
CHAPTER 1- The ending of a new beginning

Hey kid! get up it's lunch time, a thick voice that reek of alcohol thundered as he grabbed a tiny looking kid by his collar , the kid has purple hair that was looking haggard and unkept he was so thin that his skeleton could be seen from the outside.

This 15 year old kid looks like a 12 year old due to his poor body physique his name is xiaofan. Thud! The huge man threw xiaofan roughly on the floor in a cold room before retreating shutting the door behind him xiaofan looked around him ,When he arrived at this strange place the children were close to a thousand but now there weren't more than twenty that was left. Xiaofan remembered how he was was been tortured daily they would sometimes take him with some others to a strange lab were they would be subjected to inhuman tortue , xiaofan would sometimes asked them why he was being tortured, and their reply was always that it was the betterment and growth if humanity.

Xiaofan grabbed a dried bread as he ate it hungrily as they were only fed twice a week, after that he drank the water on the floor after that he went to a corner and sat he knew that after giving them food it would be time for some torture he never bothered to talk to the rest kids as he decided to detach himself from everyone.

His parents where heroes who possessed extraordinary powers as they were the worlds greatest hero, in their world 90% of the human popularity possessed some kind of abilities called super powers , xiaofan also noticed that all the kids that were brought to this strange place have no super powers, xiaofan also didnt possess any super powers as kids unlock their super powers at the age of 13 xiaofan was also tested when he was 13 but he possessed no super power this dumbfounded the researchers as they were surprised that the son of the two greatest hero didn't possess any super power , his father could control black lightning and wind and was known as a dual wielder , his mom also possessed the power of regeneration and the power of decay which could turn anything into nothingness. The reseachers tried if they could see any hope in him but after a year with no hope they discovered that he was just a waste a disgrace to his parents good names so they gave up on him and used him for various inhumane research.

As xiaofan was deep in thought the door creaked open as a guard walked in, "You follow me" the guard ordered staring at xiaofan indicating that he was talking to him xiaofan was surprised as he stood up and quickly followed the guard , the reason why he was surprised was the fact that everytime they took him they always brought another kid along with him, xiaofan followed the guards slowly as he walked behind him.

they finally arrived at a facility which xiaofan was familiar with as that was the place they usually receive inhumane torture, Xiaofan saw that all the doctors were there as they stared at him xiaofan walked towards the bed in the center of the lab which has many thick wires connected to it he lied down on it as he closed his eyes .

Hehe! Good kid , you are really smart as you know what to do doctor ray laughed as a sinister smile appeared on his face, lad todays experiment would be a little special as it would help us as a humanity to grow, Doctor Ray said as he walked towards the bed, the other doctors followed closely.

Doctor Ray strapped xiaofan to the bed so he wont be able to shake or attempt to run away, "Doctor Min turn on the switch" doctor ray muttered as he stepped back creating some distance between him and the bed all the doctors did the same . "Done" Doctor Min said after turning on the switch. "Take it to Ten percent" Doctor Ray ordered we must record how long his brain would survive in face of lightening. Hearing this Doctor Min turned the switch to 10 percent electric buzz could be heard as they drilled into xiaofans brain but xiaofan didnt bulge neither was there any expression of pain in his face , that was because he is already used to such intensity as they always suffered 30 percent everytime they were brought to this lab.

"Increase it to 50 percent" Doctor Ray ordered hearing this command without hesitating Doctor Min turned the switch to 50 percent, the electric bolts became more terrifying as they drilled theur way into xiaofans brain . Xiaofan was in intense pain as he was shaking vigorously, "70 percent" Doctor Ray ordered, Doctor Min increased it yet again , the lightening was now many times terrifying as they doctors stepped back several feet from the bed , at this time blood has started leaking from his head and eyes , "100 percent" Doctor Ray ordered with a cold voice following orders Doctor Min activated the switch fully, xiaofan was shaking vigorously as smoke was pouring out of his head after 15 good minutes he quieted down, seeing this Doctor Min switched off the device as they all went to check on xiaofan whose entire body was charred black it was unknown if he was dead or unconscious.

"Guards! Dispose him" Doctor Ray ordered expressionlessly, A huge guard walked towards the bed as he took xiaofan away , were he was taken to was unknown.

