
The Judge (1/5)

Hey! It's your beautiful and most handsomest author! How's everyone doing?

I haven't advertised anything as I haven't been consistent, but I just wanted to thank my loyal readers for sticking by.

Anyways back to the story!


"There is no way!" Harley scowled.

Of course, the blondie didn't want Ethan to have any more women, but she definitely didn't want him to have Mera.

She despised her!

That woman could go die and she would celebrate the death like it was her own freaking birthday.

'You know what...why wait!' Harley suddenly got up, glaring daggers at the red-haired woman as she was about to use her powers to attack.

Feeling the hostility, Mera quickly raised her guard, however, oddly it didn't progress further than that.

Harley had been stopped.

Arms belonging to Ethan wrapped around her petite body like a bear and squeezed her tight enough to keep her from moving. At first, she squirmed to get out, but it proved to be impossible to move and so she had no choice but to calm down.

"Jerk..." Harley sighed, burying her face into the crevice of his neck as he stroked her back.

["Honeybun... Don't you remember she attacked you? She can't be trusted at all."] Harley said, wrapping her arms around him.

["Didn't that happen when I first met you and Pamela?"] Ethan smiled, running his fingers through her silky hair. ["And look where we are now?"]

["Ugh!.. It's not the same! I also don't like her face, her eyes, her personality...you know what? I just hate her in general!"] She replied.

["You're making things difficult."] He sighed.

["Am I?...Do you... want to get rid of me?.."] Harley frowned, tightening her grip. She didn't know what came over her to ask that question, and she quickly regretted it as she was scared to hear his answer.

The woman was already a bit mentally unstable, but if by chance Ethan didn't want her then she might literally...break.

Seeing Harley act this way made Ethan realize that he is scum. In the beginning, he planned on just having Pamela, but then it just continued to grow because he wasn't holding back his urges.

Or could he even hold them back in the first place?

Even now he still wanted to pursue Mera and the feeling caused him to be conflicted.

He then looked to Pamela who looked at him with a knowing smile, she knew how he was feeling and honestly she wanted to help him, but it was something he had to do himself.

'Why did they always make having a harem so easy in those novels?..' Ethan sighed. He'll need to talk with everyone later, but for now, he'll just calm his 2nd wife down so there won't be any altercation.

Was it a mistake to have someone such as Harley by his side?

She's like fire, she'll burn everything down if not controlled.

'Control? I don't want to do that...I love her the way she is now...' Ethan thought.

It was crazy, but trying to understand love was even crazier and nobody got time for that.

["When I decided to make you mine...that means forever. Do you understand? You're not getting away from me."] He said.

Harley squeezed him even tighter and hid her face from him, but one could tell she was extremely happy to hear those words.



It took a while, but after some more coaxing, Harley finally calmed down, however, she was going to keep her eyes open.

Mera didn't know why she was staying around at this point as it was clear to her that she was unwanted. At first, she wanted to befriend Ethan due to his strength, but things didn't go as planned...

What was she doing?

Did she plan on getting something more?

Whenever she looked at Ethan, she wanted to punch him in the mouth, but afterward, she started to feel a bit strange...

What was going on with her?

Mera contemplated as she placed a hand over her neck, but instead of feeling her skin, she felt something.

'Oh..This...' She looked down and noticed a pink shell necklace around her neck. It was given to her by her father and he told her that it carried a message from her mother that passed away.

What was on it?

She was. afraid to find out, but for some reason, she found it appropriate to listen to it now.

"....I will excuse myself," Mera said, leaving the room before anyone could say anything.

Ethan knew she was upset, but it wasn't his place to cheer her up...at least not yet.

After the small incident, everyone finished eating and so he started to tell them their next plan of action. First, he told them about the group that was after Sandra, but none of them seemed surprised about it.

"Oh, those guys? I heard about them back when I was more active as a villain." Pamela said. "They tried to recruit me just like Ra's Al Ghul."

"Seems like everyone wants you."

"That's when you know I'm a treasure~" She winked. "Why don't you give me a good...close look to find out my worth~," Pamela said, not hiding her intent at all.

"Hey! I'm the one that flirts with him like that, not you!" Harley complained as she climbed onto his lap.

"What are you? a child?" Pamela asked.

"Only on the inside~" Harley stuck out her tongue before planting a kiss on Ethan's cheek. "Speaking of that...why don't you put one in m-"

"Ugh! Can we please stay focused for five minutes!" Raven shouted with a slight blush across her face. The half-demon wouldn't admit it, but she was jealous of how intimate they were with Ethan. Of course, she was the one who decided for things to be this way, but now it was a bit regretful.

