
School for gods

I was flying just now, humans can't fly, can they?

Tori was still holding me tightly out of fear and Porue was lying hurt on the ground.

I screamed if anyone can help the poor bird, but no one arrived.

(Sadoki)"Someone! There is a hurt animal here! Please, someome!"

I kept screaming for help until I heard a voice behind me, I look behind me and see a man.

(???)"Hello, I see you need my help with healing your bird."

(Sadoki)"Yes, he got hurt, can you help us?"

(???)"Ok, no need to panic, it's not a big wound."

The mysterious guy put his hand on the wound, it was unpleasant for Porue, and green lights started coming from there.

After a few seconds, the wound healed.

(Sadoki)"Amazing! How did you do that?"

(???)"It's my godpower, to destroy and to heal"

I start to believe I am around actual gods.

The would on Porue's wing has healed completely.

(Tori)"Porue! Please don't scare me like this."

Tori started sobbing, she cares a lot about her bird.

(???)"The name's Miy btw."

(Sadoki & Tori)"Thank you Miy."

(miy)"No worries, I am glad you are my first patients."


(Miy)"I am on my way to godschool, what about you?"

Not knowing where me and Tori heading exactly, I stay quiet.

(Tori)"We are going there too."

Wait, what? Really? But I already have school in my own world, what do I do?...

Without being able to speak my mind, It seems that the three of us are heading to that godschool.

(Tori)"Hey Sadoki, If you can fly, why did you fall earlier?"

(Sadoki)"Umm... I didn't know I could fly..."

It seems Tori, Miy and even Porue were shocked.

(Tori & Miy)"WHAT???"

Yup... They are shocked.

(Miy)"All newborn gods know their powers, how come you don't?"

(Sadoki)"I got no clue."

(Tori)"You're a really strange git"

(Sadoki)"What's git?"

(Tori)"It means god in training of course."

I feel like I heard the word git before but it was a completly different thing.

We started walking towards this godschool, since porue was hurt, he had to rest from flying and we couldn't ride him and had to walk on foot.

Why am I in a world full of gods? And how come I could fly? Did I actually die and got reincarnated?

Nah... I still have my own body, it can't be reincarnation, so was I teleported here? It doesn't explain my flying ability though...

(Miy)"Sadoki? You ok? Hello?"

Oh crap, I was lost in thoughts and didn't notice Miy talked to me.

(Sadoki)"Ah, sorry, I was lost in thoughts, what did you say?"

(Tori)"We are near the godschool gates."

We arrived to the godschool's gates, it's so massive, amazing.


The gates guards arrived.

(guard#1)"Please show me your ID."

I see Gods have IDs too.

Crap... Idk where mine is.

Tori and Miy have raised their hands in front of him, and he let them pass.

What about their IDs?

(guard#1)"Hey git, you're awake?"

(guard#2)"I think he is in a comma. hahahaha"

(Sadoki)"I'm awake!"

I raised my hand like Tori and Miy did and a glowing card popped in front of it, so that's my ID, wow. I wonder why I couldn't see Miy and Tori's IDs

I was then allowed inside the godschool, Tori and Miy were waiting for me.

I Take a look around the godschool, it looks like a palace.

I might be already charmed by this new world and godschool.

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