
Goddess Of Origin : Stella

Tags: #FemaleLead #OverPowered #Invincible #StrongToStronger #Romance #Magic #Technology #MultipleWorlds #Medieval #Modern #Futuristic Follow a mysterious girl on her journey to find the meaning of her existence. Watch her unravel the meaning of life and death, time and eternity. But she can take things slowly at her own pace, as time is something she does not lack. Is she kind or cruel? Good or evil? Will she watch with apathy as Gods and mortals perish? Or will she lend a helping hand? Nobody knows. However, as the fate of infinite universes and realities falls into her hand, the burden of responsibility she has to carry has no limits either. She's not naive, nor weak, but most certainly, she's adorable. [??? POV Synopsis] Life, death, creation, and destruction. All obey the flow of time. Kindness and cruelty, good and evil, joy and sorrow, everything becomes irrelevant. Gods rise, civilizations develop, people usher in prosperity. Yet nothing stands the ravages of time. Immortal and all-powerful Gods fall, the flame of stars dim, reality itself collapses. Finally, even time itself breaks down as reality ceases to exist. All of creation came from a single source, and after destruction, they will return there once again. All shall fade away to the Origin. So step forth, start your journey across worlds, universes, and infinite branches of reality. When all of the Primordials fall, their responsibilities and burdens will be yours to shoulder. But even if all fades away, you will not. You are the only eternal existence. You are the last and greatest creation I have accomplished.  As the Origin, I endured eternal loneliness, I've seen countless of my creations fade away. And so I created you as an eternal existence due to my selfishness, preordained to be lonely together. However, your love is the only thing that prevented me from giving up on all I had created. Your love and companionship truly gave me the reason to live through eternity as a sentient being. Tales of my journey are long lost in the threads of time. However, I'm interested in yours and I would love to join you on your journey. So, when the time comes, stand by my side and accompany me in the loneliness of eternity. And I look forward to the amazing feats that you'll accomplish as my Goddess, Stella.

EggYolkSauce · Fantasy
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32 Chs


Stella was shocked to see so much information about herself. Looking at the plethora of abilities she had, she was speechless.

'I don't feel any different from before. So did I have all these abilities from the start?'

She looked at [Infinite Regeneration] and [Infinite Strength] and felt that something was wrong. Was it possible for her to regenerate her body infinitely? It seems to be the case, But she had no interest in finding out.

However, she was equally puzzled with [Infinite Strength] as well. Can her kick destabilize or shatter the planet? She didn't want to try it out either.

Instead, she came in front of a house and thought, 'I apologize in advance to whoever this house belongs to, or belonged to be exact.' As she lightly punched the house.


An abrupt sound can be heard as the entire building is shattered and gets blown away by sheer force.

Her jaws dropped looking at the result of the simple punch she gave out. She got hold of another crazy idea as she lowered her body and pushed her legs to jump.

The entire stone-paved road cracked and sunk as she ascended into the sky with a sonic boom. Her speed hardly slowed down as she reached over ten kilometers in height.

"This is amazing!!!" She screamed as she reached the clouds and beyond. After a while, she stopped gaining height.

"Wait, what do I do now?" She was getting nervous about the prospect of falling 15 kilometers.


She screamed and wiggled in the air trying to grasp an imaginary object, trying to break her fall. But there was none.

She kept falling and she kept screaming. However, falling more than 15 kilometers took a little bit of time.

She gradually calmed down and remembered her absurd abilities. Suddenly she felt much calmer.

As the ground came nearer, she braced for impact.

Another large and abnormal sound was heard as she charged into the ground face first. Chunks of stone and earth were flying into the air.

A muddy little girl crawled out of the hole. Her beautiful white hair, gorgeous face, and silky dress were stained with mud. Her face looked as if she had eaten mud. And indeed she did in fact.

"Yuck, ugh, this is horrible. My face hurts. My tummy is swirling. " she felt like vomiting. But there was nothing to throw up. Her stomach felt empty. 'Huh, what happened to my sweet little cupcakes that I just ate? Where are they?'

She used her newly discovered ability [Gaze of ######] to look at her body. As she activated this ability, her eyes turned blue, swirling cosmic auras started glittering in her eyes.

However, when she focused on her body, She received a much bigger shock. Her body was glowing dazzlingly like a bright star. Her entire body was composed of pure unknown and mystical energy.

It was a major shock for her. 'What kind of existence am I?' She was shaken to her core. She decided to observe more. She took out a cake and started eating it. As it went into her stomach, it directly turned into energy.

She finally realized what was going on. 'So all of my organs are just decorations? I don't need them at all. Is it just to emulate a living being? Can I modify my outer appearance?' she thought to herself and tried to modify her appearance.

