

Near the foot of Mount tai.

Sumoto:ah I died. Smiling peacefully toward an old age guy with clean shave and bald head.

Last thing he remembers his life was whenhe was at tenth row ninth lane second from left where he qas gaining inspiration from a fruit stall and a guy with blue hat semi sleeves killed him with knife while he was in daze about what was going on.

"well it might have been my bad day while going out"

Cough cough

Sumoto :"oh are you god"?

??? :"hmm. So you are Sumoto nothing special worth noting. Oh you have high grades nice".

Somoto-seems like final boss character to me. Wonder if I kill him will I be god?

??? :"so what are your plans for next life?"

Somoto:"oh well a common room enough to eat a girlfriend same job and no setbacks and plz anime".

God:"do you think of me as a jinn or something that gives everything. You will work under me and receive your no. Than after third distruction you may have chance to be a Ape at best".

Somoto:"thanks you".

Next chapter