
Nice is my name

"so know what" 1 of the men holding your spear "do we let him join or..."

After a bit of discussion they agreed.

"you can join my name is Sam and the other to are Jack and Ted. And yours is"

'I never thought I would need to do this should I just kill them and be done with it'

"my name is... Nice"

"what a strange name" Ted said quietly

'speak for your self atleast my name is a bit good it is not named after a Teddy bear' Nice thought cursing him under his breath.

"so where is the rest of you"

"they all sadly died there was a person that Said he had to complete his mission to become stronger he was crazy he killed everyone that was here lucky we where far away and by the time we got back that big guy was the only one left with the crazy man's body at his feet" jake said as tears started forming in his eyes.

'OK no need to paint a picture of death in my mind'

"so what do you plan to do now" Nice said pondering what there even could do. "well we plan to find the crazy man's superior that gave him his mission to kill are tribe" Sam replied and he stud proud as he said it.

Nice could not help to laugh at the site or these people the person that probably gave the mission was ever the god of death, blood, system or war. It could be a few others but unlikely.

"what are you laughing at. You think getting revenge on the people that killed are family and friends is funny" and with that Ted stabbed Nice in the chest.

Seeing that Nice just carried on laughing but fear in there eyes. And with that the spear started to fall to pieces and the ground started to die around Nice as it approached the 3 men they started to run.

"you think you can run!" Nice's shout was loud enough for there ears to pleed.

Tree roots caught the trio running and covered them in viens.

Seeing the fear they where in Nice desided to stop and let the veins go of them but not leave. Knocking them out and shining them down to enough for them to fit in a bird cage he retrieve the memories of the big man and headed of in the direction of where the crazy man came from.

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