But she failed. she couldn't modify her body at all. She was physically 7 years old, but she knew she was definitely much older. She was stuck being a child physically for mysterious reasons. But looking at her body again, she finally remembered an event. She used [Eye of ######] on her again, but to gain information this time.

[ Name: Stella

Title: Adorable Fluffball

Age: 7/14 <Due to the title, 'Adorable Fluffball', cannot age further than 14 physically. Any kind of Appearance modification is unavailable> ]

She finally realized what was going on. Her physical growth was restricted initially at 7 years. But after one of her antics, she was "rewarded" and the restriction changed to 14. She was unsure before but could feel the changes.

Despite having the memories of the person involved in her antics sealed, she could remember their interactions as clearly as daytime.

'Hmmph, whatever. I'm definitely more than 14 years old. I'm not a kid!' She kept grumbling about her being short.

Little did she know, getting this title to restrict her physical growth at 14 years instead of 7 was actually both her punishment and pity for trying to be mischievous with the snack sender a few months ago. She ultimately failed, comically.

However, she decided to ignore this matter altogether, as according to her, she wasn't in the wrong. But what mischievous endeavor caused this punishment, it's better left to the imagination. And for the curious ones, it's a tale for another time.

She decided to put this matter onto the back of her head and started to focus on something productive instead. Such as finding a way to clean the dirt that's stuck on her entire face and clothes

But before that, she needed to keep her strength under control. As she thought about it, a prompt opened from her [Infinite Strength] ability itself.

[ • Adjust strength limiter:

- Infinite <Limitless>

- Automatic <Static>

- Adaptive <Dynamic>

- Custom: __________ ]

Stella chose the adaptive option as it was the most convenient. It would adjust her strength subconsciously depending on her mental state.

With the issue of excessive strength out of the way, Stella looked at her elemental authority and studied its effects for a while. It seemed like she could manipulate elements at will.

So she started with [Wind Elemental Authority] as she felt it was the easiest.

She tried to make a wind current with her will but failed.

'Hmm, it seems innate abilities and external abilities are different. innate abilities are much easier to process.' she was not disappointed and tried a couple more times. Most of the attempts failed but some of them produced a small breeze. So she practiced for some time and finally produced a strong sustained current.

'So is this magic? Doesn't magic need magical powers, mana, or whatever? I don't feel anything draining though.'

She kept practicing more and more and eventually, her proficiency became good enough that she could manipulate the air around her to make her body float.

Basically, she learned to fly. She zoomed across the air with a foolish grin on her face. ' If I managed to fly earlier, I wouldn't have to eat and roll in the mud.' she was still butthurt about the face first landing on the ground.

And so she practiced all four of the [Elemental Authority]. [Fire Elemental Authority] was easy, [Water Elemental Authority] was a bit hard and [Earth Elemental Authority] was the hardest.

She only got the basic mastery over the basic elements. She couldn't manipulate or create ice, lightning, or stones and minerals yet. She felt it would need much more practice to manipulate them.

She washed herself by creating a stream of water above her head and then dried herself with a heated air current.

'I've become pretty good at basic elemental manipulation and mixing them together.' she thought to herself as she looked at the most interesting innate ability called [Absolute Protection]. She studied its effects with [Gaze of ######] and she was stunned.

It seems her body is absolutely indestructible.

'Apparently, it's impossible for me to break any bones, get pierced, get chopped, get slashed, get squashed, get burned, or explode into tiny chunks of flesh. Phew, that's a lot of safety. The highest amount of damage I'll be inflicted with seems to be a tingle? What is wrong with my existence? I feel scared of myself.

No wonder I felt nothing falling from so high in the sky. Even my soul is indestructible. These damage and manipulation immunities seem super important too but I have no way to test these effects.'

Finally, her focus went to the [Absolute Authority]

As she studied their details, she was speechless yet again. 'I have control over space-time? Excuse me?? I know I can open and create subspaces and somehow stop time with my consciousness, but still, this is a lot to take in.'

She eventually calmed herself down. 'Okay, messing with them seems like a bad idea. Let's leave them alone.'

She floated in the air and started flying towards the East. When falling from the sky, she saw a small village that way.

As she was flying towards the village at an extremely high altitude, she had the sudden enlightenment to use her [Space Authority] to experiment with speeding up.

As they say, curiosity killed the cat. it was definitely not a good idea. Just as she invoked her [Space Authority], the entire space around her became unstable. She tried to reverse the process but opened a spatial tear that started sucking her in instead.

She couldn't even scream this time as she was pulled in immediately as the space repaired itself moments after, leaving no traces behind.