
21. Leaving

They finished the movie and Alex took Hancock for a good Candlelight dinner in a Michelin restaurant that was booked exclusively for them today.

After finishing their day with a nice romantic dinner and a long long kiss. Alex bought her back to the mansion and cuddled with her to sleep.

"Goodnight Hun". Alex said as he turned off the light and took her into his arms.

Hancock put her head on Alex's chest and slept comfortably. He waited for her to fall asleep and started his preparations to leave.

"Sorry for this". He said as he kissed Hancock's forehead and left five letters on his drawer near the bed.

Hancock frowned when she lost the warmth that she was used to and moved a little as she caught a cushion in her arms.

Alex saw this as he smiled and took off after wearing his combat suit. 'Now to start the plan'. He thought as he headed towards the harbour.

'I can swim all the way to the Amazon island but if I don't get washed ashore then it won't satisfy her fetish of falling in love with stranded men'. Alex thought as he prepared to just take a yacht.

It was a big yacht with everything needed on a leisure journey for one person. 'Spent ten million just to get it for this single journey'. He thought as he boarded the yacht.

All the food and Fuel was already prepared and stored inside. It had a month worth of supply of everything needed.

'Will miss the girls for a while but I'll be back in a while. I bought a satellite phone with me anyway'. Alex thought as he touched his pocket.

The harbour was silent at this time of the day with nothing in view. There were just some yachts and other boats around the docks with occasional people here than there.

Alex quickly untied the yacht after checking the stock of food and fuel inside the yacht. 'Too bad, I will have to abandon this yacht. Will be difficult to find it afterwards'. He shook his head and started the engine.

The engine sprang into action as it roared and Alex left the dock as he zip lined to the known direction on the compass.

'I just have to break this yacht on the current and it will drift with me towards the island'. He thought as he started to go towards the start of current.

'Will take me a good 10-15 days before I even enter the current'. Alex thought as he started to feel bored already.

He hadn't even left for an hour and was already feeling bored. 'Guess, I'll just have to binge some old movies and cartoons'. Alex thought as he returned inside the yacht's screening room.

It was a small room with a big TV and a dvd player. He had a collection of series inside. There was Dragonball, Pokemon and other Anime as well as movies and cartoons.

'Now, it doesn't look as boring'. He thought as he started watching some Dragonball first.

He continued on the seas for a good amount and would sometimes go for a swim when he wanted a little exercise in between just being an otaku in the yacht.

He also did some fishing while at it. 'This shark looks delicious'. Yeah, his fishing wasn't anything normal either.

Soon, he found the yacht on the current that he was heading to. 'The yacht will need to be broke in 5 days when it is just half a day away from the island'. He thought and just decided his course of action.

——Meanwhile when Alex left the Mansion——

Hancock opened her eyes when she saw Alex leaving the room amidst her sleep. She was very sensitive to his movements and mood. So she could immediately know if he was there or if he was sad.

'Is he going for his nightly patrols again but something doesn't feel right". Hancock thought as she frowned her pretty brows and looked around.

Suddenly, her eyes landed on the letters beside the bed. She quickly went and took the letter with her name and opened it with trembling hands.

She had a premonition in her mind and didn't want to open the letter. 'He has been acting a bit strange lately. Please don't let it be what I think it is'. She prayed in her mind and opened the letter.


Hun, I know it's sudden but I am going away for a while on a trip. I didn't have the guts to tell you face to face as I know you wouldn't let me go.

I can't see you crying in front of me. So I took this approach. I will be back very soon. So don't worry about me. Nothing can harm me with my power.

Just make sure to deliver the letters to the others in my behalf. Hahaha.



Hancock sighed in relief. 'At least, he didn't go away because he had some untreatable disease. I need to stop reading those novels'. Hancock thought but she was still sad.

'Just be safe dear'. Hancock thought as she didn't feel like sleeping and just started to daydream about her happy days Alex.

Next day, Hancock gave the letters to everyone that should have the letter. She looked tired and there were dome light bags under her eyes as she didn't sleep all night.

"As expected". Alfred had this response as he knew that something like this would happen after Bruce left first.

The rest of the girls were also quite sad as Alex didn't specify the time that he will be away from them. He just said that he will be back.

Selina was the most devastated as she couldn't think about staying away from Alex for a day. She meets him in school everyday that makes her day brighten considerably.

Alex can be considered her mental support that keeps her going and him suddenly going away gave a big blow to her. She even wanted to lash out at Hancock for not stopping him but after reading the letter, she calmed down.

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