
God Incarnate

What if you could unlock your brain's full potential? What if the limiter that was set on your body was broken? What if... --------------------------------------------------------- In a far and desolate planet there was a boy who contracted a virus that killed millions of people. He was already on his last breath until... The boy, through sheer will and unwillingness to die suddenly managed to unlock his full potential. His brain, the universe inside our head evolved into something that made him into a higher being. Able to adapt to any environment, able to evolve his body to best suit his surroundings. His evolved brain is able to process data faster. And his mutated body was able to regenerate faster. He became a God. An immortal. An everlasting entity. Thus he was able to live until the day his planet was destroyed. After his planet was destroyed his body reformed into space. He then began to wander the eternal cosmos for a new planet. His body underwent a major change during his travel. Able to absorb and produce different kinds of energy that he encountered…Going from planet to planet observing its beginning and witnessing its ending. Learning about parallel-universe. Meeting beings made of magic or law; Gods! But with eternity comes solitude. He became apathetic and lost his desires. He became stagnant. After travelling every known realm and space, he has killed every being just to satiate his ever empty feeling. He seeked battles and war just to feel something. And when the last Primordial God died by his hands he stopped moving. He drifted into space for half an eternity. Seeking closure in slumber, reliving the days he spent as a mortal, as a weak being who was struggling to survive. He wishes to go back to the past and relive it all but that would be impossible because his power was designed to destroy and not create. Suddenly he awakened! He then began gathering every power he had on his body and… BOOOM! he self-destructed… After his body exploded it came together and formed a new realm, a new universe. His death birthed new lives and a new path, a new world, a new beginning with a new meaning. And after billions and billions of years later he again came into being…. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Fat_Neko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

The Soul

The Myriad Life Realm is where everything starts. It's the starting line of every living being with a soul. Those Life Orbs that were created by the stars called Vital Stars are the core of the soul, without it the soul would disappear into nothingness. 

"No matter which realm, everything is still the same. Everything has a beginning."

After admiring the Myriad Life Pond the Baby spread opened its two tiny arms and then performed a series of hand signs before uttering decrypt incantations. He was now floating above the center of the pond sitting cross legged with eyes closed. 

The Baby wanted to create a new soul that could handle the burden of the Primordial Spark inside this realm. Before coming here, he already saw the door the old woman opened up. The old woman wanted to find the baby's soul and guide it back to his body. She probably thought it went to the Purgatory to be judged, but it was actually destroyed from existence. After a while all the stars began emitting warm light as they each produced Life Orbs. All the Life Orbs vary in different colors. 

There are only 9 colors of Life Orbs. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Black and White. Different color means different levels of luck, aptitude and destiny. Red is the most common and having a soul with a Red Orb usually means having a Beggar's destiny. Those born with a beggar's destiny wouldn't have the strength to influence the grand scheme of things. If you were born with a beggar's destiny then you would die as an insignificant being. From Red to Violet their luck and aptitude level increases and their destiny becomes greater. Those born with a Violet Orb are geniuses with great luck, aptitude and destiny. Their very existence could influence the grand scheme of things.

But even though a beggar's destiny would amount to nothing, they could still upgrade their Orbs by accumulating enough merit and good karma. If a mortal were to accumulate enough merit and good karma then when they go through the reincarnation cycle their Orbs would be upgraded and they would be reborn as someone with an Orange Orb. Usually a Red Orb takes about a hundred life cycles before being upgraded to an Orange. They could upgrade it to a Violet which would take eons, well that is if their soul survived that long. If someone was born with an Indigo Orb then they would have a greater chance at being upgraded to a Violet because their core dictates that they have greater luck, aptitude and destiny, therefore accumulating merits faster and easier. But the amount of merits they would need would be enormous. They might have to save a world or two from destruction to earn enough for the upgrade.

The effect of the orb only affects those in the mortal realm. Once you broke out of your mortal status then only then can you forge your own destiny. 

The Baby gathered the new Life Orbs around him as he caught his breath. 'This infant body really isn't developed enough to handle stress'. The Orbs are smaller compared to the rest below but more vibrant and purer. After gathering it around him he now looks like a smaller version of the Myriad Life Pond with the Orbs gathering around with him at the center. The Baby then began selecting Life Orbs from each color and after selecting he casually waved his hand destroying the rest.

The Baby examined the Orbs that he chose confirming that it was above standards, he then created a massive magic circle with him at the center. It was a very complex 9 nine layered magic circle with ancient symbols and patterns. There's also 7 more magic circles on the outer part of the main circle. Each with its own unique design. And two more thin outline  circles outside. The Baby wielded the Orbs and 7 flew in each of the smaller magic circles floating above it. He was now left with only two, a White and Black Orb. The most unique of all the Orbs. 

"A Saint and a Demons' Orb. One with a heroic destiny with godly luck and another with a devilish aptitude and calamitous destiny. For each Saint born, a Demon mourns." The Baby said with a profound gaze as he looked at the two orbs that were floating in front of him. 

The White Orb and the Black Orb only appear in a span of five thousand years. Those born with a White Orb are called Saints and those born with the Black were referred to as Demons. These two Orbs always appear at the same time and are connected to the same branch of the Karmic Tree the moment they are formed. During their creation, the White steals all the luck a Black Orb has and in turn the Black takes away the aptitude of the White one. Causing a lucky Hero and a tragic Demon to be born. Only those that have reached the pinnacle were aware of this.

