14 Who Are You?

George slowly opens his eyes and his blurry vision clears. It was dark outside. It looked like nighttime. Now, the days and nights also became unclear; Showing clear signs of more destruction. He yawned widely and jumped out of his sleeping bag, Stretching his arms and looking at the moonless "night".

His eyes were wandering around the place. Suddenly they landed on a guy. He was drowning in a nearby river. The most shocking part was that he was not drowning but falling into a black hole inside the river; as if it had a mouth. George ran immediately to get a stick. He held a long wooden stick in his hand and shouted, "Here! Hold on to this!". Without thinking, the boy grabbed onto the rough wooden stick. George pulled the stick with all his strength. The boy tried to pull himself up at the same time. After a lot of struggle, the boy jumped out of the water like a giant fish while George fell flat on the ground, breathlessly.

After getting his breath back he asked, "Who are you? How did you get lost?" "...", the boy remained silent. "Huh?", George got confused. Why was this boy not replying? He gave a comforting and confused expression. Deep inside, the boy was a little suspicious of George but because of the lack of choices, he followed George to the cave.
