
Gorum, The Unstoppable

Gorum, The Unstoppable was a Brave of the continent Ugdual, with achievements uncountable and strength unapproachable. But the people did not appreciate his demeanor, no matter how much good he did. Follow Gorum down his new path, through dark and into light. [Authors Note] Gorum, The Unstoppable is a spin-off of my first novel, Unfortunately, Reincarnated. Which I unfortunately dropped recently due several narrative mistakes and will reboot in the future. But don't worry, you'll be able to read this easily without the base material, I'll make sure of it. Also, I have a very bad upload schedule and often get writers block or just plain don't have enough time to write. Don't worry though, I won't ever drop the story without warning you all first.

Femboy_Novelist · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Boy Hero

Gorum was starting to get what "lady trouble" meant.

Turning his head to see who praised him, he saw a young boy around 14 years old. He was standing with 3 women who seemed particularly...clingy. Hanging off of his arms and leaning against him were two noble looking women, one dressed in an extravagant traveling dress and the other wearing some questionably revealing knight armor. Most concerning of all though was the tall woman with bronze skin and thick, toned muscles. She was nearly naked! However, Gorum failed to notice the suspicious looks he had garnered from the women.

'He's a bit young...' Gorum thought as he turned the rest of his body to face the boys direction, dispelling his magic to allow the other mages to stand. Gorum was sure this boy was the Hero he was meant to find, he could tell from his 'unique' aura compared to his companions despite having an overall weaker presence. But, it was better to be sure... Gorum focused his attention on the young man, narrowing his eyes.


[Basic Info]

Name: Evan Emit

Race: Human

Skills: [Finer Sword Mastery] [Novice Earth Magic] [Fledgling Fire Magic] [Adept Fist Mastery] [Powerful Blow]

Talents: [Hero] [Charmer]

Class: Hero

Sub-Class: N/A

[Stat Info]

Level 105

HP: 3400/3400

Stamina: 1323/1323

Mana: 105/105

Power: 212

Vitality: 100

Dexterity: 120

Intellect: 30

He was pitifully weak...but, Gorum could change that. Other than his strength, or lack thereof, what was more concerning was the [Charmer] talent.



Nearly irresistible, attention will follow the holder wherever they go. Holder gains 10% damage boost and 20% persuasion boost to all those attracted to the holder.

The damage and persuasion boost were useful, but this 'nearly irresistible' bit was troubling Gorum. It was likely the cause of this whole problem, but how was he meant to fi-

"Hellooooo! Are you listening to me up there?" a young voice piped up.

Looking down, Gorum saw the boy Hero standing right Infront of him, looking up at him with a look of annoyance. The women he was sitting with standing behind him with similar looks of disapproval. Gorum had gotten lost in thought, unintentionally ignoring the boys words.

"I apologize, young hero. I was simply mesmerized by your shining presence..." Gorum said as he kneeled down and bowed his head in proper knightly manner. Although he didn't particularly like sucking up to anyone, he knew when to behave.

"Erm...well, I guess I can't blame you then!" The boy said, puffing his chest out after the initial confusion he felt.

"Like I was saying, that was awesome! What's your name?" he asked, having quite the arrogant tone when he spoke.

"Ahem, my name is Gorum. I am a great warrior for lands far from here, I was sent on a pilgrimage to aid you in your mission-" Gorum began to explain as he kneeled down in knightly fashion, deciding it would be best to keep his service to Crimson a secret since he didn't really know the relationship these people had with the gods. However...

"Don't care! You're strong so that's enough, welcome to the team Mr. Big Man!" The young hero said, completely disregarding what Gorum had to say. His companions seemed amused, although annoyed for some reason aswell.

"I see...if that's how it is, I am glad to be with you, young Hero." Gorum said, standing up. It didn't matter if the boy was rude or not, Gorum's task remained the same.

"Actually I have some objections here!" Piped up the noble looking girl in traveling clothes, raising her hand in a frantic manner.

"Complaints, what's there to complain about? He's super strong just like we need!" The boy said, puffing his cheeks a bit at his companion.

"He's way too suspicious! He is clearly a warrior but he's trying to join us as a mage, that armor is way too flashy and expensive for him to just be some random person, and he uses force magic! Even if it's high level, force magic is like, the worst! How are you supposed to learn magic from someone like...this!" The girl said, laying out all her gripes and gesturing at Gorum several times.

"She's right you know. The only magic types I have mastery over are very simple to learn, if you want a magic teacher one of the other mages would be a better pick." Gorum said plainly, gesturing to the Imp and Human woman from before.

"See! Even he agree- Wait what?" The girl looked up at Gorum with confusion, as did everyone else present. After all, no one would expect someone to so casually admit they're not the right person for the job they're trying to get.

"You can look at me strangely all you wish. I did not enter as mage to teach magic, I entered as a mage because I wanted to avoid accidentally killing anyone. It is easier to control magic than muscles." Gorum said, maintaining an almost robotic level of logical thought.

The Hero and his companions huddled together, whispering to each other about what decision to make. Gorum stood quietly, patiently waiting for them to finish talking. He didn't particularly care whether they accepted him or not, he'd just follow them on their mission anyway. None of them were strong enough to drive him off in the first place.

"Okay! We've decided to keep you!" the boy Hero said, puffing his chest out as he gave the announcement.

"However, Evan still needs a magic teacher. So could you pick one of the mages you think would be good? You've shown your magical prowess already so I think you're qualified to pick a replacement." Said the tall, half naked woman. Contrary to her appearance, she had a rather...dignified tone.

"Hrm..." Gorum grunted inquisitively as he turned to look at the other mages. Scanning for whom he thought had the most potential. Although it was a waste of time, he was clearly either going to choose that human woman or the imp.

The question here was, which one to choose?