
Godly Abomination Returns

[ON HIATUS] Alusec, the abominable god-king, betrayed by his lover, student and several other gods; finally escapes imprisonment after being kept away for several thousand years. Upon his return, he discovered the planets he lorded over had long been destroyed by the gods who betrayed him. He sets out on a path of revenge while slowly recovering his original abilities. With time he would find out that things aren't as simple as he initially assumed. Follow Alusec on a bloody road of revenge and new self discovery as he decimates his enemies and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. This is my first work so don't expect it to be as great as my second work » The Bloodline System I was still inexperienced when writing this so the quality and style might not be to your liking.

TimVic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

The hunt begins (Part 1)

In the celestial throne room, which was thrice the size of a soccer field, large statues of humanoid figures could be seen at the corners of the walls forming two lines on both sides. One large Statue of a semi-nude man held a thunder Bolt in his right hand, while another could be seen spitting out fire from his mouth. At the front, a particular Statue stood out, it was the statue of a man who was wearing black flowing robes with an insignia 'A' on the left chest area, he had long dreadlocks which covered part of his face while he crossed his arms. Some orb looking items could be seen floating around him.

At the front of the throne room, few steps could be seen, which led to an exalted area where there was a huge golden throne with a hint of silver and glowing diamonds embedded into several areas. Four huge glowing silver pillars could be seen standing at the four corners of the exalted area. A person could be seen sitting on the throne, with a floating crown above his head, he had a long blue colored hair with several silver strands and was laced in red robes with dragon engravings on them, while several shiny ornaments could be seen on his neck and hands. He also had a handsome look while resting his elbow on the handle of the throne and using it to support his chin. This was the same person who appeared to Alusec when he was still imprisoned in the diminishing void. Silhouettes of three people floating while crossing their legs in the air could also be seen in front of him.

They were all facing the person on the throne before, obviously deep in conversation when a person interrupted their meeting, they all turned to face the opposite direction to see who had the guts to intrude on their discussion if he or she had lived long enough and decided to forfeit their right to live.

While Vorilion was walking towards the throne area, Calicrum already knew that he was the one who intruded, but before he could speak...

"Die you maggot." A loud feminine voice was heard and one of the people floating in the air flew with speed towards Vorilion.

She conjured up thousands of huge icicles in a second out of thin air and hurled them towards Vorilion. It was so fast and unexpected that the others couldn't react in time. The icicles slammed into the area where Vorilion was standing and a huge mist was formed from the severe drop in temperature, covering the entire throne room.

"goddess Vera, why did you kill the old man without even letting us know what he was here for?" One of the persons floating asked calmly, not surprised that she just attacked and killed someone because she was known as 'Vera the impulsive', a name befitting her character. Vera was a goddess who had human looks with fair skin, beautiful facial features, glowing white hair, and an hourglass figure, her white robes had a slit reaching her left thigh.

"Weaklings need to know that messing with gods means digging your own grave..." she replied without any sign of emotions on her face.

"You should learn how to respect your elders, little girl." A voice was heard from inside the mist, which immediately made them all look at the mist with shock.


The mist cleared up and Vorilion could be seen without a scratch on his body, even his robes were not damaged in the slightest, but the same could not be said for the guard who followed him there. The guard was already skewered beyond recognition as several icicles penetrated his armor in multiple areas as blood could be seen pouring out, he was at the edge of the range where Vera's attacked but he was still hit by little icicles and was on his last breath.

"How did you survive my attack?" Vera questioned in disbelief.

"You call that an attack," Vorilion answered while jesting.

"Don't get cocky geezer, I only used a tenth of my power, but this time around, I won't go easy on you.." she replied and prepared to attack again.

"Stop it, Vera!" Calicrum commanded, and Vera immediately returned back to her initial position pouting.

"To what do I owe this unexpected visit, Lord Vorilion," Calicrum asked.

When his name was finally mentioned, the gods were shocked, because it was a name they had heard before. Lord Vorilion, one of the oldest and most powerful guardians in the universe who lorded over 'the diminishing void'.

'No wonder my attack didn't work, if I remember clearly he has the restriction source. He must have restricted the force behind my attack, sneaky old geezer', Vera thought with displeasure in her mind.

Vorilion walked up the stairs and spoke when he was in front of the throne, "We have an urgent situation, but first save that guard, he is only here because of me." He pointed at the guard who was on his last breath.

"Very well." Calicrum agreed to his demand knowing fully well that he wouldn't reveal the information if he disagreed.

Calicrum stretched out his palm towards the direction of the guard and chanted in his mind...

'Time recalibration'

A silver runic circle could be seen around his palm, he rotated his palm anticlockwise, and then, one by one the icicles were pulling out of the guard's body and disappearing as his wounds closed up. In a few seconds, the guard was alive and kicking once again like nothing happened.

"Tch! fussing over the death of a low life." Vera snorted at Vorilions' saint-like attitude, she obviously disregarded the lives of others.

"So, do you mind telling me what's so important for you to barge into my throne room uninvited?" Calicrum asked, not paying any mind to Vera's tantrums.

"He escaped," Vorilion answered immediately.

Calicrum sat up with a solemn look on his face as soon as he heard that.

"By he, do you mean my teacher?" Calicrum asked in disbelief.

"You're still calling him that after your betrayal?" Vorilion asked rhetorically.

"I betrayed him for the betterment of the universe, he was a threat," Calicrum answered in his defense.

'Hypocrite' Vorilion thought in his mind.

The three gods floating in the air were surprised by the development as they wondered, who the person was that would make a God-king look this scared. They could see the fear on his face.

"H-how did he escape? W-where i-is he?" Calicrum asked while stammering.

"Calm down, god-king Calicrum, whoever this person is, I can assure you that they're of no threat to us." The male god floating on the left side finally spoke.

"Of no threat you say..... hahaha .... Abilech, do you know who this person is?" Calicrum asked while laughing in self-ridicule.

The faces of everyone looked puzzled except for Vorilion's.

"HE IS ALUSEC!" Calicrum shouted out.

Another chapter coming 1/2

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