
God level hunter


Rune_Author · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"Suddenly, the surroundings changed, and everything turned as white as sand. It felt like I was standing on a cloud again. Suddenly, somebody tapped my shoulder, and as I looked to my side, fear ran down my spine. The person beside me was staring into my eyes with a commanding gaze, their blue eyes radiating a sense of authority.


Rizze: Yeah, it's a pitiful past, isn't it?

Dan: Yeah, it is. (spoken with fear)


Rizze: No need to fear, Dan. I'm not going to harm you. It's a good thing that you've turned into a hunter this time. This era is really interesting — monsters, portals, fame. It's so fascinating. I will soon get reborn in this era.


Dan: How many years have passed since your death, ma'am?

Rizze: I am not from this planet, so I don't know properly. It might be some trillions of years.

Dan: Wow! What a coincidence, ma'am. Being such a unluc…, I mean, having such an lucky person as you, as spirit, is comforting.


Rizze: You don't know my past, kid, so don't misjudge me.

Dan: How can I help you, ma'am?

Rizze: No need for formalities. You can call me Rizze. The thing is, I was cursed, and my spirit can't find a user easily. A user for my spirit cannot exist. I entered your body when you were born. I was circulating my magic for years to awaken, and I got awakened now. But the user should accept me by merging with their soul." 

"I steeled myself against her wiles, determined not to be ensnared. My resolve held steadfast; I would not falter. Turning my attention forward, a poignant scene unfolded – a girl seated in a wheelchair, a face obscured by an enigma. What cryptic revelation was she presenting? A peculiar sensation coursed through me, fixating my gaze upon her countenance. The embrace of a wheelchair was an unfamiliar presence; even my grandmother treaded the earth with nimble steps. Who was this mysterious girl? A strange familiarity lingered.


A gentle cascade of tears graced the ground. Was it the tender descent of raindrops? No, not rain. I was weeping. These tears bore the weight of sorrow and the sweetness of joy. Unacquainted with this girl, yet my heart insisted on a kinship.


In the throes of overwhelming emotions, my heart whispered. It was an intoxicating madness. A tumultuous rhythm echoed within me. I advanced towards her, only to find her form dissipate like morning mist. That girl, an embodiment of clouds.


What enigmatic spectacle was unfolding before me?"

Rizze: Not yet kid.

"Me: Rizze, can you show her again, please?

Rizze: Okay, but if you accept merging—

Me: Alright, I will accept. 

Then she came near, bit my left hand. I got a tattoo from my elbow to fingers. 

Me: I can't get a tattoo on my hand before 18.

Rizze: Baka (stupid), you are a hunter now. Okay, now you are a B-rank hunter. If you evolve into SUPREME-Rank, then I will tell you who that girl you saw right now. Time is coming to an end kid. One minute left. Go see that girl.


The girl appeared again. It felt so good to me. I was trying to remember, but I couldn't. I tried to think; blood was gushing out from my ears and nose.

Rizze: Don't try to remember her, kid. Your head might explode. I don't want my user to die soon.

By the way, the abilities I gave you right now: Ability 1 - Cessive Folds of Brain. Ability 2 - Copy Skills. You can copy skills and store them in your brain. If I did not give you the first ability, you can't use the second one. Try to copy both skills at once, and you can only copy skills up to B-rank hunters. Time is up, kid. We will meet often. Bye.

Me: Hey, wait—


[I woke up from my dream.]


Darn it, she ran away

I looked around, and again, it was a rich-looking house with a luxurious ceiling. I was in Emma's room again. Then I noticed I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Emma was sleeping beside me.

Me: Wake up, wake up, Emma.

Emma: emm, is it morning? I got a good sleep today.

Me: What are you doing on the same bed with me?

Emma: don't you remember anything, you fell asleep at night, hugged me very tight, not letting me separate from you. So, I slept with, and nothing happened? I can't guarantee anything in the future.

