1 God said no more sunny days.

It's a Monday morning im stuck in class again as usual shitty weather as usual. Kodoku are you listening. The Teacher is bitching as usual. Ko do ku ..... ... your uh is approaching me today. you look well today lets eat together at lunch time. im nodding my head to that. im listening sir. I have my detention to serve next week.

No kodoku boy i meant the fucking lecture o sorry sir.A few hours than pass. i finish eating my lunch with ... than dediced to skip the rest of the school.

left through the school gate.

Than he continue walking by himself. Took his phone out and put one of his earbuds in, few minutes later .... stops for a moment I suddenly felt a gust of wind and intense pressure. and found my self in a unusal place.I was no longer in the city.

..... took a look around and mumble to himself he's in a different world. I took a walk around and saw group of people wearing black coats with white stripes. They were discussing something I had to walk a little closer to hear what they were talking about. ..... idk yet one of them noticed him he or she came rushing towards him he had his left hand behind his back I got scared shitless. I took a step back and was ready to swing.he appear in front of me and strikes me with a sword. It went right through my ribcage... took a few steps backwards and fell down to the ground crying for help ....!! the man kneel down, and look me straight in eye took his mask off and whisper into my ear I tell you this... I really dont know how I came here. I move my eyes side to ride looking for a way out all of a sudden a dark figure came out of nowhere and slam the guy that nearly killed me.Pick me and took off running and with his right palm he opened a hole and went right through it, were in what you can say a different relam one in which I have comple controll of.
