
God sent

In a war-torn setting, "God Sent" unfolds the story of Demion William and Princess Elizabeth Shaw. Demion, burdened by the chaos of conflict, finds solace in Elizabeth, a woman of remarkable humility and grace. Despite her lack of power or grandeur, Elizabeth's presence is a beacon of hope and strength for Demion. As their bond deepens, Elizabeth's unwavering support becomes pivotal in Demion's journey, revealing her as the embodiment of divine providence in his life. Through her quiet strength and unwavering devotion, Elizabeth emerges as the "God sent" figure, offering light in the darkness of war.

Joshua_Titilayo · War
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16 Chs

Demion's Pride

Chapter 11: Demion's Pride

Demion stood in his room, the flickering light of the torches casting dancing shadows on the walls. He was lost in thought, his mind wandering to the battles ahead, the weight of leadership heavy on his shoulders. Suddenly, the door burst open, and his baby sister Kara rushed in, followed by their mother, Queen Lilian. Both women had tears in their eyes as they looked at him, their expressions a mix of pride and concern.

Kara was a vision of beauty, her womanly figure accentuated by the flowing robes she wore. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, and her dark hair cascaded down her back in a waterfall of curls. Queen Lilian, too, was stunning, her regal bearing softened by the tears that streaked her cheeks. Her presence filled the room, commanding attention and respect.

As they approached him, Demion was struck by the contrast between their beauty and the grim reality of war that surrounded them. He longed to protect them, to shield them from the horrors that lay ahead. But he knew that he couldn't. He had a duty to fulfill, a kingdom to protect.

"Demion," Kara said, her voice soft but determined. "We believe in you. We know that you will do whatever it takes to keep us safe."

Demion's heart swelled with pride at her words. He hugged Kara tightly, feeling her warmth and her love envelop him. Then he turned to his mother, who was watching them with a mixture of sadness and pride.

"Mother," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. "I will make you proud. I will protect our kingdom, no matter the cost."

Queen Lilian smiled through her tears, her hand reaching out to caress his cheek. "I know you will, my son. You have always been strong, always been brave. I have no doubt that you will succeed."

They stood there for a moment, a family united in their love and their determination. Then, with a final embrace, Kara and Queen Lilian left the room, leaving Demion alone with his thoughts.

As he watched them go, Demion knew that he had a difficult road ahead of him. But he also knew that he was not alone. He had his family's love and support, and that was enough to give him the strength to face whatever came his way.