
Gorgon the Snake

Bharati_Singha_7905 · Others
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23 Chs

Chapter 22: Escape

Marcus had been in his cell for what felt like an eternity. He had lost all sense of time and had no idea how long he had been held captive. But he refused to let himself be broken by his captors. He knew that he had to keep fighting, to keep hope alive.

One day, while he was lying on his bed, he heard a faint scratching sound coming from the wall. At first, he thought he was imagining things. But as he listened more closely, he realized that someone was trying to communicate with him.

He got up and pressed his ear against the wall. He could hear a voice on the other side, faint but unmistakable. It was one of his lieutenants, a man named Max. Max had managed to infiltrate the prison and was working on a plan to break Marcus out.

For the next few days, Max and Marcus communicated through the wall. Max told Marcus that he had managed to bribe a guard to smuggle in some tools, which he would use to cut through the bars of Marcus's cell. But they had to be careful. If they were caught, they would both be killed.

Finally, the day of the escape arrived. Marcus was filled with a mix of excitement and fear. He knew that this was his chance to get out, but he also knew that the risks were high. He couldn't afford to mess this up.

As he waited in his cell, he could hear Max working on the bars with a saw. The sound of metal against metal echoed through the hallway, and Marcus held his breath, praying that no one would hear.

Finally, Max broke through the bars, and Marcus squeezed his way out of the cell. Max handed him a gun and they made their way through the prison, avoiding the guards as best they could. They were almost at the exit when they heard an alarm go off.

Panic set in as they realized they had been caught. Marcus could hear the sound of boots pounding on the ground, getting closer and closer. But he refused to give up. He pulled out his gun and fired, taking down two guards before they could react.

Max and Marcus made a run for it, sprinting down the hallway and out of the prison. They were free. For the first time in what felt like forever, Marcus felt the warm sun on his face and the wind in his hair. He felt alive.

But the escape was just the beginning. They knew that the government would be hunting them, that they couldn't stay in one place for long. They had to keep moving, keep fighting, if they wanted to win. And Marcus was ready for the challenge.

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