
Gojo in Tower of God

After his defeat to Sukuna, Gojo has finally fulfilled his desire to truly have fun. Now, he finds himself in a long hallway with a weird-looking rabbit.

Spectat0r · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

True Nature of The Tower

Gojo stopped a couple of feet away from the fish and began stretching his limbs.

"Coming back from the dead made me very stiff. Wait there, fishy, I'll get back to you soon."

Gojo then began stretching his limbs, completely ignoring the fish's presence.

On the other hand, the fish didn't wait on Gojo and charged towards him at full speed, causing the air in its way to split viciously.

While the average person wouldn't be able to react to such speeds, Gojo disappeared from the fish's sight in a flash, leaving behind an afterimage.

In just under a second, Gojo was already behind the fish, still stretching his limbs.

The fish charged towards Gojo again, this time at twice the speed.

But it wasn't enough, as it struck only Gojo's afterimage.

The next moment, it felt pressure on its tail, and it was Gojo who grabbed his tail and tossed it to the bars of the cage. It was missing the end of part of its tail as blood gushed out, slowly filling the area with blood.

"I'm sorry, fishy. I didn't use much strength. I never wished to take your tail; come here, I'll give it back."

Gojo gestured for the fish to come his way while waving its tail in the air.

The fish, in fury, charged at Gojo with its mouth wide open, showing its razor blade-like teeth.

Just as it was about to swallow Gojo whole, its body split vertically in two.

All the blood that escaped the fish's body stopped inches away from Gojo.

As if nothing happened, Gojo said, "I hope we meet again, rabbit."

And the next moment, the black ball, a few feet away from Gojo, blew into millions of tiny pieces, and Gojo was consumed by the darkness that was stored inside it.

Just seconds after Gojo was consumed by the darkness inside the ball, he opened his eyes to a huge area with tall, dead-looking grass, giant rocks, and cliffs.

Gojo examined his surroundings and sensed at least 300 people within his range.

He also noticed the huge box in the air.

And the next moment, a voice echoed from it.

"Mic test! Mic test!"

"Hello everyone! All the regulars who have made it to the tower. We welcome you to the 2nd floor, Evankhell's floor!"

"For this test, you will have to narrow down the 400 regulars to 200 regulars. You may use any means possible."

"Once the number of regulars reaches 200, the test will be concluded. Ready, begin!"

Once the voice vanished, Gojo sensed all 300 regulars in his area scatter.

The sound of swords clashing and arrows piercing the wind filled the area.

The stench of blood became strong, and that was when Gojo understood the true nature of the tower.

He had an idea of the tower from Headon's explanation, but this test confirmed it.

Most tests will be between life or death and it was against other opponents or regulars in this case.

Gojo stopped his thought process as he noticed a guy stealthily moving through the grass behind him.

He acted oblivious to his presence.

He wanted to see how a regular would react to his infinity. Was his powers something natural here or not?

It took a while before the regular decided to attack Gojo, but once he did, he jumped from the grass and vertically slashed his sword at Gojo's head, hoping to slice his body in two.

But the regular noticed that his sword stopped inches away from Gojo.

Thinking that Gojo blocked it somehow, he did multiple backflips to distance himself from Gojo.

"I don't know what you did, but it won't work twice." The regular said to Gojo, as he held his sword in front of him, waiting for Gojo to make a move.

But Gojo didn't move a muscle, rather he taunted the regular.

"Don't be shy now, I don't bite. I'll give you a couple of free hits and if you don't kill me by then, then I'll attack, ok?"

Two veins bulged on the regulars forehead.

Everyone here has been hoping for a moment to climb the tower while training day and night to hone their craft.

Yet, this man is taking their fight as a joke.

Even though he was angry, he didn't act rash. This could be a ploy by Gojo to make him drop his guard.

"I don't know what your planning, but it won't work on me." The regular said to Gojo.

"Oh man, you're so boring!" Gojo groaned.

"You had an opportunity presented to you. You should've just taken it. Now I'll be getting a little serious."

Once Gojo finished his words, the regular felt his body moving towards Gojo against his will.

He tried resisting, but the pulling got stronger and stronger until he was picked up off the ground by the pulling force and quickly pulled towards Gojo.

The regular noticed Gojo making a gun with his fingers and pointing it at him.

He didn't know what Gojo was doing until he saw the ominous red ball forming at the tip of his finger.

"S-Shinsu?! Are you from one of the ten great families?!"

Gojo didn't respond, and the regular just knew his fate was sealed.

Just as the regular was inches away from Gojo, the red ball at Gojo's finger disappeared, and the regular's body stopped mid-air, hanging upside down in front of Gojo.

"Ah! I'm sorry for scaring you. I just wanted to test something out."

The pulling force vanished also, and the regular's body dropped to the floor.

"You're not going to kill me?" He asked as he watched Gojo's figure receding into the distance.

He sighed and got up off the floor, but once he was standing on both of his feet, his head was cleanly sliced from his neck.

'The cursed energy on this floor is so much stronger than the other floor. Does the cursed energy vary depending on the floor I'm on?' Gojo wondered.

As Gojo was thinking about the things the regular said, another regular on top of a cliff miles away from Gojo was watching him through his scope.

He witnessed everything that transpired between both Gojo and the regular and he couldn't stop his body from shaking after seeing Gojo use reversal red.

He kept on watching Gojo through his scope in fear that if he took his eyes off of him for just a moment, he may die.

While he was watching Gojo, Gojo walked behind a rock and moments later he never appeared out the other end.

The regular felt someone touch his shoulder twice, and sweat began dripping down his entire being.

And then someone whispered in his ear, "Peek-a-boo!"

"AHHHH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs in fear, and once he turned around to see who it was, his worst nightmare came true.

It was Gojo standing there smiling at him while waving in his face.

Before the regular could even spout a word, there was a hole within his chest area, and his body fell from the cliff, slamming onto the ground below.

I don’t want Gojo to have the same arsenal throughout the story.

So if you have any power ideas that relate to shinsu and fits good with Gojo’s current powers, please feel free to let me know in the comments!

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