1 God Crisis

----Half destroyed space ship---

Emergency alarm is ringing in the whole spaceship and you can feel the condition is not good for the space ship. In the control room there is blood everywhere. Things are broken beyond recognition. A man laying in his blood with a hole in his chest that is burned showing that damage is done by an energy weapon. Man is waiting for his death to come.

Suddenly on the mainframe computer a holographic message is being broadcasted. The one broadcasting the message is a human being but instead of two eyes he has a third one on his forehead which is in horizontal alignment like how normal human eyes are aligned. There is a text bellow showing this man's name 'Mark Arvin' and his military post 'Alliance space regiment head' and he is saying something "I Mark Arvin the head of Space regiment of Human Alliance force declares that we have won the war against the 'Gods' and from today onwards we don't have to live in fear. Last God fell on the Planet of 'Panthera' in space sector -73#B12".


After hearing this message the man that is laying down there seems to gain a new power and will and started struggling to get up and comanded "Zi... Start the med-pod with all the remaining energy and send SOS ".After saying that he pushes his body into the med-pod and tries to sleep in peace while we can see that his wounds are healing themselves at a visible rate.

When his wounds are being healed he is thinking about the past and all the atrocities that human race has go through to get to this stage.


It all started aproximately 3000 years ago. It was the time when human have not even left their home planet, it was year 2030 according to the calendar at that time when human civilization was busy fighting each other that is World War 3 was in full swing many countries were fighting among each other and they are busy making various weapon of mass destruction to level their enemy.

A group of Scientists who are doing research on the remains of unknown civilization on the dark side of the moon they came to know some world shattering truth and after finding it all humanity began boiling up like hot water and all countries stopped fighting each other with just a simple piece of news that is God exists. Yes, this may sound okay like yeah, We are believing in God from very long time ago and we believe they exist, but that's not the main thing.

The main thing is that we found another information that subverted the cognition of human beings. Gods are a race just like Human beings but they are a race that is more bend towards spiritual aspect of life rather than its physical aspect like current humans and what we know about Gods from different mythology and religion are true but not in a positive sense but a negative sense.

You would know that there are many stories about end of the world and stuff like that in every mythology but it's all true Gods are a species that farm human beings,YES they farm human beings and what they feed on is not the flesh but our soul and faith. The more a God has a believer who can give him faith more powerful he will be and more he devours their soul more powerful he would be. But the main catch is that God treat human beings like animal in zoo and when they think that human civilization is growing powerful or they are not getting much faith value from humans they would come and destroy the whole civilization with leaving few remaining people to start it again and then they would spread their stories and make humans believe in them once again. So that Human beings can give them faith and soul again for feeding.


But what scientists found on dark side of moon is the remains of the secret base of human civilization that live on Earth before us that is before they were advanced enough to be wiped away by the God. Humans of the previous civilization called Atlantis and known by many other names in other mythology became too much advanced in their technology and they have worked out the laws of universe on a fundamental level very quickly during few hundred years due to some experimental accidents that Gods don't have enough time to know about their advancement and destroy them before they get enough power to threaten God.

Don't get me wrong Atlantians didn't became to Op. They just accidentally know about the potential of human beings and how to activate them with spiritual energy the very same energy that is the base of Gods so wary Gods don't want to see human civilization becoming powerful enough to stand on the same pedestal as them and started fighting them which caused the Atlantians to be wiped out of their existence along with all their proof of existence and everything. But few Atlantians managed to get away before the destruction of civilization and some managed to hide in secret based on the Earth to pass on the knowledge of activating the human potential to next generation after God leave the planet after spreading their stories and some went in the vast space to find a new place to live and starts new civilization in hope of getting revenge some day.


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