
God Mind (My Vampire System Fanfiction)

In A World With Abilities, There Exists A Being With The Ability "God Mind" This Allows The User Execute All Tasks That Require Brain Power Swiftly & Flawlessly, This Person Could Master A Language Better Than Even Experts After A Few Hours, Or Create A Copy Of A System With Just A Few Months Of Casual Study, This Is The Intellect Of The User's Of "God Mind", The Only Side Effect Is Indifference To The World Due To Even Having Basic Knowledge Of The Future, Even Without Trying.

Turtle5707 · Book&Literature
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As they finally arrive at the academy, Elisa turns off her "Game Boy Color" as then she walks out after all the students have been dragged out


After Elisa lays on the floor, cause y'now, i'd be bad if some students got jealeous that she had the ability to counter the sleeping gas, no one wants any enemies on day 1, then she along with the rest of the students get splashed with cold water

Elisa quickly jumps up, as she watches the disoriented students all look around at the unfamiliar place, as Elisa feels a trace of a mix of pity & disdain for them being shocked by such lesser than the stone age technology.

'200 students, and according to the records, they didn't know each other before today, not even a single interaction, obviously they don't want people knowing each other. Schools'

"This is where you will spend the next two years of your life" A Man Says


|Adolf Stalin| 'poor guy, named after a dictator & being a descendant of another dictator'

|41 years old|

|Ability: Lv:5 Transformation|

|Academy Level: 5.6|

|Bodily Potential: Above Average|

|Mental Potential: Average|

|Overall: An average man who was lucky with his abilty but, unlucky with his family|


After coming up with Adolf's information, Elisa finally decided to investigate the watch they asked her to put on

"That there on your wrist is your lifeline. It will identify you as a student at this military base. It will allow you to access certain areas, pay for food and all sorts. It is your lifeline at this academy. This isn't the only thing that it will display though, when not in use the wristwatch will display a single number and that number is your power level." Griff who is next to Adolf Informs

"With that, we will immediately begin the level test for you all, good luck" Griff continues with a smile


After a small amount of time, something feels weird as Elisa then looks at Quinn who seems to be sweating a lot, yet it isn't that he is hot, that is a side effect, a lot weaker than he was just a few minutes ago though

'weakness? the reason, hmm' Elisa thinks as she tries to analyze Quinn's sudden weakness

'the sun? ja. but, exactly what part of the sun is causing the weakness?' Elisa realizes

'uv rays? لا, hmmm, อะไร is it then?' Elisa questions in her mind

'solar energy? that's το, well as close as it can krijgen' Elisa finalizes the answer in her mind

Elisa then sees as a boy heads up to Quinn as he says to Quinn...

"Hey, are you okay" The boy said to Quinn

'hmm, who are you, to be so kind.' Elisa thinks as she then tries to identify him through her records

|Sil/Raten/Vorden Blade|

|16 years old|

|Ability: ļ̸̷̷̷̴̵̵̵̴̵̴̸̶͍͙͎̫̔̍̑̌͜v̸̵̵̸̴̸̸̵͎̳̌̈̈́:̸̵̴̷̵̷̸̷̫͍̮̿̕8̷̵̵̶̸̴̶̶̴̴̴̴̵̸̨̼̞̫̙̟͔͆̆̃ͅ Copy|

|Bodily Potential: Above Average|

|Mental Potential: Average|

|Overall: 3 boys trapped in the same body causing the Ability Level to go Haywire|


'i see, from the blade family, the family those big four are afraid of... interesting' Elisa thinks

"If you want, I can call someone for help?" The Mix Of Boys Says

'according to the records, sil has ptsd or similar so he won't control the body, raten is violent and arrogant... he would never talk that kindly, so it must be the de facto controler, the one with the calmest personality, also the one with the weakest ability' Elisa confirms who this boy is currently

"It's okay I'm just a little bit nervous about the testing" Quinn replies to Vorden

"Well don't be, I'm quite strong you know. If anyone messes with you, you can come and ask me for help" Vorden Smiled

"The names Vorden" Vorden says as he holds his hand out to Quinn

'damn, if i had known he'd introduce himself like this i'd have just waited and saved my brain power' Elisa complains to herself

"My name's Quinn" Quinn replies

Suddenly Elisa feels something that she can't see again

'Quinn changing races isn't just what changed reality, no way' Elisa thinks

'Vorden seems to be suprised or something, he must have tried to use his abilty on Quinn, huh, dumbass' Elisa mocks in her mind

"You" Vorden Says To Quinn "What is your ability?"

