
Dragon & Giant Ape

Journey alone with three girls with you feel is awsome. even though they still children except bulma, i'm happy to build our relationtship with training, but somehow i feel bulma look sad seeing me with chichi or poca personally teach them the right way to do some action in martial arts. the sad feel i see in bulma disappear when she is also decide to join with us training.

"bulma how about you also move your parrent and their capsule corporation to fire mountain after this, you don't need to school again with the wish we want"

"i don't know you already have Chichi and Poca to be with you..."

"what are talking about! i need you too, you are the smartest woman i know"

"i don't know let me think about it..."

"Oh yeah how much longer do we get to the last dragon ball?"

"According to the radar the Dragonball should be inside that castle in front." Bulma said as the travelers walked up to a giant wooden door to a castle.

"Looks suspicious," Chichi said.

"Yeah," Poca said beside me. "No one good lives in a castle like this."

"So what do we do?" Chichi asked.

"We knock I suppose," i said.

"What if they're not friendly?" Bulma said worriedly remembering stories of an evil little emperor that was supposedly collecting the Dragonballs. 'Could this be his castle?' she wondered.

"Just calm down, i'm here" i said. "If they're not friendly i should be able to handle them." With that i walked up and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" a voice asked from the speaker.

"We're looking for a small orange ball that has a star in it," i answered referring to the one star ball that they had "We're willing to offer payment for it," i added.

"Very well," the voice said. "Come in and we'll discuss it." With that the door opened allowing the travelers into the castle.


"Sire," Chow said. "Why are you letting them in?"

"You idiot," Pilaf replied. "There's no way we'd defeat that kid in a strait fight. That's why we need to trap them and inviting them in is the best way to have them off guard."

"Brilliant sire," Mai said.


"Let's go," Bulma said walking into the dark hallway beyond the door.

"Wait," i said. "It could be a trap. Let's go slowly."

With that the travelers entered the castle and walked down the dark passageway to meet whatever awaited them.


"Now we've got them," Pilaf said with delight. "Close the walls around them now."


Suddenly the wall closed and cut our path and trapped us inside.

"Well this is just great," Chichi said looking at the prison around them and breaking the silence.

"Maybe we can break the walls," Poca suggested. "After all goku are pretty strong."

"No!, we wait, until they show up, afterall we have what they want" i admitted.


"Great sire," Chow said happily. "You have them trapped."

"Yes," Pilaf said evilly. "Now we have them."

"But how are we going to get the Dragonballs from them sire," Mai asked ruining her master's moment or so she thought.

"Simple," Pilaf replied. Obviously he'd thought this through. "The room they are trapped in is equipped with knockout gas. All we have to do is knock them out, steal the Dragonballs, and make my wish."

"Brilliant," Chou said.


after a while a gas come out from knowhere. the gas knockouted the girls not me, i already have a build a mask with ki. but is still pretend to sleep as well.

when pilaf, may, and chou come. they ransack our belonging to find the dragon ball. when they search on my body, i wake up and knock out pilaf gang in instant with chop on their neck.

I tie pilaf and his gang with a rope and take them outside with their mount tip closed by cloth. after i wake up my companion then we begine to summon Shenron

By the time the sun set, we were looking down at the seven Dragon Balls.

"They're beautiful," Poca said softly, looking down on them.

"They are," Chichi said,

"So, how do we summon the dragon?" Poca asked looking bat bulma and me

Bulma cleared her throat. She called out in a clear voice, enunciating carefully "Arise Shenron, and grant me a wish!"

The Dragon Balls glowed until they were impossible to look at. The sky darkened as thunder and lightning appeared from nowhere. Out of the light, a winding green dragon emerged, disappearing and reappearing into the clouds, before coming down to face the two of us, his winding form behind him.

"You who have summoned me, I will grant you one wish" it said in a voice of fire and ash.

Bulma hesitated, obviously scared by the dragon in her face, so I took over.

"I wish for a ball that can self-powered, self-duplicate, self recorded and loaded with all the information in the Universe, easy to use like a ball in goddes Wis staff and people can't use it if i don't permit it." I wanted to cover all the bases. No point of getting all the knowledge if we couldn't use it.

The dragon, Shenron, tilted its head. In a flash of light, a black ball appeared on the ground before us. "Your wish has been granted" With that, it dissolved into light as the seven Dragon Balls floated into the air. In a blast, they were scattered, sent to the corners of the world.

i took the ball and duplicate it into 4 ball and give the girls

Bulma grinned and grabbed the ball. "I'm going to be studying this thing as much as the stuff inside it! What powers it? How does it have so much memory in such a small space? What coding does it use?"

"How about just asking it? It has 'all' the answers in it, shouldn't it?" I pointed out.

"Oh, right." Bulma looked at the ball and a screen appear. "Let's try… Son Goku information," she said playfully, saying in my name. The screen showed a 3D model of me along with an encyclopedic listing of information about me.

"Wow, it really has everything!" she gaped.

"it's really everything?" poca ask me

"just try it like bulma did just now" i said

"kyaa!!" poca scream when she is seeing her self information

"what happen, what it show you to mae you scream" i asked

"no... nothing i just sliped" she said with face red like tomato, she walked to chichi and bulma whispering something.

after that chichi come to me and said

"don't ever search anything about us, if you want to know just ask us intead!!" she said while bulshed hard and smoke come from her head

i don't know what she mean, i just noded to answer her.

"now that we got what we whish, i will take you all home but we must trip to poca's village first to move the vilagger to fire mountain with incredible speed and it don't take long before sunrise"

"but how?" poca

"all of you prepere to be don't scared i will change into a giant"

with that bulma gulped knowing what i will do, i look into the full moon and begine transform into Ouzaru. they scared first but calm down when i don't move and bulma tell my origin.

i take them also pillaf gang on my shoulder and i begine fly to aru village and take all villager on my back than flying to firemountain a.k.a Peacefull City.

bulma will join the harem later i think?

oh yeah people, please check my new original novel!!


i will not drop this fanfic, maybe just bother new chapter updated time schedule

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