Me: (Blush) I know. A girl should not talk like that.

"Wait, see, my senses became razor-sharp. I can discern the faintest flutter of a mosquito's wings, and clarity envelops my vision. Didn't Rizze mention I ascended to a B-rank hunter yesterday, and that elusive girl in the ethereal clouds—"

Emma: Hey, you turned more handsome than yesterday, and your eyes turned blue. Your hair also changed into silver. What happened to my boyfri-, I mean, best buddy overnight?

Me: What? Eyes blue and hair silver? 

I rushed near the mirror. Yeah, I was looking even more stunning than yesterday.

Emma: Hey, that tattoo. Did you successfully merge with your spirit? Then these changes must be because of your beautiful spirit.

Me: Emma, I need to talk with you."

I shared the entire situation with Emma, detailing what had happened to me in my dream. I also mentioned the girl in the wheelchair, and how I was overjoyed to see her.

Emma: Hmmm. In which form was your spirit?

Me: A normal girl in her twenties, but that was her external appearance. Her age might be trillions of years, but I don't know her actual age.

Emma: Human! Hmm, my spirit is a white dragon—never heard of a 'human' formed spirit in my life.

She unbuttoned her shirt, revealing a small dragon head tattoo on her upper chest, bigger than a mole, but mine had a unique touch. It extended from my left hand, from elbow to fingers. It was stylish yet somewhat scary, giving off Rizze vibes.

Emma: Don't disclose anything about your human form to anyone. Just say it's a formless creature we should also check your Rank. Shelly, we should head to the guild for preparation; the test will take some time.

Me: Didn't I tell you I'm B-rank.

Emma: B-Rank Hunter? (shocked) You awakened directly as a B-Rank before 20?

Me: Don't talk in a sarcastic way; you are an S-Rank before 20.

Emma: Idiot, awakening as a B-Rank as soon as you awakened. Only monsters like LEO can do that. I awakened as a D-Rank at 13, and with my hard work, I achieved S-Rank before 20.

Me: Wait, what? [shocked]

Emma: How many abilities did you get today?

Me: I got two—Excessive Mind and Skill Copy.

Emma: (shocked) That's powerful skills, only existing in legends. You're saying it so casually; it's a great honor to get one. You got two. I am so jealous of you, Dan. Shelly and Dan, both of you, don't speak about Dan's skills outside; it should not leak. Dan, is there a limit to your skill?

Me: Yep, Emma said I can copy millions of skills until B-Rank. I should use both abilities at once...…OI Why aren't you responding?

Shelly: You are full of surprises, Dan. Do you have anything more to say?

Me: Nope (innocent look).

Emma: It's a good thing try to copy Shelly's summoning ability.

Me: Is it okay for her. [looks at Shelly]

Emma: It's okay [nods towards Shelly]

shelly, an A-Rank expert, summoned a majestic fox with practiced ease; I used both my abilities and copied that skill.

Me: (chants) Summon.

I couldn't summon anything.

Emma: Did you imagine any creature in your head?

Me: No. Emma: Fool, try to remember any creature and chant the spell.

Me: Okay, let me try again (chants). Which creature should I imagine?

Suddenly, I remembered the dragon tattoo on Emma's chest. As I said summon, A silver dragon, way too cute and small. The same type and structure of the dragon in her tattoo.

[ Shelly looked at Emma][Emma was blushing like crazy].

 Emma: Pervert!

 Me: It's not what it looks like.[blush]

As I was about to explain her

Shelly: Where's the dragon?

 'It went missing, but emma was pointing at my shoulder.

 It sat quietly and stared at me. As soon as I looked at it, the eye contact was enough to make it my best buddy. It started to lick me.

 Emma: It's a female dragon, you should name it Dan.

 Me: Emma, you name it. 

As soon as I said that I could see happiness on her face

 Emma: Now, that's my best buddy ever. Hmm, what should I name it? ' Haku.' How about that?

