
Gojo Satoru in the TBATE World: IF I HAD A CHANCE

Gojo Satoru the strongest magician of mankind dies and is reborn in the world of TBATE, will he be able to live a happy life or will he follow the path of war?

delicious_marmalad · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


POV (Roel Askart)

"Elder Virion" - I answered shortly.

Everyone looked at me with widened eyes. Well, it's not surprising, suddenly they find out that I am a magician at three years old, then that I am a disciple of the former king of Virion Eralith. I would look at their faces if they knew I was in the light red stage.

"Well... if you think about it a bit, it's not surprising, after all, you formed your core in three years, and it would be strange if Elder Virion didn't pay attention to you," Willian muttered.

Everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

"Is it true that Elder Virion accepted a human as a disciple?" Amelia suddenly asked.

After her question, I started thinking whether to answer her question or not. I had no idea if this information was classified or not, judging by the reaction of the current king, he sincerely did not want Arthur to become a student of Virion. On the other hand, Virion, according to him, he doesn't care if society finds out that Arthur is his disciple.

Virion did not tell me anything about the disclosure of this information, and I do not know if he is going to announce it to the public himself. But, I think the royal family won't suffer a big loss due to the fact that Virion is teaching a human boy. Maybe the reputation of the royal family will fall, but who cares? Anyway, their reputation is at the peak of its popularity, and no noble house can do anything about it, and if it tries, I think Virion will not sit idly by.

After some thought, I answered.

"Yes, it's true, he is also a magician like me, so it's not surprising that Virion wanted to make him his disciple," I said in a cheerful tone.

"How... does he already have a mana core?" Amelia murmured.

"It doesn't change anything, he's still a man, he doesn't belong here," Oliver replied, clenching his fists.

"Yes, I think so too, there is a separate kingdom for him, let him live there," Willian agreed with Oliver.

I decided not to argue with them, after all, Oliver's family was directly involved in the war against humanity, and I don't think he will listen to my arguments, especially since he is only five years old, all my words will simply fly past his ears.

I had no choice but to just sigh heavily.

"Guys, it's not fair, he's the same as us and no different," Lily objected, looking at Emma and me for support.

To all of Lily's words, Emma only nodded slightly.

Without thinking twice, I finally found the perfect answer in my head.

"We have no right to condemn the decision of a member of the royal family, I think Elder Virion knows what he is doing," I said, trying to resolve the conflict.

Oliver tried to say something, but all that came out of his mouth was an inarticulate murmur. It was obvious that Virion was far from stupid and there was a reason why he took Arthur as an apprentice.

Everyone just nodded, but the feeling of understatement was still flying in the air.

"Let's take a walk? I know a good place where they sell ice cream," I said with a big smile, waving my hands in different directions.

Freshness returned to their faces, and we decided to head to the ice cream shop.


After buying ice cream, we began to walk around the city. Emma didn't eat ice cream, referring to the fact that "It's too sweet."

Walking around the city, you could see a lot of shops, starting with food stalls and ending with artifact shops. There were a lot of elves walking the streets, and almost everyone was looking at us, mostly at me. Maybe I'm too handsome for them, or is it because of my torn and dirty clothes… But it doesn't matter.

All along the way, I felt a gaze on me, and it's not one of the ordinary elves looking at us. Most likely, these are bodyguards, and judging by the personalities I'm walking with right now, it is.

But still I did not lose my vigilance "It never hurts to be careful" - these are the words that I will never forget. For all my previous life, I remembered the meaning of this phrase very well. Despite the fact that I was the most powerful magician on the planet, there were different personalities who could effortlessly break through my infinity technique, and it's a pretty lousy feeling to know that you have no right to make a mistake and if you die, the balance in the world will be broken and no one else will be able to save civilians residents from raging curses. I was not afraid of death, I was afraid that I would not be able to continue fighting for what I sincerely believed in, I was afraid to regret my choice that I made many years ago when I was still studying at a magic college.

But in the end I couldn't protect anyone. I may be the most powerful magician on the planet, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm alone.

Putting all my unnecessary thoughts aside, I decided to fixate on the present.

Emma repeatedly looked at me. I do not know if she wanted to tell me something, or if she was just interested in me… Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean anything romantic, just like an elf boy who formed his mana core at an early age.

Anyway, I'm not attracted to little girls.

Walking around the city, we talked about different topics. Starting with the beautiful picturesque buildings, ending with the fact that Oliver's father broke through from the light yellow core stage to the initial silver one.

The initial silver stage is not a laughing matter. The people who were able to break through to the silver stage can be counted on the fingers.

If you break through to the silver stage, then your future will be quite successful. You can make a career for yourself in the army, or just become a very famous adventurer. Wherever you go, you will still attract attention.

But compared to the special grade, the silver core is weak, I can say with confidence that the curse of the special grade will easily defeat a magician with a silver core.

Although I haven't seen the full power of the silver core, I can roughly imagine it.

I have quite a lot of theories about the proper use of mana in my head and I will be happy to check them when my "Six-Eyed" fully awakens.

The potential of mana is huge, but due to the limitation in the form of the mana core in the magician's body, it does not allow it to be fully realized.

For example, what's the point of creating a mana core in your body if you can just draw mana from the atmosphere.

But this is not so easy, most likely impossible since it is necessary to have very strong control over mana.

Such control is impossible without the "Six-Eyed".