
New Lineage

He who fights with monsters must take care that in doing so he does not also become a monster. And if you look for a long time into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


POV: Baelon

After I deliver the spear to Sophie, I see them coming with the shipment of vegetables, fruits, and meats, I help them put it on the ship.

I call them to see the swords and armor.

Are these all for us?" asked Aunt Maria.

"Yes, these are for the men, and these are for the women," I pointed.

'' Wow they are beautiful '' said mom

'' Each one gets his armor, and takes it to his room '' I said

'' Son where is yours? '' asked dad

Taking the armor from the ring, I show him and tell him the story behind it.

'' Arvid, we will leave tomorrow morning ok? '' I asked

"Sir, where are we going after here?" he asked

'' We'll go to the city of Lys '' I said

'' Is this the new city founded by the white hair? '' asked Arvid

'' 'Yes' I said

'' Probably the Valerian empire is already starting, the war will spread all over Essos in a few years, the Ghiscari Empire the biggest ruler of Essos will try to make opposition but will succumb to the Valerians. '

' The symbol of the Ghiscari empire was a harpy, the head, and torso of a woman, with bat wings, eagle legs with claws, and scorpion tail. '

' I probably have 100 years, to get stronger and build a safe place for my family. '

' Ghiscari Empire is the oldest civilization in the world that can support its claims of being older with reliable written records: these records provide proof that the Ghiscari Empire actually predates the Long Night disaster 3000 years ago, although at the time it was still only in its infancy. Yi Ti also claims to be the oldest civilization in the known world, but he cannot support this claim, because his surviving written records only begin a little after the end of the Long Night. '

' I probably have 100 years, to get stronger and build a safe place for my family. ' I thought.

Going to my room, I take Sophie on my lap and talk to her for a while, it is already getting dark and she is sleeping in my arms.

I also notice that the weather is starting to get colder, it seems that winter is coming again.

Lying on the bed, I take the new clothes that my father bought for Sophie and ask her to put them on, and after putting them on, she falls to bed and sleeps.

/ In the morning /

I wake up with Sophie screaming my name:

"Daddy, wake up, Grandma's calling," cried Sophie.

"I'm awake, calm down".

Arriving at the door, I see that mommy is worried and afraid.

"What happened mom, is everything okay?" I asked with concern

"Son, the port is being attacked," she said with fear

"What? By what is being attacked? '' I asked

"Your father told me, to come and tell you to go outside," she said

Mom, hide with Sophie here, Fenrir will protect you,'' I said.

I put on my new armor and run to the deck of the ship, arriving there I see a frightening image, of 200 fishmen attacking the port of Sharp Point, and I see three 20-meter-tall Tontados coming out of the sea.

Father, how did this happen?" I said shouting

Son, they came quickly and began to attack the people. He said

"Dad, Fenrir, and Skoll are taking care of mom and Sophie, I will help them to kill these monsters.

'' Brandon and Aunt Maria, protect the ship with Fenrir and Skoll. ''

Uncle Alex, Arvid, and Dad are going to help the people in the port .'' I shouted.

Running from the ship, I see several soldiers fighting in the streets, I run to where there are more monsters and start cutting them, I cut the head of some, the legs, arms, and eyes.

After my armor is filled with blue blood, I ask the atlas to analyze who is sending orders to the fish-men .

[Analyzing ....]

[Analize completed ....]

[They are receiving orders from the Tontados who are also attacking the port, to disperse the fish-men you will have to kill the 3 Tontados ]

How will I kill them? I'm not strong enough'' I said in despair.

(Host better do it fast, I foresee another horde of 1000 fish-men arriving in 15 minutes)

I have to do it, my family is at risk, even if I die, I'll make it.

Running towards the tontado , I fire a towards the tornado's head.

He turns to me and shows a devilish grin with his teeth.

'Damn it .

He puts his hand in front of the spear, the spear destroys his hand but does no more than that.

I don't realize that behind me comes another one and punches me in my back which sends me flying through two wooden houses.

I am at the bottom of the ground and see the three dizzy ones approaching me, I don't feel my body, but I see that my legs are broken and my arms are probably broken too.

The Tontados ones look at me with disdain and start smiling devilishly.

They start kicking me with their huge feet, I don't feel anything in my body anymore, is this how I'm going to die?

' Atlas is listening to me? '

[ Yes host ]

' Am I going to die? '

[ Probably Host ]

[ After the Tontados kill you they will kill your family and friends ]

[ They will kill and eat them ]

' Why are you saying this Atlas' I spoke in anger.

[ This is the truth host ]

' Stop, please' I said

[ Will you let them die? ]

'What can I do, I'm probably dead.

[ Host, you've never explored your bloodline, your bloodline is the most powerful thing in your body ]

' What do I do, tell me please, let me save my family' I said in tears.

[Fight and kill those who did this to you, fight and build a place where your family is safe, and fight and destroy everything that threatens you and your family. Fight host !!! ]

[ What doesn't kill you , makes you a stronger host ]

/Out of the omniverse/

{It looks like that boy is activating a new lineage, and a powerful one at that.}

{Let me see what abilities he will gain }




{This is very powerful}

/ Back /

POV: Baelon

'' I will fight, I will protect them !!! ''

[ Congratulations host, you have activated your new lineage ]

''Where am I atlas? ''

'' '' Why did I grow up? Why is my hair now white?'' I asked doubtfully.

(You've activated your new lineage host, stay calm.)

[You're in soul space, because of your lineage your soul space is now white.]

[ You have activated the { Primordial lineage of the Elf King }]

'' Wow, what's in it for me? '' I asked

[ Lineage control, with it you can give multiverse elven lineages, but never use it too much or it will affect you ]

[The animals are more docile and friendly ]

[ Your lifespan increased by millions of years ]

[ And you have advanced in core ]

' 'Atlas show me my statuses' I spoke excitedly.

Name: Baelon

Age - 16

Lineage: Primordial Elf King Lineage

Core Stage: Dark Orange

Height - 1.90

Strength - 10 = 2635kg

Speed - 10 = 98,5 km/h

Resistance - 10

Mana - 90

Spells - <lance earth lvl 3>, <lance water lvl 2>,<lance fire lvl 2>, <lance wind lvl 3>,<lance ice lvl 1> ,<mana shield lvl 2>, <mana pulse lvl 3>.

Passive Spells - Telekinesis lvl 3 . Lineage Control, Elemental Control

Contracts - Fenrir - direwolf , Munin - Raven

General: After your new bloodline, you gained lineage control, your stats that used to be only 3 points are now 10 points. You also grew 9 centimeters, your hair became white and your eyes became golden.

You gained elemental control of everything within 5 meters, spending only 1 MP of mana per second.

Before, your telekinesis was only 90kg, but now it's 150kg.

To calculate your strength, take the strength that a man can carry at most, which is 263.5 kg. and times 10 which is how many points you have = 2635kg.

To calculate your speed, a normal human can run at 9.85 km/h so we do times 10 which is your speed = 98.5 Km/h.]

'' Thanks, an atlas that helped a lot .''

Let's go atlas, we have some monsters to kill ''

Next chapter