
Chloe Grace

Well, you all know me now. I'm Chloe Grace. Or just Chloe. Charlotte likes calling me Chloe Grace. I'm the middle child, Charlotte's the eldest and Cassandra's the youngest. I'm 17 years old, I am a graduating High School student.

I have a boyfriend for 2 years now. He was a childhood friend, bestfriend then boyfriend. He is Matthew. And yes, Matthew was the reason I cried myself to sleep last night, but let's not talk about that right now.

I stood up, grabbed my towel and went to shower.

"Chloe! Where's Charlotte?"


"Where's Charlotte?"

"On a date!"

"Ugh. Again?"

"What again? Her last date was 2 weeks ago!"

It took a moment for Cassy to realized that. "Oh yeah!"

She giggled.

"Why are you giggling?"


As I walked out of the shower, I saw Cassy on my bed while she was smiling at her phone. No, my phone! I ran and snatched my phone from her. Ow. My tiptoes.

"Chloe your hair is still wet!"

"What are you doing with my phone?!"

"Ivan messaged you." Cassy's smiling.

"I know." Every day.

"And I replied." Cassy said while standing up from my bed.

"WHAT?! Cassy why did you do that??"

Oh no, oh no.

Matthew is going to kill me.

"Come on, Chloe. It's not like I asked him on a date. And besides, Matthew doesn't even have to know. You don't have to tell him everything that is happening to you. Plus, I think Ivan's a good guy. And you never replied to any of his messages?? What is wrong with you, Chloe?"

"It's not that Cassandra! And nothing's wrong with me! Matthew's going to kill me if I talk to Ivan!"

"Why? You never dated Ivan, right? And he was just asking how are you. It didn't seem like he was trying to steal you."

She rolled her eyes at me.

She doesn't know what happened before.

"Plus, Chloe, your boyfriend sucks."

Oh, that face. The face when she was either mad or disappointed. She looked down.

She knows.

I sat down beside her, kissed her head and put my hands on her lap.

"Cassy, it's a phase. I've been with him for 4 years now and, he had his problems recently, and maybe he was just still not okay. It will pass. Believe me. I know Matthew."

She faced me, "I know, Chloe. But still, it was not an excuse for him to treat you that way. You were the one who was always been there with him every time. When he was happy or sad. And now that he is always mad, you are still there for him. He never appreciates that. When he won all those trophies, whenever they lose. You were always there! Chloe, you're my sister. And I love you so much. This is not fair for you."

I held her head with my both hands and kissed her forehead.

"I know, munchkin. I know. But you can't tell this to Charlotte. She has too many things on her plate right now."

"But, Chloe.."

She looked at me and hugged me.

"I'm okay, Cassy. Promise me?"

"I promise."

"And don't mess with my phone again."

She laughed and my tears started to fall down.

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