
Roro, The Chief

A third world war broke in, they said. It's believed that this island is the only thing that remains up float after God stepped in to end the war.

After he saw how good the people living here had been, he spared them from famines, plagues, and natural disasters. Everyone feels proud whenever they heard that story. For me, it just sounds ridiculous, and I'm not alone. Many tried to set sail to disprove it. Unfortunately, even to these days, none of them return.

According to the chief, they're eaten by the sea monsters far from the island. They start to show up around the world to occupy the undisturbed lands and seas. It can be the case, but I refuse to believe it.

There should be more to the world. What about the world that God lives? If there are billions of people around the world, for sure, all of the good ones who prayed to God didn't just happen to find and stay on this island during the war. If God cares about the people who prayed for him, then he should give them a blissful life.

Just thinking about it disgusts me. Three years ago, this island was hit by an epidemic. Many died, including my religious parents and friends. That incident changed me. Since then, I have decided to only believe in the tangible and visible.

After passing the steep terrains, we finally arrive in the village. It's already twilight. Children are busy lighting the torches on the wooden bridges. The wooden bridges are tied with wild vines. They look like spider webs from afar. They stretch from the woods to the shore, connecting tree houses and sea houses.

Raquel enthusiastically pushes me to his father's lair, not far from where we're standing. The bridge wiggles as we cross but that's not a concern. I'm more concerned about meeting Raquel's father. He's not someone that listens to reasons.

"You're here." Roro, the chief is nothing like his daughter. He has thick muscles, from his back to toes. He has hands that can kill a bear. If it just any elder in this village, I'll gladly show my smug face as I break their beliefs on religion.

I sat quietly on the floor across him with my head down just like I always do. I might look like an obedient son from afar but this is actually a strategy I called pretend-to-listen-while-sleeping-to-the-chief's-unrealistic long lecture.

"As the next chief of this town, you have big responsibilities on your shoulder son. You're going to be the leader of the last group of human beings in the world! To lead a prosperous life, you need to dive deeper into the 'adji'." Roro started his spiel. For me, it's a bedtime story.

"You're about to get wed by my daughter! Do you know how important your role is?!"

Roro's loud and furious voice wakes me up from the short slumber. Ah, that's right. Three days from now, I'm going to be 21. I don't have that much time left. Forget about doing this and that with my childhood friend. I'm going to be a leader of a fanatic tribe!

"Don't give me that I-don't-want-that-position-look! If I had a choice, I would have tossed you to the sea a long time ago. Unfortunately, all of the boys at your age died from that epidemic." Roro massaged his forehead. I know that he's just as disappointed as me.

"I don't have what it takes to lead the island. If you like, you should let Racquel handle it alone."

Roro smiled. If smiles can kill, I'm sure I'm dead by now. I can feel the menace.

"Are you saying that my daughter should go old alone or date a six-year-old kid?" He finished his sentence by crushing the left arm of his stone chair. He then cracked the joints of his right hand, reminding me that he can still crush more, like my strong head.

I fell silent. The oldest boy next to my age is a six-year-old child. Following Adji's age of consent for marriage, Raquel will be 36 years old when that child comes of age. The chief is afraid that his daughter will develop complications from pregnancy.

Tsk. It's because of Adji again! If only it has a lower age of consent. If I'll truly become a chief in the future, I'll certainly demolish it along with its fanatic council! Though, I'll rather die than become one.

"Son, master the adji. You need to believe in God to keep this land safe. It's not yet too late to discover and learn to control your God-given talent. I'm sure you'll make it."

I can certainly feel that Roro cares. I could have appreciated it if what he's saying makes sense, but as a rational being, he looks like nothing but a fool with a crown. I refuse to become like him in the future.

Roro placed his hand on my head. For a minute, I thought he's going to crush my skull but to my relieved, he patted my head and look at me with kindness.

"Can you master the adji for just three days until your birthday? If you do that, I'll tell you everything I know about this world."

Huh? Everything you know about this world is a complete lie! Why should I need to listen to more?

I wanted to blurt that out but I can't. Ever since my parents died from the epidemic, he took me in. He gave me home and visited me when I'm sick. For that moment, I thought Ah, I have to repay this old man's kindness.

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