
Journey #6.5 Flower head

Mass update!!!!!!!



The roar of a Dinosaur? I don't know anymore but the flower on its head makes it look funny though.

Hajime's face is unamused while Yue's face is interest?

Akihiro: "Megalodon?!"

Hajime: "No, it's not you idiot."

Akihiro: "Shut up Hajime, you always ruin the mood."

Yue: "Umu... "Scarlet Spear""

A flame appeared at Yue's hand that spiraled into a spear form. The spear shot pierced through the T-Rex mouth and penetrated out the back. Its life ended as the surroundings melted. A rumble sounded as the T-Rex fell sideways onto the ground, and the flower on its head plopped onto the ground.

Akihiro: "Well, I feel we didn't do much."

Hajime: "Yeah, in fact, I'm starting to feel useless."

Hajime and I stayed silent for a bit.

Hajime: "Ah, Yue? It is good to be enthusiastic…Recently, I felt like, we haven't done much…"

Yue turned to look at Hajime and Akihiro, and Hajime could see a slight proud look on her expressionless face.

Yue: "...I want to protect you both..."

Akihiro laughs seeing Yue said that.

Akihiro: "Haha, that's pretty admirable Yue but please take the rear. The frontlines are for us as we have advantages in close combat."

Hajime: "That's right..."

Yue: "...Okay..."

Hajime caught a demon signature on his "Perception". Approximately 10 of them were coming towards them. From the movements of the leader, it seemed to be a two-tailed wolf? He wanted to check it out and urged Yue to move. Hajime wanted to move into an advantageous place because of their numbers.

When the beasts were trying to encircle him, Hajime rushed at one of them. Before he could finish a 2 m reptile dropped from the overgrowth in the trees. The reptile's appearance was similar to a raptor. There was a tulip blooming on its head.

Hajime then shoots the flower with Donner.

Hajime: "Is that some fashion...?"

Akihiro: "That's pretty weird fashion..."

Yue: "It was so cute..."

Silence filled the scene. Yue comes near Hajime as she looks at the raptor and the scattered tulip.

I didn't go anywhere as I stare from far with my Golden Eyes.

Yue: "Is it dead?"

Hajime: "No... Looks still alive..."

Just as Hajime said, the body started to twitch. The raptor got up and looked around. It saw its fallen tulip on the ground and stomped it. Not giving care to its enemies.

I throw a fireball at the raptor and the head explodes.

Akihiro: "Well, shall we?"

Hajime nod, Yue tremble as she saw the flower got burned.

Yue: "The flower..."

Yue said in a sad tone.

Time skip!

Today we are running, we are chased by a lot of T-Rex and Raptors.

Hajime: "Why do all of them have flowers?!"

Yue: "Flower garden."

Akihiro: "Not the answer we want but okay."

I then stopped, I touch the ground with my palm, and create a firewall. However, that's not it as I create a big dome of fire and swallow them.

Hajime and Yue stop too and walk near me, however Hajime and I sense something.

Hajime: "Oi, there are several times more."

Akihiro: "If it is this many, there is something going on. I just eliminated them all right now. Yet, another suicide attack…like they were controlled by the flower."

Yue: "…Parasite."

Akihiro: "There should be the main body."

Hajime: "Seems, that as long as those flowers are on them, they are puppets. We are up against all the monsters on this floor."

There wasn't time to let Yue suck his blood, so he tried to pass her the sacred water. however, Yue refused it. She stretched both her hands out towards the confused Hajime and says…

Yue: "Hajime…Carry…"

Hajime: "How old are you? Are you trying to suck my blood while we move?"

Akihiro: "Tch, stop flirting you two, I'm still here you know."

Hajime: "We are not flirting!"

Akihiro: "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."

We then started the search to find the main body.

3rd POV:

Time Skip

The three of them found a cave crack.

Hajime: "Yeah... this must be it..."

The three of them then enter the cave crack, Hajime used his transmutation to block the crack.

Hajime: "Phew, We'll be okay for a bit with this."

Yue: "…Good job."

Hajime: "If you feel so, get down."

Yue: "…Mu…no choice."

Yue reluctantly descends with Hajime's words. His back seemed to be very comfortable.

Akihiro: "Yare yare, I'm just a ghost."

Akihiro shakes his head but continues searching the main body.

Hajime: "So then, those guys were very desperate. Is this place, bingo? Do not relax your guard."

Yue: "Okay."

Akihiro only nods.

When they arrived at the center of the room, then it happened. From all directions, an innumerable amount of green ping pong balls few in. Yue, Akihiro, and Hajime were instantly back to back, and intercepting the flying balls.

Hajime decided to create a stone wall because of the number that exceeded 100.

Akihiro creates a firewall that easily burns most of the green ping pong balls to the ashes.

Yue was able to intercept the balls with her wind magic, with its excellent speed, without a problem.

Hajime: "You two okay?"

Yue: "I'm fine..."

However, Akihiro didn't answer.

Hajime: "Aki?"

Before anyone knew it, his hand faced Hajime. Fire converged onto his hand. Instinct warned violently, and Hajime jumped aside with full power. A hot golden fire passes the place where Hajime used to be and burns the cliff in the back.

Hajime regroups with Yue.


Both of them shouted, surprised that there was a blooming flower on Aki's head. The color of the flower is golden.

Akihiro: "Hey... My fault... Tell my mom and dad I fucking hate them when you two arrived on Earth."

Fireball can be seen converged again onto his hand.

Hajime: "Don't joke, dammit!"

However, Akihiro's face turned into madness not because he was controlled but something in Akihiro's heart awaken.

Suddenly the fireball dissipated, Akihiro backhand the one that control him. The face of the one that controls Akihiro got destroyed, however Akihiro is not done.

Akihiro: "Die."

Akihiro burns the main body to ash, Akihiro face is full of smiles as he watches the main body turned to ash.

Akihiro then turned back as he see Hajime and Yue's face is in shock.

Hajime: "So you didn't get controlled at all?"

Akihiro: "I do, I was confused when I can't move my body at all but when I found I got controlled, I want to kill the main body."

Yue and Hajime's faces showed in disgust but Akihiro laughed it off. Akihiro found his Dragon Sword and pick it up.

Akihiro: "Haha, it's just a monster, I won't do that to humans..."

Hajime sigh.

Hajime: "Let's go."

The three of them then continued on their journey to find a way out.

Next chapter