Faraway in an unknown realm a magnificent palace was floating in mid air, it was full of mysteries."Qingxian you have to make sure you master your ice world so you will have a chance in the 100th slot for entering that place" A tall man who sat on a gigantic throne said his voice was thick and heavy but it couldn't hide the love and care in the tone as he stared at his cute daughter who seems to gave come from an immortal realm .

Don't worry father i will make you and mum proud Qinxian who was about 16years of age replied as she wore a serious look on her face which still made her look very cute with her white long ropes that was so pure and clean that it seems to possess cleansing aura with a silver crown that rested perfectly on her head which matched her long silver hair thay rested on her waist giving her a graceful look. " Alright you can head back to your room now" the Talk man said , Qingxian nodded as she walked out of the palace as she went to her room .

My princess! A young lady with black hair and graceful figure greated humbly the moment Qingxian entered her gigantic room she was about 25 years of age " Big sister i want to go out for sometime to train why dont you accompany me Qingxian asked putting on a mischievous smile . "My princess are you sure about this your father would be angry if he found out you sneaked out of the palace again" the young lady asked , dont worry about that my mum will take care of that as usual, Qingxian putting in a sweet smile. Sigh! The young lady sighed in defeat " when do you plan to go and were are you planning to go train" she asked , dont worry i have a place in mind let me grab my sword Qingxian said as she went to a corner of the room she grabbed the sword that was hung neatly on the wall , Big sister let's go Qingxian said as she placed the sword in the sheath around her waist. The young lady grabbed Qingxian as they flew out of the great palace .

" Princess were do you plan to go to the young lady asked as she was floating in air holding onto Qingxian one of her super powers was amazingly Flight which was surprisingly a heaven grade super power . "Big sister am always jealous of your flying ability" Qingxian said putting in a gentle smile that seems to make the world lose its color. " Princess compared to your abilities mine is just mediocre" The lady replied."Hmph" lets head towards the northern region.

"We are finally here!"Qingxian yelled as she floated in the air as a young lady held her hand . The temperature was a little bit low, they were above a huge Forest that spans millions of miles in radius , "my princess do you plan to head towards that place" the young lady asked as her expression was quite unsightly, hearing this Qingxian nodded as she wore a serious expression, the cold energy there is really intense it would help me in perfecting my ice world, as they were about to to fly into the forest they noticed a slight movement, WHO!! The young lady was on guard as she turned towards the direction the sound came from only to see a black figure in the ground surrounded by tall bushes, "princess stay behind me" the young lady said as she floated gently towards the object," This!"after she was now few inches away from the figure she discovered that it was a human , that seemed to have been burnt black." Is that a human"? Qingxian asked she stretched her head from behind The Young lady to have a proper look , she was about to move coser when she was stopped by the young lady , " Princess it is dangerous and besides he seems to be dead already" hearing this Qingxian was saddened as she wondered what such a young man could have done to deserve such a painful death . "Lets go" Qingxian mumbled in low breath as she turned around as they were about to leave they suddenly heard a weak voice "HELP" did you hear that Qingxian asked the lady as she turned around to look at the charred figure the lady also turned around at this point she exchanged glances with Qingxian before she moved forward seeing it was a young kid due to the body physique as she bent down checking his pulse seeing that he was barely breathing she sighed before she stood upright . " My princess he is still breathing but he seems to be taking his last breath" the lady said before walking back to her previous position. Hearing this Qingxian eyes shown with delight as she took out a jade box from her rope, opening the jade box she took out a pill that was pure white and emitted an intense amount of vitality.

Seeing this the young lady was shocked beyond words "My princess what are you planning i hope you are not thinking of giving him the life nourishment pill"? Thats right Qingxian replied as she stared at the charred body ," although this pill is precious and i have just one its not as precious as a human life" Qingxian said as she approached the charred figure , the young lady was really not happy with this decision as that pill was gifted to her by her father and it was the only pill of this grade in this meager world, as it can only be gotten in that place . "Sigh!! The princess is still young and innocent" the lady muttered as she tried to console her bleading heart .

About this novel I would be honest with all readers as this novel gets more interesting the more we proceed please help me like and share this novel so we all can improve

one love from Author Juice

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