
Mission Hall

[Since it might require some time to obtain the thousand-year-old Spirit Fruit, I'll have to hold off on breaking through to Foundation Establishment.]

Although he had planned on reaching the Foundation Establishment within another week, if he cannot obtain the thousand-year-old Spirit Fruit before then, he'll have to delay his breakthrough and plans, even if it might take another year to obtain the Spirit Fruit.

[Perfection takes patience and time, it's not something that can be rushed. Otherwise I will end up like previously.]

"Hey, where is the library again?" Wu Tianyi asked the young lady.

"Y-You have never been to the library before?" She looked at him weirdly. "Didn't you go there to receive your Cultivation techniques?"

Every disciple should know where the library was, as it could be considered one of the most important locations within the Unwavering Sword Academy since it's where all disciples go to receive Cultivation techniques.

"It's been a while since I last went, so I don't remember." Wu Tianyi said. A few million years to be exact. Hell, it was a miracle that he'd even managed to remember his living quarter after so long.

While Immortal beings such as Wu Tianyi have perfect memories, it only applies to the memories that were created afterward. As for memories that he's already forgotten or hidden deep within his soul, it's not as if they will suddenly resurface without any reason.

"Hmmm… I don't mind showing you the way, but in return…" The young lady gazed at him as though she was expecting something.

Wu Tianyi sighed and said, "Very well. I will spar with you again. However, it will only be a one-time thing."

"Just one time…?" The young lady looked a little bit disappointed but still nodded her head in agreement.

"Well, it's better than nothing, and I am only showing you the way."

After saying those words, the young lady slowly raised her arm and pointed to a tall building that was only a few meters away from the Training Ground.

"That's the library," she said in a casual voice.


Wu Tianyi was speechless.

"You are quite shameless," he said to her. "I feel like I'd just been taken advantage of."

"What are you talking about? You wanted me to show you the library and I did just that. Or are you going to take back your own words?"

"Relax, I won't go back on my own words. Just come find me next week on the same day." Wu Tianyi said to her before walking away.

As Wu Tianyi walked away, the young lady shouted, "Oh, right! I don't think I have introduced myself yet!"

However, Wu Tianyi merely shook his head. "Unless knowing you will somehow improve my cultivation, I couldn't care less who you are." He said to her without even turning around.

"W-What…?" The young lady was dumbfounded.

Is this how a man should treat a beauty such as herself? This is the first time that an individual has ever shown such disregard for her. It made her feel as though she was invisible or inferior to him, and considering her fame within the Unwavering Sword Academy, it only made that feeling much worse than reality.

"Damn it! Although his attitude is infuriating at times, his swordsmanship is the real deal, even admirable!" She stomped the ground with a slightly red face.

"Just you wait! Even if you do not want to recognize me for now, I will make sure that you'll be begging to know my name in the future!"

And just like that, Wu Tianyi unintentionally gained a rival for himself.

A few minutes later, Wu Tianyi entered the library and approached the female disciple wearing a 'management' badge on her robes and sitting behind a desk.

"Where can I find information on Spirit Medicines? The Spirit Fruit to be exact." He asked her.

Without even looking at him, the female disciple pointed to the room on the left and said, "Shelf number 6, second roll from the top."

A few moments later, Wu Tianyi stood before shelf number 6 and looked at the six books on the second roll from the top.

After looking through three books, Wu Tianyi finally found the information he was searching for in a book titled Divine Medicine."

Divine Medicine is a title given to Spirit Medicines that have heaven-defying effects or is simply incredibly rare, such as the Spirit Fruit that helps a Cultivator enter the next Cultivation stage with ease.

"To label the Spirit Fruit as a Divine Medicine, what blasphemy to real Divine Medicine."

However, Wu Tianyi couldn't help but shake his head at the book's misinformation. In fact, the Spirit Fruit is only useful to those below the Core Consolidation stage, which is considered the lower levels in the Cultivation path in his eyes.

And it was not just the Spirit Fruit. In Wu Tianyi's eyes, none of the Spirit Medicine in this 'Divine Medicine' book actually qualifies to be called Divine Medicine.

