
Concept of non-existance

Seth watched over Henrietta until she finally opened her eyes late into the evening. Feeling Seth’s warm hand holding onto hers, she turned her head to the side and saw Seth looking back at her with a worried face.

“Why are you sulking again?” asked Henrietta, moving her other hand to hold onto Seth’s.

“I’m not sulking. I’m just worried about you. How do you feel?” asked Seth.

Henrietta nodded and raised her back from the bed, letting her feet dangle freely from the side. After stretching lazily, she stood up and said: “See? I’m fine.”

“That’s not what I meant. Something happened with my lust source again. Don’t you remember?”

Henrietta brought her index finger to her chin and asked: “Other than the best sex ever, no. I only remember it being so good that I passed out from pleasure. If that came from your lust source, I can’t wait until you break the ninth shell.”

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