"These two Orbs have the most power and durability thereby the most needed for the creation of my soul. I don't have much time left. I need to act fast."

"Forbidden Art: Soul Forge Formation"

*Weng *Weng *Weng

Unfathomable and profound power surged as the 9 layered magic circle activated. It greedily sucked in the energies of the stars. The baby saw this and couldn't help nodding. This was the biggest reason why this was the most appropriate place to forge a soul core, inside here he can have an unlimited supply of compatible energy to forge his own soul core. The 7 smaller magic circles glowed with each color corresponding to the color of the Orb that was floating above it. The Orbs then turned into essence as it was absorbed by the 7 magic circles. After that a line was formed connecting the 7 magic circle in the form of a 7 sided shape which is also connected to the center where the Baby was sitting. At the center, the Baby was focused on fusing the White and Black Orb together, it's a tedious task because a single bit of imbalance between the two can destroy both of the Orbs and he would have to start over again. And time is what he doesn't have at the moment when his body was deteriorating each passing second.

*Woosh *Woosh

Energies danced about around the Baby as the fusion reached the point of no return. After a while a blinding light covered the whole realm followed by streaks of darkness. 

"Success.." Said the Baby as his already pale complexion paled even more. 

In his hands a Yin Yang Orb was floating.  "Now for the next step." The Yin Yang Orb floated above his head as rainbow colored energies from the magic circle began floating upward before converging into a single point which was the Yin Yang Orb. The rainbow colored energy coated the Orb forming a rainbow colored outer wall. After the energies converged and formed a shell around the Orb, the magic circle followed the energy and engraved itself on the surface of the shell. Now all that's left was a naked Baby holding a marble sized glowing Orb. It was emitting a rainbow colored light and inside one can see a Yin Yang circle slowly rotating. And if one reached a very high understanding about formation they would see that a very thin magic formation was engraved on its surface.

The Baby examined the core and couldn't help but smile. It has been a while since he last smiled and also felt some sense of accomplishment. "Good, with this as the core, the soul should be able to handle the Primordial Spark. Hmm… I shall name this the Myriad Colored Yin Yang Core. But there is still something needed to be done before it can be one hundred percent complete."

The Baby's expression turned serious (cute) as he began the final step. He sat crossed legged again with his eyes closed and began his enlightenment. "I have failed in my previous life because I lost my individuality. But now that I have been reborn once more, I can start again. I have finally comprehended the first mystery of life. Although I have not mastered it yet, this small step is enough for me to create life." 

"Creation is just another form of destruction as destruction is just another form of creation. Let life blossom and Death wilt. Let Time pass and Space be restless. Fate shall be me and I shall be my Fate. " The primordial spark inside the Baby vibrated strongly before calming down. Before it was like a storm, now it's a calm ocean without any ripple. A small golden seed then came out of the Baby's glabella and fused with the core. It was the Primordial Spark. The core then shined brightly before becoming transparent and then turned into a golden wisp which then entered the Baby's body. The enlightenment carried on for a few more moments before the Baby suddenly opened its eyes and proclaimed. "I  pronounce my existence officially-


The new soul has finally been complete. "It's finally done." The Baby examined his body to find out if the new soul was able to integrate with the body flawlessly. It did. But…

"As I thought. This body will still be the problem. My undeveloped mind is also a big problem. It could easily break if I use too much power consecutively. I have to strengthen my body first so balance between body and soul can be achieved. I can't take the shortcut in tempering it, otherwise it's future development would be a problem. As for my mind, it can be strengthened through experiences and enlightenment." The enlightenment earlier had already helped it grow and become a bit stronger.

The Baby thought for a minute before diving at the center of the Myriad Life Pond. After a while he reached the very bottom but suddenly emerged on top of another pond or rather a river made from rich life essence that glowed in ethereal blue color. "The Spiritual Link River, I can use this river to strengthen my body."

The Spiritual Link River is connected to the Karmic Tree which is directly above the Myriad Life Realm. The Myriad Life pond is like an upside down funnel which the newly born soul uses to get to the Spiritual Link River. This is where the souls establish their connection to their host in the living realm. Without the connection, the soul would not be able to descend to the living realm and would be taken by the Astral Plane. The Baby didn't need to establish that connection though because he was already connected to it.

He looked at his surroundings and found that billions of souls were floating on top of the river heading towards a very distant tree. The souls were in the form of a wisp as it travelled on the river. They were all ethereal blue green in color which greatly differs from his golden colored soul.

The Baby descended on the river and sat cross legged on its surface while uttering decrypt incantation. Ancient text came out of his mouth which laid on top of the river forming another magic circle and on the center of the circle, a humanoid figure with four arms could be seen. Its silhouette appeared on the Baby's back as he absorbed the strong life essence that the river offered. The life essence was then converted into vitality which was then converted into the natural regeneration ability of his body. He stayed on the river for a few more hours until he reached the limit his body could absorb. He opened his eyes and examined his body, it was still weak but its regeneration ability is now enhanced. A very satisfying result. Tempering his body in the living realm would now be easier. 

The life essence on the river also greatly rejuvenated and revitalized his body. The Baby's body now looked flawless and silky smooth. He stabilized his condition and thought of the thing he still needed to do. The Primordial Spark had now been dealt with but it was still too much of a burden for the newly forged soul and newly born body to handle, that is why he had to seal it. So until this mortal vessel became stronger and the soul matured he couldn't wantonly exert his power. 

After he was done stabilizing his condition he proceeded to fly over the river heading towards its end.