

Being god isn't easy, that I can tell you. Most of the time you have to endure an eternity of boredom. When I first became conscious everything was great. I was full of ideas and possibilities. Uncountable universes and even more worlds later I'm nothing more than a creepy stalker. Despite knowing all possible scenarios that can happen I'm still looking for bugs in my universe blueprint. Even when I take over one of the creatures to shake the world up a bit like starting a war or spreading a deadly disease nothing really changes.

I happened so that I'm pretty sure that my universe was perfectly bug-free. Looking through the universe like always I find my self-watching a standard scenario of a medieval fantasy kingdom being destroyed by an internal rebellion. The kingdoms name Pallatin, the royal families name Platin. Central elements of this specific scenario are the elven monarchists now lead by an elven queen who took over after her human husband's death and human rebels lead by the queens own elfen knight. I don't know why but internally I'm impressed that this totally unrealistically scenario came to be. Looking at it neutral I would have to bet on the rebellion encompassing 2/3 of the kingdoms total population it seems to be an unwinnable situation for the monarchists. But knowing this world and know ing myself better than everybody else, I am eagerly looking forward to how exactly the situation would change...

I see the valiant elven Queen Katharina fighting at the stairs of the great Pallatin Temple in the capital city's center against legions of rebels. Wearing thin leather armor over her royal robe, crown and swinging her sword she looks absolutely stunning. With the last remains of the royal guard, she protects what remains of the kingdom and the elven royal family that have found refuge in the easy to defend temple.

Seeing her fighting while also being mortally wounded I sneak into the conflict, just when the Queen's knight and rebel leader crosses swords with her. Taking over the queens body I display the most deadly sword art that can ever exist, called 'Death Sword Art'. Executing one rebel after another being only restricted by the queen's body I slaughter the queens and the Plantin families name into that out of a legend. Because of the physical limitations of a body, it takes me one and a half day to chop every rebel into peace so that only the queen and her knight remain in this sea of blood.

''I hoped it would never come to this Kathy.'' Says the knight in a bloody armor to me but I just move forward, stabbing around the armor plates I drive the blade right through his heart.

With the leader and the rebels in the capital killed I quickly check up on the queen's condition. Apart from the mortal injury the woman have had from before that I have already healed by taking over she is in good condition.

Right, when I want to leave her body I gaze into the queen's stomach to find a soulless baby in its first stages of development. Not wanting to further the queen's pain I make the decision to give the baby a soul. In doing so I feel myself drifting away, losing my self in the circle of life...

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