 Me: Yeah, it's cute.

 Haku: Kyuuu. 

Me: I think you like it.

 Then, Emma showed me one of her abilitie0s, doing it nonchalantly. The rest of her abilities, she kept as a secret. I freshened up myself, I put 

I put on the clothes which emma bought me One that fits my size. i folded my sleeves so my tattoo could be visible. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt like a handsome guy, 1000 times more handsome than Logan. I don't know why, but now I completely hate that Elena.

 A call interrupted.

 Emma: Shelly, my father is calling me. Drop him at his school. 

Shelly: As you wish, ma'am. 

It was 8:00 school starts at 8:30 am. When Shelly took me to school, I didn't even feel embarrassed coming out from a top notch car.

[ Students started to murmur]. Student: Hey, who is that?

 He came from the Sunshine group.

 Girl: Is he a transfer student? He's so hot. 

I didn't even care about the murmur; I went into my class. The whole corridor was watching me, and I sat on my seat. 

Student: Hey, who's that guy? Why did he sit on the seat of the beggar?

 Student: I think he doesn't know. 

Student: Did that guy transfer to our class? He's so hot.

Our homeroom teacher came in and started the attendance. When he said my name, the whole class was watching me.

Sir: Daniel.

 Me: Present, sir.

 The whole class was whispering, 'Who is that guy? He's completely different. He was a complete nerd, is he really the same guy when did he turn so hot?'

 After the class ended, I started to walk out, and in the corridor, Elena and Logan were waiting for me.

 Elena: When did you become a hunter? douche What are you doing? Did Emma Park dump you? 

Logan: Hey, stay away from Emma Park, you piece of shit. Turning into a handsome guy can't change your status. If you touch her, I will kill you.

 Elena: Turning into a hunter is easy. Which rank are you?

 Haku came out from my shirt.

 Haku: Kyuu.

 Me: Is my princess hungry? I forgot to feed you. I will give you a treat today.[wasn't paying any attention to them] 

Logan: That's an A-Rank familiar. 

Elena: What[Surprised] an A-Rank familiar. Hey, where did you steal it from?

 Emma suddenly came near the corridor.

 Emma: Oi, I was waiting for you down there for a long time.

 Me: Sorry, Emma, met an old acquaintance of mine.

 Emma: Should I wait a little longer? 

Me: Nope, I am coming there.

The whole school came to our floor and was watching us.

 Me: (whisper) Try to act properly emma.

 Emma: What are you talking about?

 Me: HEY Logan, you said not to touch her hair, right? Then I pulled her towards me and kissed Emma on her cheek.

 Logan: [his face turned red with anger]. 

Whole school: What the heck is going on?

 Me: She is mine, my dear GIRLFRIEND. We went on a date too Right emma.

 Emma: (embarrassed) Yeah!

 Whole school: They went on a date too.

 Me: Oh I forgot to tell you we are living together that's None of your business tho. If you have any problem Logan, then shut the fuck up and mind your own business. What did you say just now? Becoming handsome overnight won't change my status. I am a B-Rank hunter. Bitch.

 Whole school: a B-Rank hunter[shocked]As soon as he awakened, he is on a whole another level, he is a monster. 

I Silently took Emma out of the school where the car was parked.

 Me: Hey, did you see me his face [turns towards emma] Holy crap, what happened to you, Emma? Are you sick? Your face is completely red.

Emma: Acting, Huh! You idiot! (started to hit him) At least the kiss should be done properly.

 Me: Your not my lover yet? 

 Emma: You will definitely become one in the future.

 Me: I will be waiting then.

 I really like the moment when Elena's face turned red with anger when I said I am an B rank hunter. If I think about it, I really changed, not just my body but also my character. I was a complete coward and attention seeker. After becoming a hunter, I completely changed I am not naive as before. It's a good thing.

Emma: Hey! How about you join my guild?