"I...." Quinn says "I don't have an abilty"

Griff then makes an announcment

"Will the students, Quinn Talen, Vorden Blade, Peter Chuck, Layla Munrow, Erin Heley, and Elisa Irwin please come to the front to take your test"

'hmm, let's see who these people are' Elisa thinks as she then looks through her mental records

|Peter Chuck|

|16 years old|

|Abilty: None|

|Bodily Potential: Below Average|

|Mental Potential: Average|

|Overall: A Below Average Young Man With No Ability|


|Layla Munrow|

|16 years old|

|Ability: Lv:2 Telekinesis|

|Bodily Potential: Average|

|Mental Potential: Average|

|Overall: A Average Young Woman Who Is A Pure Agent|


'now why is a pure agent here? and with an ability? meh, i couldn't be bothered' Elisa thinks

|Erin Heley|

|16 years old|

|Ability: Lv:5 Ice|

|Bodily Potential: High|

|Mental Potential: Average|

|Overall: A Strong Young Lady Who Has PTSD Towards Dalki For Killing Her Settlement|


'why do i feel like all of us are quinn's side characters?' Elisa asks herself

'seriously, a boy with 3 different people's minds, a timid young boy with no powers, a badass agent of a force opposing the government, a girl with ptsd and a genius who refuses to be called by their first name?' Elisa lists them to herself

'i hope not, i don't want a troublesome life like being a side character, hopefully at least it's calm for a while' Elisa hopes

Elisa walks up to the front as she ignores the other 5 while calculating ways to change reality in her mind

When Vorden was shaking hands with everyone Elisa just ignored Vorden entirely, as when he tried to forcefully greet her, she would dodge easily, with his hand not even passing within 3 inches of her body

"Come on, don't you have something better to do than to just dodge me like it's a game?"

"not really, I have plenty of time"

"Come on, please, if you have time to dodge me, than can't you just show some courtesy"

"well, that was just trying to get you to not shit yourself, but, I mean, go ahead"

As Vorden looked at her weirdly as then they both shoot hands as suddenly Vorden's head shoots up with his eyes wide open as the rest of his body falls limp as he screams



Vorden finalizes as he then stands up and looks at Elisa and says

"Oh god, that was terrible, and you were right, I did shit my pants"

"fine, here" Elisa replies as she pulls out a device that looks like a pistol as Vorden seeing it tries to dodge, not fast enough though as Elisa pulls the trigger and a stream of light shoots out of it as Vorden suddenly looks much cleaner

"Um, thanks" Vorden says

"one last thing" Elisa says as she pulls out a device as Vorden sees the world around them going back in time to when she dodged the first time, and that's left is a message in his mind that says

'Back off this time'

Vorden then moved on to Erin who just stared at Vorden's hand then looked away

"Come on you don't have to be like that" Vorden plead as he put his hand on Erin's shoulder

That was a mistake, not nearly as big as the mistake with Elisa though, as in an instant Erin grabbed Vorden's wrist and twisted his hand. Then slowly his hand was starting to freeze and cover in ice

As then everyone started a commotion, it was tuned out by Elisa though as she went back to the problem of changing reality itself

Though she knows this

Griff Broke Up The Fight

Vorden Complained To Quinn Like A Child

Quinn Scolded Vorden For Acting Like That

and Everyone Wants To Fuck Vorden Up, So That They Can Maybe Get Into Erin's Pants

As then Elisa snaps out of it when they are getting in the teleportation box as they were then teleported away by the same man that Elisa talked with in the bus 'Woodrow Jameson'

Then they appeared in another place, a wasteland, as Elisa sees the two and decides to identify them

|Jane Phillips|

|31 years old|

|Ability: lv:6 wind|

|Academy Level: 6.1|

|Bodily Potential: Average|

|Mental Potential: Average|

|Overall: Truly the average of the average who got very lucky|


|Vlad Phillips|

|30 years old|

|Ability: lv:5 teleportation|

|Academy Level: 5.3|

|Bodily Potential: Average|

|Mental Potential: High|

|Overall: A smart man with an average body|


"Hi everyone my name is Jane, and I will be in charge of your test today. Once the test has been completed, I will update your information and your score will be reflected on your wristwatches."\

Jane then investigated the tablet

"Now who should we call first, oh it looks like we have a couple of previous level ones?" Jane said as she checked the information that had been given by their previous educators

"Peter, would you please step forward?"

Peter then walked foward as he stepped up to the plate

"Would you please tell me what your ability is Peter?" Jane asked

"Eh, I don't have any ability," Peter said weakly

Elisa then looks around as she sees that everyone finally got it as she can't help but feel disdain for them

"Don't be afraid Peter." Jane said, "Here take this."

Vlad by Jane's side suddenly teleported a book into his hand. Jane then passed the book over to Peter.

"Wow, seriously you're giving this to me for free!" Peter said in excitement. "Than..."

Aaanndd Elisa fell asleep from boredom...

Ja is "yes" in German

لا is "no" in Arabic

อะไร is "what" in Thai

το is "it" in Greek

krijgen is "get" in Dutch

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