3 Bootcamp Pt.1

I woke up to someone yelling at me to get out of my bed to get ready for the day.

I about fell out of my bunk onto another person who was under me because of how shocked I was to one, hear someone other than Will in front of me, and two, feel my legs again.

When I was still alive I was bedridden for a good few years before I died and during that time I almost always used a wheelchair to get around certain places or to go down the street.

So now I have face-planted onto the floor in front of what looks like a drill sergeant and 30 other people.

Someone who I think is the drill sergeant looks down at me and yells into my ears saying," WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD YOU ARE IN THE ARMY NOW GET USED TO IT!"

I immediately put my hands over my ears and tried to get up to stand and salute the drill sergeant.

The sergeant looks at me again before saying, "That's your first warning since it's the first day, however you have to do 5 extra laps for today."

However, when most people would have sighed at the mention of running more than the others, I was excited to finally try out my legs which I haven't been able to use since a few years ago.

I responded immediately because I had seen it on tv shows where if they didn't respond the poor soldier would have to do more laps.


The drill sergeant looked at me and said, "Everyone go wash up we're starting training at 0700 hours"

The bunks were then filled up with the shouts of 30 young soldiers yelling, "SIR, YES SIR!"

I got myself out from the bunks and into the bathrooms that were nearby.

I examined myself in the mirror on the wall to see a person with grey wavy hair and a muscular build.

He looked like he needed a shave and had on usual training clothes that you would normally see at any training camp.

'Damn I look fine as hell'

The system started talking again and said, 'Hey could you maybe stop checking yourself out in the mirror and receive your mission for today?'

Oh yeah I forgot about that

'Alright, what is the mission for today?'

The system then brought up the mission that I had to do for today.

F Rank: increase your strength in the next week by 2

Push-Ups: 0/100

Squats: 0/100

Sit-Ups: 0/100

Run: 0/10km

Complete: Every day if you complete this you will get .25 strength

Failure: Look at the small boi that isn't strong

Alrighty, this seems to be like how people increased their strength in web novels so I guess I'm no different.

I ignored the failure statement and got ready to start boot camp training for the next two months.

I got ready and ran out of the bunks to see obstacle courses, a firearm range, and the base where the higher-ups do their work.

I ran over to where my group should be and got into formation to start training.

As I got into formation I saw another guy about my age get into the same line as I did and he said hi to me.

It took me a second to realize that the guy who said hi to me was my bunkmate that I almost fell onto when I got the sh*t scared out of me when the sergeant woke me up.

The guy tapped my shoulder and said, "Hey sorry for not waking you up this morning, the name is Freddy." as he extended his hand to me.

I have never been a good people person but I can work on that while I'm here.

I clasped his hand, "Nice to meet you I'm Max, I just got here so I'm kinda new to this sorta stuff.

After a few minutes of courtesies and talking the drill sergeant came out to speak to the people in formation.

"Listen up cadets, today we are going to run through the obstacle course and try to find the top two people with the fastest time, and those two people will represent our squad in an elite squad that will have more rigorous training." the sergeant said.

As soon as the sergeant said that a mission popped up in front of me.

Rank F: Complete The Obstacle Course As One Of The Top Two Scorers

If Completed:+2 Agility

Failure: Not Qualified for System

My eyes about popped out of their socket because if I didn't complete this mission I will be sent to limbo, and there is no way in hell that I'm going back there.

Everybody got into the starting line and got ready to race.

The sergeant got up in the front and blew his whistle and we were off to the races, it felt like I was racing for my life.

I ran as fast as I possibly could and crawled and jumped doing whatever was needed to get to the end the fastest.

Two people were in front of me, however one person lost their footing and fell into the muddy landscape and I was able to take the victory as runner up.

I about cried right there on the muddy training field because it meant that I was able to keep myself from being sent into limbo.

Luckily I kept it in as my bunkmates congratulated me into going to the elite platoon.

Freddy came over with a huge grin on his face and high-fived me as he said, "Looks like we're both getting into the same squad aren't we."

I then realized he was the person I was chasing after and had a big happy go lucky smile on my face as we both realized we would be brothers going into the same squad.

I checked my status really quickly and...

Max Bridger


Strength: 10






No Special Talent at the moment

And I realized I was ready for boot camp to really start now.
