

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Closure...and running for life...

Everyone started leaving. Their business here was done. Most of them had acquired their goals.

Business men and politicians had come to spread their influence. Various connections were made.

One of the major reasons for the party was that. Everything went as planned. The Walkers wore happy smiles as they 'escorted' some figures.

Sheila looked at this with a neutral expression. At a high position like that, these geezers just became greedy for more power and influence.

Karl and Aina stood by the window. The group had left. Though Aria had told him she would appear anytime but he didn't know how.

They stood silently gazing outside. He couldn't help but inhale her fragrance. It was unique and intoxicating.

"You know she is a big sister figure to me. As you see she is a free spirit but at times very cold and ruthless that it gives me chills." Aina said looking at the disappearing cars. It was night time.

The moon illuminated the sky with a silver glow. The stars gave off a unique appearance. A cold breeze blew gently.

He turned towards her. It seemed everybody had their own story in life. She and Aria seemed closer than he thought.

"Why did you act strange when she came by?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Aria is very unique and her own being is very dangerous. She wears unique equipments which even I can't come to understand fully. Her powers are dangerous. She can't touch any living thing with her hands. If so that thing will be reduced to nothing. Now do you get why we acted like that?" She turned towards him and asked. Though she knew Aria would never do anything without calculating pro and cons, it was very risky.

This was a great shock to him but he kept a poker face. That move was risky however much he looked at it. But he couldn't do anything about it.


"That was really a death call indeed. I don't know if her life is a curse or blessing." He said. His gaze turned up to the starry sky. With these strange things happening around him, he was damn sure this world was even more dangerous than he had initially thought.

There were various unknown variables roaming about Earth. He needed to be very careful. So far his encounters have been peaceful but that can't be said for later.

"You don't have to worry about her now that you are immune. And whatever you do is none of my business." Aina said. She knew Aria was quite interested in him though it couldn't be called love.

That was their puzzle to solve. It was not her duty to meddle in Aria's affairs.

"Why do you sound like a mother here? Aren't you jealous?" Karl said in a whisper.

She turned her beautiful pink eyes towards him. He kept teasing her all day. She gave a radiant 'smile'.


They appeared high in the sky. His body was upside down. His head pointed straight downwards.

"Have a safe trip and don't shout you might bite your tongue." She said and released him.

"Hey are you serious about this. You will ruin my handsome face if I fall. What will I use to seduce you?" He shouted as he went through a free fall.

His body accelerated at a high speed. He couldn't help but curse inwardly.

She had caught him off guard and temporarily sealed his powers.


He crashed onto a truck. White powder rose. The journalists couldn't help but turn their cameras at the commotion.

'Atleast she threw me on something soft. Anyway what is that sound.'

Karl muttered as he laid flat on the powder sucks. He jumped off the car and dusted himself only to notice that he was surrounded.


Various photos were taken. The journalists were taken aback at the appearance of this man. He was very handsome.

Nomatter if it was male or female, they couldn't stop taking pictures. They didn't care about his tainted clothes.

His charisma was now high. The restrictions had been removed with his powers sealed.

The number of people kept on increasing. He couldn't help but look around helplessly. Was this her plan but that wasn't so.

Those watching on TV couldn't help but look at the silver haired man in awe. He was beyond the standards of a model.

His body was just that perfect plus his flawless skin which was as white as snow. Those golden eyes were a deadly addition to the mix. Young girls felt like drawing into them.

Seeing the dazed expressions of people around him, he entered the crowd quickly with plans of disappearing.

How could they let such a Godly figure disappear just like that. Of course they chased after him. This stirred a huge commotion.

A mass of people flocked in a certain direction as if their lives depended on it. Since the main event was done and every one was leaving. One could imagine the commotion caused by masses.

Aina couldn't help but laugh hard holding her stomach. She spotted his figure as he ran but was entrapped in every direction.

This could be said for Sabina and her sisters. They simply had no intention of helping him on this one. They saw everything from the start.

Being cornered, Karl spotted an empty seat and sat down. He gave off a 'charming' smile at the masses as he waved at them.

He was at the center. He was being streamed live now. He was approached by journalists who were eyeing him like candy.

They also spotted a few seats and sat beside him. The gentle smile never left his face though inwardly was cursing Aina

"We are pleased to have you join us today, Sir. May you tell us your name." A pretty lady asked politely. She appeared professional at her work.

"The 'honour' is mine to be here with such a 'caring' and 'welcoming' group of people. By names am Karl Ainsworth." He said. He looked around but it was just getting worse.

More and more people were coming about to see what was happening. This was troublesome as the spotlight wasn't his thing.

The stories of those protagonists in the spotlight never ends well. But it also came with its benefits.

"Mr. Karl can you tell us your opinion about the Birthday party of the heir of the Walker family. The people are curious about your personal view." She inquired.

'Is this woman for real. How am I supposed to know that. Anyway let's play around with them. I will just spout some bullshit where need be and get things done.' He thought.

A charismatic smile spread on his face. It seemed he was pleased by that, she couldn't help but unconsciously smile back.

"That's a good question you have their. This party was a wake up call to the people of this city and the world. Personally I think it was aimed at bringing everyone closer without focussing only on higher figures. This has helped many to meet up here and form connections with influencial figures from distant places." He paused and looked around 'briefly'. They were eagerly waiting for him to continue and so he didn't 'disappoint' them.

"As you see I was about to 'meet' with a noble of the Rothchild family. This guy is very friendly that we 'chatted' for hours. I was able to learn something from him. It is pitiful his time here is limited so he had to leave."

"Lets now talk about the party man in question. Honestly I can't thank him enough for inviting us here at such a magnificent place. He is still young and vibrant. He is sure filled with great potential."

Karl sometimes spoke like an elder, at times a business man and also a noble. This slightly confused them but they simply listened.

"Lets not forget about other heirs. They were handsome as most of you saw. Sadly I wasn't able but don't worry I didn't miss those beautiful heiresses or should I call them fairies. I was able to talk to one though unfortunately..." Karl paused and glanced around.

The moment he said he met one of those women, everyone became more attentive. Most of these were their die hard fans.

Everyone watching the TV could be seen eyeing without blinking. Everyone was attentively listening to the handsome man who seemed to appear out of thin air.

The tension grew as he looked around. They wanted to shout continue 'badly' but kept shut.