
I Don't Need the Prince! 17

Avina's eyes sparkled looking at the busy market. Compared to the stuffy aristocratic stores, the liveliness of the market spoke truer words in her heart. Pulling Jane, she walked to a nearby stall and browsed through the items sitting out in the open. Shiny glass jewels and small metal laid out in the sun reflecting every turn.

Looking at the excited Ariel, Jane felt less tired from all the running. When Ariel pulled her and ran, she felt confused but followed her. Upon seeing the busy commoner's market, she was even more shocked. Although Jane had been here before, more like lived her entire life in it, she never expected Ariel to want to come here. It was, after all, for commoners.

Staring at the lively Ariel pulling her to look at the various trinkets, she felt this was what the real Ariel was like. Lively, adventurous, and curious. Always kind and generous to everyone regardless of status. Willing to step out of her own circle and venture to new grounds. Ariel was not like other nobles.

Among the cotton draped pedestrians, there were 2 noble ladies walking and strolling around being amused with the shiny trinkets displayed. Although there were curious stares being pointed at them, both of them continued to have fun.

Of course, there were also people who had other thoughts looking at the two of them. By the corner, 2 rugged men were whispering to another while pointing towards Ariel and jane. The two laughed dirtily before walking towards them.

Ariel and Jane were laughing merrily looking at the funny masks until a big shadow cast above them. Looking up, Avina noticed a big, burly man with unkempt hair staring at them, or at their jewels to be more exact.

Jane guarded Ariel behind her back before suspiciously looking at the men. The two thugs realizing her stare smiled at her with their rotten toothy grin. Unfortunately, they both had yellowed teeth and some missing too. Even standing from a few feet away, the putrid smell eradiating from their mouth made Jane want to cover her nose.

"Would you two ladies like a tour?" rubbing his hands, the thug smiled lowering his body towards them. In response, Jane and Ariel stepped back looking wary. The thug's eyes flashed menacingly before retracting and smiling. The other thug looked on counting the jewels and accessories they wore.

"I'm not scary," laughing, he opened his arms showing how harmless he was. Harmless? This was a thug wearing a ripped shirt with his bulging muscles out. And the other thug sported multiple weapons on his body. From what Avina could visibly see, there was a dagger on the hips, several small knives across the chest, and a long sword on the other hip. Clearly not just scary but also dangerous!

Jane and the thug confronted another for a long time and the thug slowly grew visibly annoyed. The original messy crowd surrounded them in a tight circle chattering. The man standing behind him reached towards his dagger looking at his partner.

Avina grew more worried the longer the confrontation lasted. Although the feeling of being protected felt nice, she was not about to get Jane in danger.

'Do you have any self-defense skills?' watching the man with the dagger, she didn't think she could easily defeat him. But if the system did something, there was a chance she could defeat him.

Searching through its database, 5025 pulled out file after file. The shining dagger it saw looked very scary, and it wanted its host to be safe. Sadly, Ariel had no fighting experience. Frustrated, it searched in the system store. But what's the use! Avina had no points to spend, it was a poor system, and there's no loaning in the system store…

'Sorry host…' 5025 realized how useless it truly was. What can it truly do except give information? There was nothing it can do to help the host one bit.

Avina had small hopes after repeated disappointments, but she did not blame 5025. After all, she knew it tried its hardest every time. Can you blame someone who only wants to try their best?

Finally, the smiling thug lost his patience and his originally mild friendly face grew 100% vicious. Glaring at the people surrounding them and then at Ariel and Jane, he said, "Give yer jewels and gems or you're dead."

Who knows from where he got his long sword from, but he started swinging it around. The thug behind him pulled out his sword and dagger too! Don't ask how he can wave both a sword and dagger, he just can! He's a thug!

Avina shoved Jane behind her and stared at the thugs sharply. "You don't have the guts to rob us, thieving cats."

Watching the beauty coming forward sneering at him, the thug's heart soften. But the jewels! The gems! How much would it sell!

"You met my sword yet?" he sneered back.

"No, but I met your dirty mouth instead." Against her provocation, the crowd gasped over her insult. The thug grew red in embarrassment and soon in rage. He swung his sword more fiercely and signaled to his partner. He too started swinging his sword.

As the two moved closer, Avina dragged Jane further back. When the thug swung his sword against a nearby stall knocking off the merchandise, his partner started hitting stalls too. Anything his partner did, he did. This terrified other sellers to guard their merchandise or at least move them away from the thugs. Screams of panic erupted in the market as stampedes of people rushed away. No one wanted to be hacked!

Avina too started to panic and grabbed Jane to run away. Before she could even step away, the thug grabbed her arm pulling her forward. Avina struggled to escape but she was too weak compared to the thug. Jane watched as her friend was captured and rushed over to help. Jane then bit the thug.

Yes, bit. Yes, with her mouth. Why? Ask Jane. She had weak punches but at least she felt confident in her bite.

The man screamed out before throwing off Jane to the ground. Avina watched as Jane hit the ground and wince in pain, and she started to struggle harder. Hitting and kicking she insulted the thug.

"You stinky jerk! Buffoon! Big hairy thug! Nasty breath! No manners!! Let go of me!" her shrieking annoyed the man and although her threats held no level of scariness, it wasn't the most pleasant thing to hear while robbing nobles.

Besides, he wasn't stinky, hairy, or had nasty breath! What a bunch of lies!

It's late! 3 am! But I did it! Here's a new chapter! Thank you for reading :)

Yuki_Nightingalecreators' thoughts
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