He replayed the scene of killing the Rhaegar countless times in his head. It was the only thing giving him any real solace to his worries, as his best friend had embarked for King's Landing.

The war has all but been won now. The undecided lords have run to Robert's side. Some even defected from the royal army to join the rebels.


Of course, as Arthur arrived at Robert's camp with his full army behind him while Robert didn't even have half the ready to fight men that Arthur had. What was left behind were mostly the injured and some now crippled.

Of course, Arthur didn't want to fight against Robert or anything like that. He simply just made a power move and told the lords that he is the one with the power in this soon to be negotiations.

Jon Arryn was the one to represent Robert as the man didn't want to do something like negotiation. Of course, Jon Arryn said that Robert was unable to attend the meeting. Of course, that was a bull of crap, but flowery words like this needed to be said. 

Also, Jon knows just how tremendous Arthur's contribution to this has been. From his point of view, Arthur is the reason they won the war, he kept 100,000 reachmen soldiers occupied with his only 35,000 men. 

Jon Arryn knew nothing that The Reach would have just remained inactive during the war anyway and just lay siege to Storm's End. The Reach might have placed its bets on the Targaryens, but they still made sure that in case Robert wins, they won't suffer any losses.

Sadly for them, Arthur couldn't allow that to happen. The reach was a flowery place, so gossip flowed about a lot, he took advantage of that and pulled every dirty trick in the book to try and keep them at bay. His magic also helped him tremendously, not with its raw power, but mostly with its versatility


In the meeting tent, Arthur stood on one side and Jon Arryn on the other.

"So… we both know how much I spent on this war." Says Arthur, emphasizing his losses as his face morphs into a grimace. This makes Jon Arryn think that the expenses were more than he knew of.

Of course, Arthur didn't truly lose any money from this war… who paid for it? The Reach did. He robbed them blind, and even after that he robbed them once more by holding the lords and high lords hostage. He has some money left over from those exchanges still.

"We understand that Lord Redhawk's expenses must have been massive. We are willing to compensate you to the best of our abilities." Says Jon Arryn with a polite, but at the same time resolute tone on his voice. 

Arthur smiles at this slightly and leans forward on the negation table. He pulls out a map of Westeros and points at a place northeast of King's Landing.

"I want Crackclaw point and all its lands in attendance. That also includes Crackclaw Isle."

Jan Arryn looks at the map and thinks of the lords who own that area. Most of them are dead as to Crackclaw being in the Crownlands, they answer directly to the King…. This time though they had the bad luck of having a mad one as their leader.

"Okay, it's done." Says Jon Arryn, sure some of the people were bound to be unhappy about this decision. But none of them matter in the grand scheme of things. Jon knows that Arthur is an invaluable ally to have.

Arthur on the other hand was slightly surprised that the negotiation was done too fast. 

'I guess expecting someone born into a leadership position to be good at it is unrecognizable.' Contemplates Arthur, and he is right.

Jon Arryn is a man of honor and doesn't like to beat around the bush to find the answer. Lords like him take a sliver of pride at not knowing how merchants do their work as they consider it money-grubbing and it being below them.

"Glad we could come to an understanding, Lord Arryn." Says Arthur as he gets up from his chair and walks away with a smile. "I will be going to ask Robert how it felt to cave in the prickly prince's chest."


Arthur then is guided to the tent where an injured Robert lies. He smiles slightly as he sees the giant of a man, Robert, lying down on a bed with bandages all over his chest and abdomen.

Robert looks at Arthur and smiles in recognition. He wants to call out to him but he stops, Arthur immediately understands what the problem is. 'He still doesn't f*cking remember my name. This fat fu*k.'

Though he thinks that, on the outside, Arthur is all smiles. "Well, well, seems like you killed the prince. Guess he wasn't as good at killing men as he was at kidnapping defenseless women. Good thing you have your good old friend Arthur taking care of the Reach for you."

"Bahahahahaha…." Robert laughs out loud at that. "I didn't believe my ears when I heard it. 100,000 men against 35,000…. Almost three times your difference. How the hell did you do it you goddamn genius."

"Hahahahaha…" Laughs Arthur, as if he just heard the funniest joke. He sits on a chair next to Robert's bed and says. "Honestly, it was easier than I thought and easier than they make it seem.

The cold in the north makes strong people, the flowers in the south make goddamn flowery people. Better at waving flowers than swinging a sword. Hahahahahaha…"

Robert smiles once more. He takes a goblet of wine from next to his bed and drinks it. Some of it spills to his chest as he takes big gulps from it. 

"Wah." He finally stops drinking as his eyes turn reminiscent. "You should have seen it, just one mighty hammer strike to the chest, and the man was down for the count. Caved in his breastplate and probably caved in every rib he had."

Arthur smiles at that. "I would pay a million gold dragons to see that f*cking prickly prince falling on his asś and dying as he sh*ts himself."


While Arthur was talking with Robert, Ned was riding for the capital. While Tywin was already there, the Old Lion knows that if he wants something big in return for this war, he needs to do something drastic. Something that will please the new king.

On the Mad King's chambers, on the other hand, there was a completely different discussion. Varys looks at the mad king with worry as Maester Pycelle tries to convince the Mad King to open the gates.

'So this is it now…' Ponders Varys. 'Seems like the realm got another war, for another king. The news must reach the Targaryen Dynasty has fallen after almost 300 years in power. The children must escape, I should try to save Elia's children… that will be a difficult task… but not impossible.'

"Open the gates and let my old friend Tywin and his army into the city." Orders the Mad King, the council just nods. Everyone already knows what is going to happen next.


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