

"You sure do know a lot about this stuff" Sazama said surprised by it "Yeah I've been writing in this since I was 11 and I'm 17" she said "Wow.." he said as they both watched the sea "Hey I have 2 questions for you" Hoshiko said in a strange tone "What is it" Sazama replied very curiously from the way her voice changed "I don't mean to be a bug but.. do you know why your grandma wears that same red Fandora" she asked hopping he wouldn't think of her as someone who ask to many questions " Oh that... I don't exactly know why but she is very protective of it as am I of mine" he answered "Yeah.. that brings us to my other question... why do.. you wear that Black one...." she asked Very nervously "It was a gift" he replied in a low tone "Oh really from who" she asked now in a happy voice Sazama took a long pause "My Mom.." he said with tears coming down his face "Oh uh i-i-im sorry I didn't mean to bring that up!" "No no it's ok" he said normally as he wiped the tears off his face and they sat in silence and watched the waves come in and out and the children leaving the dock after playing in the sand then around 10 minutes later wait..." Hoshiko said nervously "do you see that boat coming up to the dock" "y-yeah I didn't see any leaving though" he replied nervously " We should go check it out" Hoshiko implied as she got up "Ok..." Sazama said nervously not knowing what he was about to get himself into so they both went down the hill and into the town passing Houses,Bars, and local food shops until they reached the dock they had never been to the dock so they had trouble reaching it but soon they had arrived Sazama told Hoshiko that he had been to dock but it was when he was 5 and because it was when his Father and Mother we're sailing away *Flashback* "Sazama me and Daddy are going to sail away but we'll be back soon until then your Grandma Akane will take care of you ok baby?" Sazama's Mother asked "Ok Mommy if you say so" He answered then she turned around and got on the boat "Stay strong my little man" his Father yelled from the boat floating away from the dock "Oh I almost forgot" his Mother yelled to him as she jumped in the air going forward off the boat that was 20 feet away his mother landed right in front of him sand going every where as if there had been a sandstorm Sazama's face looked as if he had seen a ghost kill 17 people "I almost forgot" his mother told him in a calm soothing sweet voice "Here baby" she said as she put a Black fandora with a Red rose on his head "My sweet baby I need you to protect this hat with your life don't Let anybody take it away you understand?" she asked him calmly he nodded slowly "And one day when you become a great Pirate or Marine I'm hopping Pirate please come and show me this hat ok?" She asked him tears coming down both their faces "I promise Mommy" he answered "Good" she said giving him one last big hug and then jumping back into the air onto the boat then waving to him "Byeee baby" his mother yelled *End of Flashback* By the time they reached the dock the ship had reached the dock a Pirate wearing Black leather boots'Pants,and Gloves came out "KIHARU!"

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