

It all began, last December 24th. In a hurry to attend a birthday party, arriving at their place.

Cassidy said "sorry everyone I am late!! Traffic is horrible...." I'm sweating like a dog with the rush. Everyone just laughed at me. Serine just nudged me and said with a happy tone " I know you, you will be late in any event. But you are here and that what matters the most for me!" We both smiled like and others joined. I am happy to see you all. Everyone was enjoying their drinks while Cassidy sipping and checking her watch. She knows she will be late for work. Restee suddenly suggested " Hey, you should call in sick. Do you really want to leave us?" Seeing their begging eyes, I can not leave them. So I stayed, feeling hesitant of my decision. There was some guest arriving. I thought I was the late one. I grinned thinking someone is also late.

Seeing this person again.....

Chloe " Cassidy meet Nathan. His my neighbor." The boy gave me a wary smile. I just said hi and sat back to my seat. Why do I feel nervous its not like its my first time seeing him. I occasionally see him but we are not properly introduced. As the evening meets midnight. Drinks are starting to drop. People pointing fingers. Whose turn to buy the drinks. I suggested lets play a game on whose turn to buy. They all agreed with my opinion.

Now the game begins......

A simple truth or dare the twist is no need of any bottle to tell whose turn is it. We all are excited to play, Chloe comes first and chose dare. Restee dared her to kiss Michael (her boyfriend). We all laughed. Thinking anyone can do that dare to someone they know. Michael goes next and dared Ryan to do a lap dance to Gelo. We all laughed and Gelo protested he was not in to those. But Ryan still did the dare. Ryan dared Gelo to chug his drink. It was simple for him to chug all of that. With everything happening in the party. I can not help to notice Nathan. My eyes seems so focused even were just seat apart. We all smiled and laughed. As the losers went to buy our drinks. I had the chance to speak to him.

Hi? I said to him. He answered awkwardly Hello. His cousins noticed that we were talking. They cheered " He liked you before when you were visiting Chloe. He always noticed you". I started to blush. Looking back I noticed him before but he was so quiet and only spoke to Chloe or Michael. His cousins did not stop teasing us.

The drinks were really hitting hard. I can feel my head going fuzzy. I just stepped out and I saw him with Gelo. Shocked seeing me and they said we were just talking. I answered them " You guys do not need to