
Awakening. (1)

The man was shocked at what Akira said at first but he soon regained his composure after realizing that the person saying that was only a twelve year old. Naturally, the man laughed loudly at Akira's proposal and said with a condescending look on his face, "Haha boy, don't get ahead of yourself! There is no reason for you to lose your life over something like this!" The man continued laughing and looked around at the rest of the students expecting them to be laughing with him but everyone just looked at him pity on their faces.

The man then looked at Akira and just saw him staring into his eyes with no signs of amusement on his face. "Shut up and take your stance. Make sure you say your last words before we begin." Akira watched calmly as the man slowly began to clench his fists, becoming visibly angry at his words. Judging from the reactions of the people around him and how confident Akira looked, the man decided to stop underestimating him. He then got down into a forward stance and said in a serious tone, "Since you want to die that much, I'll gladly oblige. My name is Suzuki Yoshida! Everyone will remember my name as the man who killed you."

Akira didn't even bother responding to his nonsense and just calmly said, "Begin." Yoshida immediately rushed forward and spun around with an incredibly deadly forward roundhouse kick aimed at Akira's neck. Just his form and decisiveness alone showcased Yoshida's experience in the martial arts, something that the veteran students immediately noticed. As the kick was getting closer to Akira's neck, Yoshida saw that Akira wasn't moving at all and thought that maybe he was just too fast for Akira to see but he still kept his guard up just in case anything happened.

Just as the kick was about to hit Akira's neck, he dodged with the slightest bit of movement at the last millisecond which caused the attack to look like it just phased through him. Yoshida was confused at what just happened and a shadowy figure who was standing in a corner thought to himself, 'It seems my disciple has gotten even faster. I wonder what the Ogre would think of him now...'

Yoshida quickly recovered from the attack and got into his stance once again as he looked around only to see Akira disappear in a blur. The bloodcurdling sound of flesh and bone being viciously torn apart rang out in the dojo as a large amount of blood shot of Yoshida's chest like a fountain. Akira had punched a hole through Yoshida's chest in one swift movement before the man could even register that an attack was coming. "W-what j-just..." Yoshida could only muster a few words of confusion before his life was abruptly ended. Akira removed his hand nonchalantly and watched as Yoshida's lifeless body fell to the floor. Suddenly, the sound of a single person clapping came from a certain corner of the dojo. Most students didn't even look to see who it was as the sight of a dead body with blood flowing out of it was too shocking. Akira and Katsumi immediately noticed who it was and gave their greetings respectively, saying: {A/N: Yes, that guy got donuted.}

"Master Doppo."


When some of the other students heard his name, they snapped out of their trances and also greeted him. Doppo Orochi was the director of Shinshinkai Karate and one of the strongest practitioners, if not the strongest 10th Dan Karate practitioner in the eastern hemisphere. He was known officially and underground as "The God Of War" or as some may prefer to call him, "Man-Eater Orochi". Doppo was currently standing over the body of Yoshida with a mysterious smile on his face. Normally, the rules of the dojo forbade the students from causing fatal harm to one another but in cases like this where a student didn't respect his seniors and also agreed to a deathmatch, there was nothing the rules could do.

Doppo turned to Akira, pulled him closer, and whispered slowly, "Hehe, you and your father are cut from the same cloth. I wonder, would you like to participate in a set of unofficial matches?" Akira looked at him with a deadpan face and responded, "You know I'll win." Doppo's smile widened considerably as he continued staring at Akira with fire in his eyes. "You think so? Opponents come from all parts of the world to participate in these arenas so you never know what kind of monster you'll run into down there. What do you say?"

Akira shook his head at Doppo's offer once again as he didn't have any plans to visit the underground arena for now. He wanted to go on his own journey across Japan to fight against every martial art and dojo he could. After that, then he would join the underground fighting arena as that would be one of his last hurdles in this world for the time being. Doppo was slightly disappointed by Akira's response but didn't bother following it up as he knew that a fighter of Akira's level would find his way down there whether he guided him or not. Doppo then shouted, "Alright, I'll take that body away and all of you should resume practice as usual! Don't worry about the blood and bones being cleaned up, I'm sure your stomachs can handle a little blood..."

{A few hours later}

"See you later, Akira!"

"Goodbye, Akira-sensei!"

Katsumi and the other students waved Akira farewell as practice was over for the day and it was time to go home. Akira waved back and started walking home as that was his routine every day. He could simply get a driver from the mansion to retrieve him but he liked to be in a mostly constant state of practice daily so he just took the long route. As he walked past a certain nightclub, he suddenly felt someone bump into him and he heard the person fall down next to him.

"Watch where the fuck you're going, kid!"

A large burly man that was at least 6'7 wearing an expensive suit with lots of gold jewelry got up from the ground and held on to Akira's shirt with one hand while pulling back his other to punch him in the face. Just from looking at him, Akira could tell that the man was clearly a high-ranking Yakuza member that was drunk and rash. His underlings just ran out of the nightclub behind him and when they saw their boss in an altercation with him, they immediately surrounded Akira. The latter was going to retaliate but that's when he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down on one knee. He quickly looked around his body and saw that they were no signs of injuries anywhere. His mind was racing as he felt his internal organs burning like someone was directly lighting them up with a high-temperature flame. The Yakuza around him thought that Akira was probably sick but that didn't mean they were going to let him go. The boss immediately started wailing on Akira's jaw with his giant hands and laughed proudly as he did so. Akira couldn't even move as he watched the man hit him in the face repeatedly and the only thing that got him out of his trance was a familiar voice that appeared in his mind.

'Akira is your name in the world eh? Don't worry, your devil physiology is now being completely awakened and every organ in your body is going through massive changes. Just hold on for a few minutes, we'll destroy them as soon as you can move a finger.'