
Chapter 12: A day in Hell

After having exhausted all my cursing capacities on the old crook, I spend the whole day in bed checking up on my actual class.

-I will not believe this! Is the universe broken?! The chance of one having an extraordinary class should be around 0,1%, the chances for dual classes even for heroes never exceeds 50% and they are only born in times of war. It is peace as far as I can tell! How can I end up having not only a dual-class but also both being extraordinary ones?! 'Witcher' and 'Death Knight'?!!-

Giving up on the universe I got to sleep early to heal the remains of my shoulder wound and mentally prepared myself for the coming 'Years of Hell'.

Awakening early in the morning the next day, I am shocked to find my normal clothes to be removed and only the schools uniform remaining.

-How can I wear this?! Aren't I still a guy at heart?- I think to myself begrudgingly putting on the uniform for female students.

Wearing a white collared shirt with a black corset-like vest and light blue tie, a ruffled royal blue miniskirt, black and royal blue striped stockings, and knee-high black leather boots, I look like a doll somebody played dress-up with.

Looking into the floor length mirror puberty suddenly hits me and I get abdominal pain, breast tenderness, nausea, diarrhea, cramps and a loss of appetite all at ones. Feeling miserable but having expected it to happen I feel overwhelmed all of a sudden.

-Fuck you god me!...- Having created puberty I curse my former godly self for making the females body transition from girl to women so painful.

-... I get it, women can give birth but I don't even want to have sex with men! Why do I have felt this pain if I never ever will give birth to a child!- I think while running to the toilet.

With a splash of water to my face, I clear my mind and use the unique properties of my 'Death Body Technique' to adjust my bodies condition. With most of my puberty symptoms gone except for a headache I now have I adjust my tie, straighten my skirt and pull my vest down.

Angrily bite my shoulder length ashen grey hair in a bun and leave my room. Going down the corridor to my left I reach the central staircase and take an elevator down to me to the 'General Studies Institute'. Here I will have my first two and the only mandatory classes of the day.

- 'Geography: East and West connected through the South' and 'Politics: Intercontinental relations' both given by a Mr. Quentin.- I remind me when I'm reaching the classroom where I will have them.

The classroom is like all the others that are allocated to 'General Studies', smaller versions of the lecture halls of the other institutes. Rectangular in shape and sparsely furnished with wooden desks and chairs. The only furniture not wooden is the panel spanning across one of the rooms four walls made out of black slate.

Opening the door of the classroom and going through I'm assaulted by all different kinds of noises made by my classmate. Having to adjust to all these sounds I look around spotting Lanc sitting in a crowd of elven girls playing a few songs for them and Merry besieged by a group of human and jin boys all confessing their undying love to her.

''A nice day for a fight. Don't you think! Sif...'' I hear a growl from behind me and a black Ursa claw on my health up shoulder. Turning around I find a changed Marc Bearson before me.

''... Oh, sorry forgot your shoulder.'' Apologies the Ursu unconsciously pressing down on my shoulder.

''All is fine. Grandpas spells and Teacher Astrids potions worked miracles on...'' I tell him smiling him making him slightly blush.

''... But enough of me how has your father reacted to our little adventure down at the ruins?''

''After the shock of us fighting 'Sanctuary Guardians' vanished he told me that he was proud of me and instructed me to become friends with you. But that isn't all have you heard? The four of us meaning you, me, Lanc and that dammed jin are known as 'The four Dragons'. Dragons can you believe it?!'' Lanc happily reports to me while we search for our new places.

''No, I don't.'' I jokingly tell him when we sitting down near the windows in the 6th row of chairs, seeing that Merry and Marc have already chosen theirs.

-We couldn't all be friends.- I tell myself feeling mild pain by Merry's obvious rejection.

Sitting around talking to Mac about all kinds of thinks fighting related time goes by until suddenly the door opens and I see Q walking in.

-Wait a minute... Q is Mr. Quentin?! Fuck I totally forgot.-

''What are you doing here? Don't you have anything to do as dean?'' I ask jumping out of my chair, totally surprised by his reveal to be mine for the two mandatory subjects.

''I don't think how I spent my working hours is of any significance to your, Miss Sif.''

-Shit, hard ass Q has arrived?!- I use while sitting back down.

Time drags on in all my classes that day and I don't learn a thing, I don't already know from my explorations into the library, with the exemption regarding the commonly used Rankings, Schools and Jobs.

-Hadn't I always skip the commonly used conventions my notebook would be empty.- I summarise this hole days in my mind, sitting in my room in the evening, checking my notes:

+Physical, Magic, class and Spell Mastery Rankings:

1. Novice

2. Apprentice

3. Adept

4. Expert

5. Master

6. Legendary


-Me: Phy.= Apprentice; M.=Novice

-Q: Phy.= Apprentice; M.=Expert

-Death: Phy.=Master; M.=Master

Spell Schools:

-Arkanism (Spell combination)

-Alteration (Magic tricks)

-Conjuration (Light and dark rituals)

-Destruction (Weakening havoc by using the elements)

-Illusion (Hypnotism)

-Restoration (Healing miracles)

Weapon, Armor, Potion, Technique Rankings:

+Basic (Sold in stores by craftsmen or craftable ones learned):

1. Common

2. Enchanted

3. Superior

4. Master

5. Grandmaster

6. Legendary

+ Legendary (Auctioned of by Grandmasters or craftable ones learned):

1. Common Legendary

2. Enchanted Legendary

3. Superior Legendary

4. Master Legendary

5. Grandmaster Legendary

6. Godly


-Dagger from Arnold: Enchanted

-'Sword of Destiny': Common Legendary (can evolve)

Technique and Fighting Schools:

- Cat (Stealth)

- Bear (Tank)

- Falcon (Range)

+Examples (Ranked):

-'Death Body Technique': Superior Legendary Bear

-'Death Sword Arts': Master Legendary Falcon



- Scholar





A shorter chapter with all the informations related to this worlds rank levels.

Zibarncreators' thoughts
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