

*RING!* *RING!* *RING!* 

An old-looking alarm clock rang nonstop. A slim arm protruded out of a cheap-looking blanket and gently tapped on the stop button. The slim arm was unnaturally pale as if the owner was lacking a lot of vitamins and blood.

The cheap blanket rose off the bed forming a small hill and a slim figure emerged from within the small blanket hill causing it to fall flat on the bed. The slim figure had pure white hair and glamorous light blue eyes that seemed to be glistening with thousands of stars within them.

The slim figure got off his cheap old bed that even had springs sticking out of it. Even though the figure had a somewhat handsome appearance his eyes had dark bags under them that were probably caused by either stress or lack of sleep. 

The slim figure did a couple of daily early morning stretches to loosen his joints, muscles, and help with blood circulation. After finishing his early morning routine he walked out of his bedroom and walk a few steps then opened the door that was adjacent to his bedroom door. The slim figure walked into the room without even thinking about doing anything else as if he had done this more than a thousand times.

The room was fully covered with white tiles that seemed to be well-taken care of, the room was relatively small to the point of only being able to fit a small skin with a small mirror above it, a white toilet that was made of glass next to the sink, and a small shower with only a curtain to use as a cover. The shower only had a cold water setting with any hot water, so he had to make do with what he had.

The slim figure didn't appear to mind the old morning water as he was already used to it at that point, so he took off his slim-fit boxers and opened the shower curtain then entered inside before closing the shower curtain again.


15 minutes later

The slim figure came out of the shower wearing nothing but his birthday suit as he stretched out his left arm to reach out to his bath towel that was right next to the small shower, he wrapped the towel around his lower half and used his face towel to dry his moist hair. After drying his hair, he went back into his room.


10 minutes later 

The slim figure exited his room wearing an outfit that resembled a uniform. The uniform was black with a white tie and white line pattern designs. On the slim figure's shirt pocket hung a magnetic name tag pin. The pin had his name written on it that read "Kira" which implied that that was his name. Kira also had a strange futurist watch wrapped tightly around his wrist and seemed to cost more than any of his other possessions.

The name tag didn't include his surname for reasons unknown. Kira walked down a small flight of stairs to reach the living room, but since he was poor the only thing that was in his living room was a single table and a wooden chair that had a metal frame but looked incredibly uncomfortable.

Kira walked past the living room and promptly entered the kitchen that was directly below his bedroom. The kitchen had an old school stove and a single cupboard to store his plates and cooking ingredients and right next to the cupboard is a small freezer that's never been filled ever since it was bought.

Kira made himself a basic sandwich and a cold glass of water for breakfast before returning to the living room, he sat down on the uncomfortable wooden chair and stared at two framed pictures that served as the only piece of decoration within the dull and lonely house. One of the picture frames had two people of the opposite gender standing side by side as of they were lovers. Both of the people in the picture had warm expressions as they held hands and had their fingers wrapped together fully displaying their intentions to stay together forever to anyone who looked at the photo.

Because of the picture's old age and poor handling, most of the picture was fuzzy preventing Kira from being able to get a good look at his parents but he was still satisfied with what he had.

When Kira gazed upon his parent's figure he felt like crying since they were no longer around and he had to fend for himself.

 The world in which Kira resided was futurist earth and the current date was 3010. Around the middle of the 27th-century mankind made a big breakthrough in space exploration that made it possible to travel through space quickly with the use of warp portal generation machines that were implanted within air crafts and space ships. This marked the beginning of the golden era of intergalactic exploration.

100 years after the golden era of intergalactic exploration began humans met their first extraterrestrial life forms and contrary to everyone's expectations the extraterrestrial life forms were friendly and even agreed to a non-aggression pact with mankind. This news was well received by the entire human race as they also didn't want to fight against them and just like that 2 more centuries passed and humans have long since spread their influence to other galaxies and formed many more none aggression pacts.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly until a new race appeared out of nowhere as if they just came out of thin air. The race called themselves the Divines and demanded that everyone surrenders to them. At first, everyone just thought that they were clowns who didn't know their limits, but on that faith-full day, the Divines wiped 3 planets out of existence within a period of a few minutes.

Everyone was shocked by the Divine's seemingly limitless strength causing some of the planets to immediately surrender to them, but the human race as well as other races that they've signed non-aggression pacts with and a few other planets formed an alliance to combat the Divines.

The alliance was not strong enough to wipe out the Divines and only managed to repeal their invasion and create a kind of stalemate between them. 

Within the alliance, the races got together exceptionally well and even interracial marriages were acceptable, but that only applied to the other races within the alliance since there was something sinister inside the children of humans and none humans that caused them to develop various supernatural abilities but after a certain period they'll lose their minds and go berserk.

Although human and none human children were frowned upon by the rest of the alliance that didn't mean that everyone abided by this unwritten law, so although they were rare but mixed-race humans still existed and unfortunately for him, Kira was also a mixed-race since his mother although he didn't know her personally he knew that she wasn't human.

The treatment received by mixed-race humans was almost inhuman since neither the rest of the humans nor the pure blood (extraterrestrial life forms) saw them as their own. The treatment was even worse for orphaned mixed-race human children since the government would only provide them with the bare amount they needed to survive. Kira has been enduring this life for as long as he can remember since his father who was the only parent that he had left mysteriously disappeared along with his spaceship and crew during a reconnaissance mission.


Kira finished his sandwich and drank his glass of water. Kira checked the time on his watch and discovered that it was already time for him to leave, so he headed straight for the door and opened it without even bothering to clean up after himself.

"I'm off"

Kira walked through the door and locked it on his way out.

Next chapter