
God Talk

My name is Aethenra and I'm a goddess. Sadly I'm the Goddess of Nothing yep that's me the most useless of all the gods, but not today. Today some human county has summoned heroes. Every God has been given a hero to award their blessing as well as give them an explanation of what they will be doing in this world. That's right the heroes are summoned from a different world. I'm not sure why, but apparently being transferred from another world makes them stronger. Every god in the good faction gets a hero even me. My hero is here. As long as I watch over him in this room he can't leave so now I'll just wait till he asks a question like "Where am I" or "Who's there" then I'll make my epic appearance. It's the perfect plan. Wait don't lay your head down hey, hey.


'Fine if you're going to be like that then I wont talk to you. What's he doing now?'


'He knocked himself out no way, his forehead is bleeding pretty bad. Well I can ignore you too stupid hero no mater how long you stay in this room no time passes outside so I'll wait for you to wake up.'

Several hours later he finally wakes up.

'Good morning stupid hero feeling any better, want to talk, come one say something. Are you looking for an exit too bad stupid hero as long as I'm here the door wont even show itself. Punching the wall wont do anything either stupid hero. Wait how long are you going to keep punching, your hands are bleeding now too stupid. Finally stopped huh, what now your breaking shit that wont help you. Thinking of using that leg to break the wall, wow you really are stupid. Is that all are you done please be done now. Finally backing away from the wall now are you. Charging at the wall wont make a difference. What was that tearing sound, is that blood, did you just pierce yourself with that, don't fall asleep, don't die. Shit if my hero dies then I'll be even more useless. I know I'll just go ask another god for help.

"Please keep living my stupid hero."

After leaving her Divine Room the door finally appeared. Aethenra traveling the gods plain finds Legos the god of knowledge not to far from her is ecstatic to find the smartest of the gods so quickly.

"Legos please you must help me!"

*Sigh* "Calm down, first I have to know what it is you need help with to even attempt to help."

"Yes please, it's my hero, he's dying and fast!"

"WHAT, how in the world did you manage to kill your hero so damn quickly."

"It wasn't quick I've been stuck with him in there for hours when he suddenly pierced himself with his chair leg trying to break out, and he's not dead yet follow me quickly."

"I'm not sure there is much I can do, but with what you've said as long as he hasn't hit any vital organs with it he should still be alive for now though I'm not sure how long he will last."

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