
Reo's Skills and Items Description


(Using Wiki for most of the skills and items so don't be mad guys.)

1.Rasengan: The Rasengan is a spinning ball of the chakra(Soul Force) formed and held in the palm of the user's hand, which is only known to a handful of Ninja. (Mastered)

2. Elemental Affinity: Increases Elemental Affinity with the basic elements(Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Dark, Light).( Basic Level Mastery)

3. Shadow Clone Jutsu - Can Create a Shadow Clone of Reo and do whatever reo can do and use reo's skills and train for him. System Restricted the Number of Shadow Clones and is bound to the levels of GCS so now he can create 10 clones at level 4 of GCS.( Mastered, But Clones Restricted To GCS Level)

4. Three Types of Haki:

Armament Haki- Allows the Host to use their spirit as armor to defend against attacks or to make their attacks more potent. ( Basic Level)

Observation Haki - Grants Host a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities. The host can hone their skills to such a degree that they can seemingly predict the future. (Basic Level)

Conquerer Haki - Grants the Host the ability to overpower the will of others. Seemingly grants the Aura of an emperor. (Basic Level)

5. Medical Ninjutsu - Allows the user to use Soul force to heal oneself or others depending on the control of the soul force. (Basic Level)

6. Splitting Moon Cascade - One of the Highest Level Techniques used for Movement. When Completely mastered allows the host to achieve a state of invisibility. (Basic Level)

Cultivation Technique:

[Truths of the Laws] - The cultivation technique which is one of the most powerful and most suited for Reo's Elemental Attributed Soul. Each element is made up of the laws of the world and comprehending the law is reaching the apex of mastery on that element. This cultivation technique paves the pathway to comprehending all the laws and inner truths enabling the practitioner to master each element and law.


1.Might Guy Inheritance - A master of Taijutsu, Guy leads and passes his wisdom onto the user due to the inheritance. The host will learn all of Might Guy's Skills, but Host has to master them on his own. ( Can Release Eight Inner Gates: Gate of Healing )

2. Dracule Mihawk Inheritance - One of the Greatest Swordsman in the world leads and passes his wisdom onto the Host due to the inheritance, but Host has to master them on his own. ( Sword Intent First Release: Siren's Song Mastered, Others Locked)

3. Uchiha Madara Inheritance - One of the greatest ninjas ever lived and the strongest Uchiha. Allows the Host to Use all skills. Except the ones belonging to Bloodline because it's still locked. ( Basic Techniques Comprehended, Skills not mastered due to complexity)

4. Natsu Dragneel Inheritance - The Strongest Flame Dragon Slayer Magic Wielder. All skills are unlocked. ( Can use Fire Dragon's Iron Claw, Fire Dragon's Wing Attack, Fire Dragon's Flaming Elbow, Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame, Fire Dragon's Secret Skills: Locked)

5. Gray Full Buster Inheritance - The Strongest Ice Devil Slayer Magic Wielder. All Skills are unlocked. ( Can use Ice-Make: Ice Cannon, Ice Lance, Ice Shield, Ice Bringer, Ice Devil Slayer Magic: Locked)


1. Tessaiga - Iron-Crushing Fang is a powerful demon sword. The Tessaiga can absorb the powers and abilities of any material, substance, or form of demonic energy it comes in contact with, making itself more powerful. The host can absorb materials related to Tessaiga to unlock its abilities.

(Unlocked Form's - 1st Form: Wind Scar, 2nd Form: Diamond Tessaiga)


1. Ninja Tools - (Has 5 Kunai, 10 Shuriken, 5 Smoke Bombs)Will act as his hidden weapons used to catch his opponents off guard and to help him escape.

2.Twin Cloud Training Outfit - an outfit enchanted with special abilities to double his training speed.

3. Regalia Tempest(Wind Armour)- Armour that fits Reo and is currently used by him.

4. Hidden Arts First Form-Viper Strike - A mechanical device that shoots a dart coated with numbing and paralysis poison which is hidden beneath his wrist guards.

5. Hidden Arts 2nd Form: The Reaper's Scythe - This weaponry is attached to one's boots and used as a scythe when kicking and plunging the poisonous blade which infects the enemies with a potent paralysis poison that quickly paralyzes the target.

6. Tiger's Fang - The sword was normal looking with an exquisite tiger carved in the hilt of the blade and was said to be made using a tiger's fang and was hence named so, it was a gift from his father for entering the academy.

Divine Legacy:

1.Evil God Blood (Divine Legacy) - The Evil God does not align with any of the elements, for he is the nemesis of all the elements. But no one can compare to the Evil God in terms of familiarity and capability in wielding the elements. If you somehow manage to completely inherit the Evil God's powers, then not only fire, even water, wind, thunder, earth, domain, dimension, spirit… would all be subdued by you, and would never be able to bring you harm. Host Still has to collect all the Evil God seeds on his own.

1st Realm: Evil Soul ( Unlocked And Strength Requirement Met)

Evil God Seeds: None


1. Senior Grandmaster Alchemist Badge

2. Sky Poison Pearl - The Sky Poison Pearl's capabilities are centered around poison, medicine, purification, alchemy and storage space.

3. Senzu Beans - (Has 2) - A life-saving bean that can instantly heal all injuries and restore half of the user's energy.

The profession's Unlocked:

1. Alchemist - Grand Master Level Achieved.

2. Blacksmith - Intermediate Master Level Achieved.

Hello Everyone ! This is a chapter only about reo's skills and items and such. Do mention in the comments if I missed anything and things will be updated once a change occurs in the novel.

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