'Way to go past me..No..NO! This is for the best...right? right...' Several times in the past Raven had stopped herself from going too far as it would break her concentration.

She nearly lost it on that morning where she was sucking on his...

'No! bad thoughts go away! Shoo!' Raven blushed as she started to meditate once again.

"You guys would be more terrified if you really knew about them," Sandra said, clenching her teeth. "They aren't just some random criminal organization you can just brush to the side. They have been operating for over 400 years and Gotham is their playground. Not even the League knows the full extent of their power. "

"Wow...I kinda don't care." Harley shrugged.

Sandra frowned, "You!-"

"I don't care because as long as I'm with Honeybun...I'll take on anything." Harley solemnly said. "So whatever you need to do...or wherever you need to go. I'll follow you...Ethan."

Silence quickly ensued, seeing the normally crazy ball of fun become serious was rare especially in this type of setting. However, moments later, the girls excluding Cassandra and Mera all nodded their heads in unison.

It didn't matter if it was a secret organization or even a god, they planned on sticking with Ethan till the very end.

At that moment, they all wanted to be intimate with him, but then he dropped another bomb.

"Also we are broke."



What a cruel world!

Their dear husband was completely broke as in no money at all!

What were they to do?

"Alright! Let's go rob a bank!" Harley suggested with glee as she jumped to her feet.

"We're not gonna rob a bank," Pamela said, rolling her eyes.

"Why not?!" Harley groaned, stomping her feet like a child. "It would be like old times! C'mon!"

"That's exactly why." Pamela sighed. "We aren't villains anymore nor are we heroes. I also rather not risk the chance of dealing with Justice League."

"I second that. Besides, I think Ethan here already has a plan." Sandra smiled, noticing he was quite calm about the situation. She would have hoped to help him, but she never needed money in the past.

"Of course he does! Master is the best." Myra said, hugging his head from behind.

"Ugh get away! This is my time to be close to him." Harley groaned as she swatted Myra's arms but of course, those might as well been harmless attempts with her thick skin.

"But if you're broke. How are we paying for all this food?" Raven curiously asked.

"We aren't. Our dear friend Wizard is." Ethan smirked.

"You're such a bad guy." Pamela chuckled.

After the conversation, they talked some more about things going on, the overall mood of everyone was fantastic. So much so that it started to rub off on Cassandra. She and Myra seemed to have hit it off somehow despite her inability to talk.

Currently, they were both watching a movie on the tv, it was a romance comedy. Cassandra didn't quite understand what was going on, but she enjoyed it nonetheless.

Sandra smiled at them before looking at Ethan with a complicated expression. "Can I talk with you?...alone?" She asked, grabbing hold of his hand.

Ethan nodded his head, letting her pull him out of the room and into the one she used last night to sleep in.

Once in, she closed the door behind them and turned towards him to talk. "About...Cassandra...my daughter...I didn't mean to keep it a secret...I wanted to tell you but-"

Ethan placed a finger over her soft lips, brushing them lightly with his thumb before wrapping an arm around her waist. The woman let out a feverish sigh as her cheeks flushed with red.

Every time she felt his touch she would feel like a normal woman that was severely in love, something that was still quite new to her.

Sandra stared into his beautiful red eyes and waited for him to say something, but the distance between their faces decreased within seconds. Her soft pillowy lips crashed into his like a starving beast, sucking on them as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

They would kiss over and over again, savoring each other's taste.

After a few minutes, Sandra pulled away to gasp for air, and after catching her breath she squeezed him even tighter.

"We'll slowly talk about it...but for now Cassandra..and you are to stay by my side always. So, unfortunately, you're stuck with me." Ethan chuckled.

Sandra stared at him in silence for a time before letting out a laugh of her own.

"...I don't know how this works...I sometimes even think I don't deserve this sort of happiness after what I've done." She frowned, shiver a bit. "And with Cassandra...I just want to make things right and give her the life she deserves...but do I even deserve to do that?..I-"

"I know you'll be a fantastic mother...For your daughter and our future children." He said.

Sandra's face immediately lit up like a Christmas tree after hearing those words. She had thought about it a little, but now it was confirmed that Ethan wanted her to have his children!

"Oh.." Was all she could say, trying her best to hide her excitement, but of course, Ethan could see this and decided to tease her.

"I want at least three...from you alone." He whispered against her ear before nibbling on it, causing her to let out a surprised moan.

It was her weak spot.

