
Bigger Threat

One month later

Royal stables of the Prince of Pentos ( Formerly)

"Horses … beautiful creatures they are .Once wild creatures centuries ago but now tamed by human ingenuity and skill . What is wild needs to be tamed for advancement and service, used to help and make life easier , but when they are no longer useful and are a burden there is only one fate reserved for these beautiful creatures , a mercy some would say and that is death ." The king expresses as he fed his black stallion an apple while rubbing its head.

" So tell me captain , do you think whats burdensome should be removed ? " Baldwin finished as he now stared at the possible new commander of the remaining 18 warships that had not been able to flee in the invasion. The previous commander had been imprisoned due to his lack of … competence and his loyalty to the former state.

"Even the greatest of burdens can upraise one instead of pulling him down. Kill them you will because they are useless or if they're legs are broken or injured beyond means to heal yes , but when they die i shall use every scrap of their remains either Food , leather and any other way possible. Anything thats useful no matter the means should be used to aid in any situation that arises" The middle aged man said plainly .

"Hahaha" The king chuckled in amusement

"Cunning , and wise you are Axter Tuloc and experienced as i've heard . Before joining the Pentoshi navy you served as captain upon escort ships for mercantile vessels for 13 years . Axter Tuloc , I would name you the first admiral of my new born empire . What do you say ? " Baldwin offered.

"Well my lord i would be honored to accept such a position!" The gruff looking man accepted in surprise

"I'd imagine you have such men under your wing with experience and know how to command and navigate a ship. Though some of these vessels will be remanned with my men of which shall be a majority out of those you may choose if you understand, but have no fear of their experience for these men had spend a lot of time on ships and the rest will have to learn quickly . But none are capably of navigating in such unknown waters such as these . " Baldwin informed.

"I see my lord, they can be trained up to standards but it will take some time"Axter Tuloc vouched .

It was rather dismaying that with such a vast army of 40,000 men a land force obviously but there were few that could be called upon to take charge to help navigate a ship or be ship hands and guards . Understandably it was the land force that was swept away and transported not the navy and army which posed a problems to securing his power structure.

For example he had to place a local in charge of the navy but fill the ships with his loyal men to ensure that such man in charge didn't steal and sail away with the former pentoshi vessels to God knows where .

—— —— ——

Siege of Qohor


"Move !!!"

"Get up the ladder !!"

"Push forward!! We are almost there !Those cockless twats don't have the balls to keep this up any longer . They will break soon! . Archers! continue the onslaught make sure those those fuckers keep their head down even if you cant shoot them in the face!" Company Captain Edrain ordered practically roared out as it was chaotic and noisy as any battlefield would be . The siege of the western walls was tasked to him and he would see his men scale them and get towards the pagan cowards.

The casualties were climbing on their side , attacking a properly defended position would go badly for the attackers in all cases.

But there were a many that threw themself at the opportunity to bring low their enemies who manned these high walls .

And the The knights Templars were the many.

Fueled by fanatic fervor the templars were at the helm of the siege . They wanted to be the first to get into the city and be the heroes that would wipe out the heretic disease and devil worshippers within those walls . And their efforts were not for naught , even as the greatest warriors in the east , the unsullied lacked proper armor and this weakness would lead to their downfall along with their lack of numbers .

Previously numbered at 4000, within three weeks that was cut down to 2 even less. And the christian side lost approximately the same number if not a little bit more .

"The gate has fallen!! "

"The gate has fallen!" A soldier roared out followed by others who joined his outcry.

"Stay in formation and scale those fucking walls!!" If the gate had fallen then it was strategically better to push forward and climb the wall in-front with even more haste as some of the soldiers atop would abandon their position and reinforce their main entrance leaving this front weakened.

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It was with pleasure creaing this fanfic. I truly hope you enjoy it.

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