
3 Days Later

30 miles south of Pale-Blood castle there was a small village called Blood Treant Village. On this dark night, the full moon could be seen radiating a bloody glow. It was a blood moon. aside so rare even on this continent that it was documented as one of the marvels of this world. The night air was unusually chilly, so in fact that it seemed to blow right through your skin to your bones and back out through the other side of your body.

In the village there was a small Hut located Northeast from the center of the village. Inside the hut four people could be seen. On a crudely made bed laid a woman of fair complexion and features screaming in pain. She had a oval shaped face with crystal blue eyes and there was bulge where her stomach was located. Due to her wailing, from her mouth two vicious fangs could be seen protruding out of her gums. "AHHHHHH! It hurts William, IT HURTS SO MUCH." The man called William hurried over to his wife's side. He was average height for an adult male on the Verwood continent, standing at about 5'9. He average looks at a glance, but with a closer look his blood red eyes and chiseled jawline made him look quite handsome.

"Mary grab some more warm water from the kitchen." Said the other man in the room. "Okay Gregory, I'm going right now." Mary rushed into the kitchen, meanwhile William was still holding his wife's hand. "Elizabeth what's wrong, why are you in so much pain?" " I feel like I'm being drained, t-t-the baby is feeding on my life force. S-Shes calling to me, telling me to offer her everything or all is lost." Elizabeth said in a daze, her eyes glazed over as if she was in the present world. "MARY, I NEED MARY!" " Mary do you have that warm water yet?" Said Gregory with concern in his voice.

Secs later Mary came bursting through the door. " I got the water. Elizabeth can you hear me?" "The baby's coming, AHHHHHH!" Outside the hut the blood moon began changing, the bloody light transformed into a purple hue. A purple glow surrounded the hut. A baby could be seen held up in the air. A blue and white Halo sat atop her head. she had deep purple eyes that made you feel lost if one stared into them too long. "She's beautiful, Aria, she will be named Aria." Said Elizabeth, happiness appernt in in her voice.

Her face full of tears, the hardest part now over, she closed her eyes slipping into an eternal sleep. Her hands falling to the side of the bed, devoid of all life. "Elizabeth!" Grief washed over William. "Gregory, ready the horses. We must ride to his Majesty's Castle tonight. This child is too precious to be raised in this backwater village." " Okay Brother," from the moment he saw that halo he knew his daughter was destined for greatness.

In the West side of castle Pale-Blood the Dukes study was located. In the room a tall muscler man could be seen holding a child. "Godfrey I know how smart you are and I know you can understand my words. I don't know if you are a reincarnated being, so even though you are my son I'm still going to play it safe and explain some things to you. Siegfried opened his mouth for the child to see, two long and vicious fangs where seen hanging from his mouth. He closed his mouth and said, " We are Vampires, an ancient and powerful race. We were once human but our forefather, the 'Night Walker' Vladimir Bloodmister. His clan had a bloodline that could control blood. He was a once in a million years genius, just like you but not quite. He was born with a 5 colored Halo. Vladimir had a thirst for breaking the rules, he would break any 'box' you would try to put him in. After years of training he had finally broken the finally box.

Vladimir Bloodmister did something only the few could do, he broke past his bloodline and made his own. One day in the forest of a thousand horrors on this very continent, he stumbled upon a vampiric bloodfiend. These creatures looked like giant bats but a bit demonic. Standing at 3 meters tall, they were covered in black fur and had a wing span of 5 to 6 meters. On top of their head two horns could be seen just barely sticking out of their heads. They had razor sharp teeth with two long and vicious looking fangs. Their claws didn't lose out to the sharpness of their teeth, possibly even more deadly.

The vampiric bloodfiend in front of Vladimir was different from the rest. It was standing at almost 4 meters tall upright with almost double in wingspan. On it's body red fur could be seen all over. There were no horns on it's head and instead of blood red eyes, it was pitch black instead. But the most important thing of all, it was severely injured. Vladimir saw this as his chance to break the finally 'box'. He walked over to the vampiric bloodfiend, reached into it's mouth and ripped out it's two elongated teeth. He then ripped out his two canines and replaced them with the elongated teeth.

After the process of was done he used healing magic on his teeth to integrate his new teeth. Slow they began to change size and shape to match the size of his mouth. He walked closer to the beast and bent down to it's neck. Vladimir opened his maw and dug into it's flesh, he began draining it dry. The beast howled in pain and despair, the life leaving it's body. Vladimir drained it of every drop of blood essence. His eyes turning pitch black and his skin becoming paler. "This is the story of the forefather passed down for generations." Siegfried looked into the eyes of his son in his arms after telling his tale. Godfrey's eyes shone as if he understood every word. Siegfried sighed, "ahh, a bright future awaits our kingdom."

phew(wipes off sweat) another chapter down. Time to get some rest and recharge the thinking cells. Don't forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think

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