
God Of War's Destiny Line

Chang Yi, the god of war, managed to seal away the 300,000-year-old demon queen. To kill the demon queen, one must first collect her three soul cores scattered across the three realms of the world. But only the nine-tailed fox goddess could use the sacred sword Xylan to find the demon's soul core. Chang Yi was betrothed to the fox goddess, but until now, the fox goddess has never appeared in the heavenly realm. Celestial King Suchuan strictly forbade his younger brother Chang Yi to fall in love with any fairy. Instead, Chang Yi fell in love with the lowest caste flower fairy. This is where their journey begins.

Mlla_Pngst · Eastern
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Suchuan Sky


(Homage to Lord Chang Yi) 

All the fairies honored by the heavens are gathered and showing off their beauty to each other. They were hoping that Lord Chang Yi would take a glance at them. 

The fairies were talking about the arrival of Lord Chang Yi and talking to each other with their respective groups. But there was only one fairy who was alone there; that fairy was Fang Yin. 

[Lord Chang Yi has returned, salute Lord Chang Yi!] 

The sound of the soldiers' exclamation echoed in the hall of the celestial palace. Then they bowed their bodies, followed by the fairies, who also turned. 

"Chang Yi, you as the son of a god will also hold the title of God of War today. You have a burden and responsibility to all the people in heaven and the universe." 

Chang Yi lowered his body, folded his hands, and saluted his brother. 

Lord Yin Shi, who currently held the title of king of the sky, had the right and authority to punish and reward the people of the universe. 

"Thank you very much for the trust that the gods have placed in Chang Yi. Chang Yi will always prioritize the people above all else, protect the people, and also be able to bear all the suffering for the sake of the people in Suchuan sky!" 

Lord Chang Yi was honored so intensely because he was a child of God, but also because Lord Chang Yi had successfully sealed away the demon king who had shed a lot of blood in the Suchuan sky. 

Immortal Yin Shi immediately descended from the seat of power of the celestial palace, putting a sea-blue-colored crown on Immortal Chang Yi's head. The crown was made from a diamond spirit stone that existed in only one of the three realms of the world, only the descendants of the sky king possessed the spirit stone. 

The diamond spirit stone was designed to be a crown for Lord Chang Yi as a form of high honor because Lord Chang Yi had successfully purified his soul by descending into the mortal world and experiencing natural disasters. 

Natural disasters in the mortal world would undoubtedly result in significant risks if the Deity or Goddess did not pass. If they fail, their soul core will perish and vanish. They would not be able to return to being a god as before. 

As the prime minister's daughter, Jianying certainly had the privilege of interacting directly with Lord Chang Yi. Lord Chang Yi himself and Jianying had been childhood friends until when Chang Yi grew up, the two of them rarely met due to the celestial affairs Chang Yi had to complete. 

"Deity, Jianying gave this Peony flower to you. According to the records in the study book about Lord Chang Yi, the deity is very fond of this red peony flower. Please accept it." 

Jianying handed the red peonies to Lord Chang Yi, then bowed her head with a smile. 

Chang Yi accepted the flower, "Thank you very much, such a beautiful and fragrant flower." Chang Yi kissed the flower. 

"Peonies with eight nectars? Flowers from Si Ming Temple?" 

Jianying smiled at Lord Chang Yi. 

"The knowledgeable Lord Chang Yi would never misidentify this flower. The red peony with eight golden nectars can indeed only be found in Si Ming temple." 

Lord Chang Yi was still holding the flower, but his eyes rolled around like he was searching for someone in the crowd of fairies. Realizing that, Jianying felt terrible. 

"If the Deity doesn't like it, then Jianying will take the flower away. I'm sorry that Jianying was presumptuous in giving this flower to the deity. Jianying thought the deity would like it!"

Jianying was about to take the flower, but Lord Chang Yi refused. 

"No need. I love this flower. Thank you very much." 

All the fairies in the palace hall seemed envious that Fairy Jianying could have a close relationship with Lord Chang Yi. And not only that, Fairy Jianying was the only fairy who was allowed to give gifts directly to Lord Chang Yi. As for the rest, the fairies only left their blessings one by one to Aunt Xufeng. She was the celestial palace fairy who had cared for Lord Chang Yi since childhood. 

Chang Yi seemed to be paying attention to each of the fairies who were putting their gifts to Aunt Xufeng. 

Now it was Fang Yin's turn, and the girl was holding a sea-blue crystal stone that didn't look special. 

The fairies stared intently, giving each other feedback about the gift Fang Yin had brought for Lord Chang Yi. If there were fairies who brought precious items, that would be favored by Lord Chang Yi, but Fang Yin brought things that were not even found in the learning book of the gods. 

Every critical deity in the Heavenly Hall had its study book. It contains vital records about the deities' bios, struggles, kinship, and likes and dislikes. All these things have been summarized there. 

"Look at the chrysanthemum demon, he's carrying a strange item, just an ordinary crystal stone, Lord Chang Yi wouldn't like that item." 

"In Lord Chang Yi's study book, there's no mention of Lord Chang Yi liking that stone either." 

They called Fang Yin a flower demon, not only because of the soul core that came from the chrysanthemum flower but also because Fang Yin had the lowest caste in the position of fairies. 

Fang Yin kept her footing confidently, wearing a headdress of thousands of flowers, and her signature light-colored fairy dress, trying to remain confident about giving the gift. 

"Wait, what gift does the flower fairy want to give to the god?" asked Aunt Xufeng to Fang Yin. Suddenly, many eyes were drawn to her. 

"Aunt Feng, Fang Yin brought a sea-blue crystal stone. Fang Yin specially brought this crystal stone for Lord Chang Yi." 

"What's so special about this crystal stone? In the three realms of the world, there are so many similar crystal stones. You want to trivialize Lord Chang Yi with this cheap crystal stone?" 

Fang Yin shook his head, looking panicked by this misunderstanding. 

"That's not what Fang Yin meant. There are only two sea-blue crystal stones in the three worlds, one is in Haoution tower and the other is the teacher who owns it. Master Si Ming gave this crystal stone to Fang Yin, but today Fang Yin gave this crystal stone to Lord Chang Yi." 

"Looks like Lord Chang Yi doesn't like this gift of yours. There's also no mention in the textbook about deities' favorite things, so you can take it away!"