2 The Task

"Next week, we'll be going for class field trip. Make sure to form a group of 4 or 5 people to complete the task given. Till then, see you guys at the airport. Class dismissed." The lecture room quickly filled with voices of students gathering around after Madam Audrey left. The field trip that will take place in Hong Kong, bring excitement to all studens as it is their first time visiting foreign country. "Joanne, let's form a group. I'll ask Nana to join us too" said Ivy, while going through the paper that detailing the task mentioned earlier. Joanne nod her head motioning that she agreed. Both of them quickly packed their things and leave for lunch.

"1 message received from Ivy"

He glance at his phone, when the message come. Not minding it, his eyes went back on the article he found in the Internet. It stated, Hong Kong weather in October is occasionally rainy and be prepared for cold weather in the evening. He took note on it and make a reminder to pack a sweater. The dorm door opened, Daniel come in with a banner on his hands. " What do you think about this? Cool isn't it? Can't wait to show it to Rep" said Daniel, showing off the item to his roomate. Sensing that Daniel waited for his reaction, he quickly get up and examined the banner. "With your design creativity, I sometimes doubt why do you chose Quantity Surveying as your major instead of Architecture or Arts. I must say, your banner indeed looks awesome." Feeling proud, Daniel put away the banner, sat on his bed. "I received a text from Ivy earlier, she asked me to join her group. Did she texted you?"

Nana is waiting for the girls at the canteen. She didn't join the girls for Madam Audrey's class because she's busy finalising the preparation for the field trip. The university treasury summon her to the office to collect money reimbursement for the trip. Nana elected as the Rep as she suggested for an overseas field trip, whereby field trip is a part of Madam Audrey's Construction Technology syllabus. It's the first, their batch in Quantity Surveying department boldly pursuing for the trip. Despite few setbacks during the initial stage, Nana is happy that the suggestion came true. "Ivy, Joanne. I'm, here. " she waved to her friends that walking through a sea of people.
