
God Of Lust

The 'God of lust' in an attempt to escape being sent to the 'Prison of Infinity', activated a mysterious spell to save himself, but he would never have known that after that, he would end up waking up inside the body of a young man named Bao Zhang. Now, being he the god of lust, on the way to returning to the world of the gods, will give free rein to his lustful desires! And prove because he is the only one who can be called the God of lust! Reminder of the author: This novel will be full of R-18 content. *The cover image is one created by myself. Patréon: https://www.p*treon.com/RikSteing_Wizard007

Wizard007 · Eastern
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102 Chs

The External Medicine Passage(3).

Monshi, who heard the sudden voice, looked back and saw a young man with black hair and green eyes emerge from the crowd and approach at a slow pace.

He could not help frowning hard when he saw the black tunic Bao Zhang wore.

'An internal disciple! Shit! What does an internal disciple do here? Dammit!'

Gritting his teeth, Monshi regained his courage and gazed arrogantly at Bao Zhang;

"Boy, I respect you because you are an internal disciple, but do not underestimate me because I too could have become an internal disciple long ago! So you better not get involved in my affairs and stay out of the way!"

Bao Zhang, listening to Monshi's words, could not help but raise an eyebrow in surprise and then a mocking smile formed on his face;

"Oh, you have already qualified to enter the internal section, but you have not done it yet because you will not be able to act arrogant there! Hahaha"

Upon hearing Bao Zhang's mockery, all the disciples who were present could not help but open their eyes in astonishment and then turn their eyes towards Monshi.

'It turns out that Monshi could already become an internal disciple, but he still does not because he can not act arrogant in the internal section and he wants to continue staying in the external section to continue abusing us!'

Immediately, the eyes of the external disciples changed from the fear they had for Monshi, to the displeasure and anger.

"This Monshi is a garbage of person, a damn coward who does not dare to go and act arrogant in the internal section and that's why he's still in the external section!" It was what all the external disciples had in their minds when they looked angrily at Monshi.

"Bastard! You call me a coward!?" Monshi howled furiously while looking at Bao Zhang, but still, he had not launched an attack, or rather, he was afraid to launch an attack since he did not know at what level of cultivation Bao Zhang was.

"Haha, what are you waiting for? You can attack me if you want!"

Smiling happily, Bao Zhang extended his arms, demonstrating that he was willing to face Monshi directly.

If Monshi did not attack him after this provocation, then it would show that he was afraid of Bao Zhang and that he was a coward.

"... You, you asked for it, do not regret it after I kill you!" Clenching his teeth and laying aside his worries.

Monshi began to gather the Xuan energy inside his body as he ran like a tiger towards Bao Zhang!

"Go dead!"

Incredible friction formed in the air as he passed Monshi's powerful punch and aimed at Bao Zhang's chest.

This blow was clearly aimed towards the chest of Bao Zhang, where is the Xuan Soul of every cultivator!


There was a loud roar, while the dust rose fiercely from the strong impact and power of the blow.

The external disciples who were watching the fight quickly covered themselves and took a few steps back.

Even the beautiful receptionist, who had been the cause of all this conflict could not help but open her eyes with surprise at the fight that was beginning in front of her.

But what surprised her most was not the fight, but the fact that someone came out to defend her.

It was known that most of the disciples would avoid at all costs to put against dangerous disciples like Monshi, but unexpectedly someone came out to defend her.

'Why are you defending me?' It was the question that the surprised receptionist asked herself, when her mind began to fill with questions about the unknown boy who stood up to defend her.


The dust slowly dispersed...

Contrary to the victorious smile that was expected to see in Monshi, he now had a look of complete terror as he saw the dust slowly begin to disperse.

He was the only one who knew, that his blow, which was surrounded by the maximum 'Xuan energy' he could exert, had not managed to move a single inch to the target. When his fist hit, he felt as if he had hit a piece of iron.

What did that indicate?

It was clear what the person in front of him was several levels stronger than him!

Fear began to invade Monshi when he realized that he had gotten into someone with whom he should not. Even had the need to turn around and escape.

But if he does that, and escapes in front of everyone, How could he return show his face in front of the external disciples?

* Steps * * Steps *

Slowly, some calm steps echoed in the place, while Bao Zhang, without any injury, came out from the dust screen, still with the same smile he had shown Monshi;

"Is that all you have?" Bao Zhang asked Monshi, rising his smile; "Then it's my turn"

Extending his hand, Bao Zhang pointed his palm towards Monshi.


The alerts of mortal danger sounded in Monshi's instincts, and he immediately forgot all his pride and arrogance, as he turned and ran at full speed.

"Trying to escape?... It will not be so easy"


In a second, another explosion occurred at the scene.

But this was different from the previous one, this explosion was a pulse of Xuan energy, which traveled all over the place, causing the Xuan energy in the air to be erased. While the main force of the 'pulse' came quickly to Monshi and enveloped him in its entirety.


A thunderous scream of pain sounded, but it was quickly covered by the wave of dust triggered by the pulse.

Unlike the dust explosion caused by the previous blow of Monshi, the dust explosion caused by the pulse is much higher, since it acts as if it were a drop falling into a glass of water.

At the moment it occurs, the waves created are not directed to a single place, since the waves are circular and expand everywhere.

The same goes for the 'pulse', as this is a pulse of Xuan energy, the rising of dust and earth is formed in the form of an expanding wave and quickly covered the whole place with dust.

"Watch out!"



The disciples who were present at the scene saw how they were also enveloped by the dust that was rising, and although they feared to be enveloped by the power of the attack, in a few seconds they calmed down since only the dust enveloped them and not the attack.

This was due to Bao Zhang, since he could throw the 'pulse' to form an expanding wave, he could also make the 'pulse' force concentrate only on the target.

And the wave would become a wave of dust and dirt normal and without attack force.

Although this did not prevent the present external disciples to curse for have their faces and mouths full of dust.

The beautiful receptionist was also affected by the lifting of dust, she even tried to cover her face to prevent dust from entering her eyes, but time passed.

And the dust that was rising and that she hoped would hit her did not come.

Slowly opening her eyes, she was surprised to realize that the same boy who had risen to defend her was standing in front of her with a pleasant smile watching her, while his body acted as a barrier to her. preventing her from being affected by the lifting of dust.

"You-you-you saved me?" The beautiful receptionist did not know how to act in front of her savior, and involuntarily she felt nervous and stuttered.

"Nice to meet you, beautiful lady, my name is Bao Zhang" Bao Zhang introduced himself, while he extended his hand normally, it is a sign of greeting towards the dazed and beautiful receptionist. While the dust was still stirring behind him, hitting against his back, and moving on the sides.

Creating a moment where only he and the beautiful receptionist seemed to exist.

Sorry if there are mistakes in the writing.

I would really appreciate that if there were mistakes you could tell me in the comments and then I will correct them.

Thank you for reading!

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