If it was him before rewinding time, he wouldn't accept these Spirit Medicine even if they were given to him for free!

"Spirit Fruits are usually found within the Valley of Death between the borders of the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, huh."

The Valley of Death is a vast mountain range that is always shrouded within a thick fog that cannot be removed by either man or nature. It was one of those dangerous places that people enter and never return.

[If I was still that spineless young boy, I would not even dare to imagine going anywhere near that place…] Wu Tianyi showed a slight smile on his face before closing the book.

The Valley of Death is between the Eastern Region and the Southern Region, and the Unwavering Sword Academy is located near the northern area of the Eastern Region. If Wu Tianyi wants to travel there, it would require him at least 7 days by horses and around 10 days on foot.

[The Unwavering Sword Academy does not allow its disciples to wander the outside world without a good reason. Since I have no family to use as an excuse, I'll need to accept a mission that'll allow me to be outside for many days without raising any suspicions.]

With that in mind, Wu Tianyi went to the Mission Hall, where all disciples go to receive for missions.

However, because he didn't immediately know where the Mission Hall was located, he had to wander around until he found a random disciple to ask for directions.

[He must be new around here…] The disciple thought to himself before giving Wu Tianyi directions to the Mission Hall.

Sometime later, Wu Tianyi entered the Mission Hall.

[I rarely come here even in my previous life. If not for the fact that disciples are required to complete at least 1 mission every year, I would've never stepped foot in this place.] Wu Tianyi thought to himself as he looked around for the perfect mission.

There were thousands of notes and scrolls pinned to the walls inside the Mission Hall. The only thing that separates these missions is their difficulty, which could be differentiated by the color of the pin that was pinning it to the wall.

And since Wu Tianyi is only a Junior Disciple, he could only take missions that have a green pin, which is the easiest in terms of difficulty of the mission.

After searching through hundreds of missions, Wu Tianyi finally found the perfect mission.

"I want to take this mission." Wu Tianyi said to the middle-aged Sect Elder behind the counter.

The Sect Elder looked at him with a puzzled expression. "You want to take a mission during summer vacation?"

"Is there something wrong with that?" Wu Tianyi answered with a question.

"No, there isn't. It's just that you are the first person to step into this place ever since summer vacation started. It's quite admirable, really."

Wu Tianyi remained silent with a smile on his face.

"Let's see here…" The Sect Elder began looking through the mission.

"The Yan Family is the one who created this mission. They are in need of bodyguards during their travel to the Southern Region. Are you sure that you want to partake in this mission? You'll be required to travel to the Southern Region, which will take at least an entire week even by horses — not including your travel back. What's more, you might run into bandits, and in worse cases, demonic beasts."

"I'm sure." Wu Tianyi nodded.

"Also, the Yan Family are only looking for those at the fifth level Qi Condensation or above. Do you even qualify?" The Sect Elder looked at him up and down, seemingly trying to examine him.

Hearing his words, Wu Tianyi released some of his spiritual energy for the Sect Elder to see.

"You are actually at the seventh level Qi Condensation stage? Why are you still wearing Junior Disciple clothes?" The Sect Elder was pleasantly surprised.

"I will take the examination after I feel more confident. There's still a lot to be prepared, after all." Wu Tianyi gave him a random excuse.

The Sect Elder nodded and agreed with him. "Indeed, even if you have met the requirements, it does not automatically make you a Senior Disciple. Well, good luck, Disciple… uh..."

"Wu Tianyi."

"Right, Disciple Wu."

The Sect Elder then recorded Wu Tianyi's name and the mission he was partaking in a book, before handing him a badge.

"That badge will help others identify you as a disciple of the Unwavering Sword Academy. Make sure you don't lose it during your time outside, or else you'll face punishment."

"I understand." Wu Tianyi accepted the badge before leaving the Mission Hall.

[The meeting for this mission is not until next week. I can use this time to break through to the ninth level.] Wu Tianyi thought to himself as he calmly walked back to his room.

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