"Mmm...~" Sandra closed her mouth to hold in her moans as he continued to tease her ear. She was already wet between her thighs and was aroused to the point that she couldn't hold back anymore.

"Hubby...Don't tease me..~ " She pleaded, breathing a bit heavily.

"Then I won't." He growled, picking her up and placing her on the bed.

It was time to take care of something...


In the other room, everyone except Cassandra could feel that Ethan was aroused.

Raven mediated even more while the others looked in the direction he went with longing

"Grr..that old bitch." Harley cursed underneath her breath.

"Master..." Myra blushed, biting on her lip a little. The only thing Myra has done with Ethan was a kiss as the night they were alone, she fell asleep. She was aware that she loved him, but anything sexual was new to her.

Did it feel good?

She mused while looking down, feeling a bit of wetness between her legs, and for some reason, she had the urge to touch herself.

However, before she could she felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Pamela.

"There's a time and place for that." The red-haired woman tried to sound serious, but deep down she wanted to do the same.

'Just you wait..' Pamela licked her lips as she started to formulate a plan of action.

For what?

Only she knows.


Two hours later, Ethan climbed out of bed and kissed Sandra's cheek.

"Can't we stay longer..." She muttered with her eyes closed. She was exhausted after what he did to her for those two hours, her lower half still ached after that intense action.

"It's nearly noon. We need to get a move on. You can rest for a few more moments, but no longer than that ok?" Ethan said, stroking her hair.

"Mn...Ok." Sandra smiled before drifting off to sleep for a few minutes.

Soon after, Ethan left the room fully clothed to see how everyone else was doing, but then he felt movement in the room he put Slade in.

"Awake huh?.."


Slade finally started to open his eyes. His body ached all over and he had a headache that felt like an elephant was sitting on top of his head.

"Ugh...." He groaned loudly as his eyes adjusted to his new surroundings. "Well...I woke up in worst places..." He muttered after noticing he was in what looked to be a fancy hotel room and he wasn't tied up so that means he wasn't a prisoner of any kind.

Slade gripped his head, "What the hell happened?... The last thing I remember was-"

Suddenly the door opens, and in the doorway was standing Ethan with a casual smile on his face.

"Took you a while to wake up." He said.

"You!" Slade immediately jumped to his feet as he reached for a weapon, but he quickly noticed he's been stripped of all of them.

"You had the chance to kill me...why didn't you?" The mercenary asked while trying to figure out the best way to escape.

"Because I'm thinking about recruiting you," Ethan said as a matter of fact.

"You? Want to recruit me?" Slade asked to make sure he was hearing correctly.

Old age was a bitch.


Slade blinked for a moment, trying to process what he heard...and he started to laugh.

"Hahahahahaa! That's a very nice joke kid. I needed that." He said, wiping away an imaginary tear from his right eye or it would have been if it wasn't missing.

"Now...what do you really want?" Slade solemnly said while glaring at Ethan.

It sounded outlandish, but it was not a joke as Ethan was serious about recruiting him. And he'll quickly find out that he won't have a choice in the matter.

Ethan did spare his life, but he wasn't fool enough to let him go after what he tried to do.

"You're gonna want to sit down for this." Ethan started to release his killing intent, causing the mercenary to step back a little.


In an unknown manor, a man wearing a black hood was staring at an exquisite picture hanging on the wall. The picture was ancient, and yet it still held a beauty that could be admired for ages to come.

However, only he will admire this picture as it was a self-portrait of his predecessor that gave rise to his fortune and power.

After admiring it a while, a man wearing a red suit with a white owl mask walked into the room and immediately bowed in front of him.


"Everything has been set in motion, the so-called group of villains that want to take down the Justice League is making a move which will give us time to do 'that.' "


"..But I have some news to tell you. Several of our Talons have gone missing, their bodies nowhere to be found....they may have gone rogue." The man in the red suit said while keeping his head down. Eventually, the news would be known, but hopefully, since he came forward early he'll be spared.

The mysterious man before him was the one that started it all and the one that has been working tirelessly to realize their one true goal.

Gotham was but a beginning...

"Nowhere...to be found?" The hooded man turned around, revealing his blood-red owl mask.

"Tell me more about this...then tell me why I shouldn't kill you like the insignificant insect you are. " He said with an oddly calm voice.


A/N: Oh, look another author note! I just wanted to let my readers know that I know you probably aren't satisfied but know that I have some spicy stuff coming!

So, look out for that! If you want me to write faster then write it down in the comments to tell me to get back to work! Heh

Anyways! See you in the next one!

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