
Chapter 22

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Author: Hello guys, been a while. I've just gotten a new place FINALLY and should be able to update a lot more often. That's all I have to say so... Enjoy!


Hidan smiled seeing the massive chakra of Itachi. He knew Itachi was not well based on previous encounters and was not gonna spoil this moment. If his hunch was correct, then Itachi couldn't use that massive red chakra for long.

Rushing straight towards Itachi his senses started to pick up the other chakra. Even though Hidan was not much of a sensor, anyone could sense the terror coming off that chakra signal. Slowing down his pace Hidan stopped to observe before going in headfirst.

Itachi was walking slowly towards his opponent at a slowed pace. Hidan was going to attack but something kept him there. He didn't know what it was but he couldn't move.


Tensing up Hidan held up his blade and got ready to kill before slowly settling down, recognizing the voice as the voice of Jashin.

"Lord Jashin, what is it?"

"Pay close attention, that chakra is eerily similar to my own. I have a hunch about this, let's hope I'm right. If so, we would have to kill the whole world."

Hidan's interest was piqued but since Jashin didn't elaborate he spoke nothing about it, instead, focusing more intently on the exchange. Itachi's red chakra dissipated and when he reached the boy, he just tapped his head and died.

"Aw man, I was hoping I could fight Itachi. Hope the little runt has some fight left in him."

Jumping out of the nearby forest Hidan rushed the young boy who seemed to be completely out of it. Hearing a rustling Hidan's head peered left where three people came rushing out. Hidan, not knowing what they were going to do, made hand signs with one hand.

"Doton: Earth Rumbling Jutsu!"

Smacking his hand on the ground, the earth shook before a cone of destruction starting from Hidan's hand rushed in the three's direction, growing in size. The three dispersed to dodge the attack when a flimsy lightning blade pierced Hidan's stomach.

"Oh damn, I forgot to repolish my reflexes, too used to getting stabbed."

Reaching his hand into his robe, he pulled out his dagger and slashed at the boy. Blood sprayed in the air and Hidan backed up to assess the damage.

"Damn, I cut too shallow. This damn thing is so light, I should've practiced a bit with it first."

Hidan was about to rush back to slash the boy again when a vortex appeared and took the boy away putting Tobi in its place.

"Tobi! You better be ready for death!"

Hidan, already knowing this will be a tough battle, flared his karma seal. Red lines that seemed on fire covered all places where his bones would be and everything else turned black. Putting away his dagger, he rushed in Tobi's direction.

A quick slash in a downward motion proved useless as it went straight through Tobi. Tobi, seeing this chance, reaches out to grab Hidan. Hidan, seeing Tobi trying to grab him, lunged forward pushing his shoulder straight into Tobi's chest.

Cracks were heard as Tobi flew backward from the force. Getting up with mild difficulty, he placed his hand on his chest to assess the damage before disappearing in a swirl.

"Damn! I fucking had him!"

Breathing in and out Hidan tried to think logically. Clearing his mind he was reminded of an important event. Looking around to see Itachi's body was still present he went towards it before seeing that its eyes were missing. Not seeing much else he did some hand signs and placed his hand on the ground.

"Doton: Earth Displacement Jutsu!"

A minor jutsu that's only purpose was to displace a small piece of Earth in a small range from you. Seeing Itachi's body move but no traps being activated he rushed at the body and grabbed it before quickly rushing away. Looking behind him and seeing no traps were placed he grinned.

"Time for a meal."

Sending chakra to his teeth he quickly started to chomp down on Itachi's body. Starting to feel elated at his chakra growing at a massive pace he started to eat faster. Throwing around the pieces he doesn't like, Hidan finishes up eating covered in blood.

"Oh man, eating such strong people feels great. I might just have to eat them all."

Hidan sat up and looked around. He needed to get away and fast. This was very close to the leaf village and while he would love to fight and slaughter everyone there, it was just not the time. Remembering those kids that appeared earlier on he smiled in delight.

Heading back down to the sight of the battle he tried to find any tracks that could lead him to them. It seemed his knowledge as a ninja helped him since after a few minutes he found it. It seemed the kids knew how to hide tracks but they couldn't hide everything. He tried to find a reason why should he follow these kids, not only are they weak but they seemed kind of skinny. Well two of them did.

Reviewing his memory a massive grin placed itself on his face. He outright started to laugh out loud.

"Such bright red hair. Of course, only the Uzumaki have such hair. Oh, what a find. I must have it, if only to satiate my curiosity about them."


In a place completely dark there is a figure floating in a sitting position. Skin pale and wrinkled, horns adorned his head along with a third eye that was red with lines circling inside it. With a staff completely black on his back and white clothes with black markings, the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo had his eyes closed in thought.

"To think there would be another one like mother. It seems it's in slumber, but it is dangerous. Hurry my children, the time has come to get strong and save the world. Unite my children, and save everyone"

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