2 Why

Sarah, put her finger on her lip charmingly saying "Leo you really don't understand this world, everything I've done up to this point is for my one goal and you was just another stone to step on, to get closer to it", Sarah walks up to Leo unafraid of the guards eyeing her down gently rubbing her slim delicate hand on his chest looking up to Leo with her star gazed eyes.

"Ding! 1000 Godly points acquired!"

Sarah eyed Leo down almost faltering "You ask why I do this, I do this because my life depends on it, my life needs it, my life knows it's just a intoxicating drug like a child longing for its imaginary friend to come back" Sarah unbuttons Leo's suit revealing his toned pale muscular body

"Ding! 1000 godly beauty points acquired!"

All the guards took their guns out and pointed them at Sarah at a seconds pace once she finished her words. "Disperse." Sarah says with a smile of danger on it. All the guns disappeared out of their hands as if they were never there "Now Now let's not get to feisty unless unwanted things needs to occur" Sarah says mischievously. The guards and guest hurriedly ran to exit the grand hall noticing that the door was locked

'A shame that the only thing that they'll remember me as is some witch like vixen who seduces everybody she sees' Sarah sadly thought releasing a soft sigh

"Don't intervene, listen to her" Leo eyes her thinking 'At this woman's hands isn't she doing a little to much, will she just tear down my respect one by one' Leo thought to himself.

"So the reason you're doing this is because it's your mission, but what does this so called mission have to do with involving my love and emotions?" Leo said with his eyebrows lifting up dangerously curiously.

"Everything of course, my reason for doing all of this is simply because it is required to do, to fulfill my missions" Sarah says bluntly with a look of concern.

meanwhile... 'Master can you hurry up and get this over with?' The annoying system said in Sarah's mind, Sarah yelled inside her conscious 'Stop pestering me, you put me in this position in the first place! shameful system'
