
God and the Devil's World : Blessed by Darkness

Fanfiction of a chinese light novel, English adaptation of the French version of this fanfiction. The primordial entity of darkness has sent the soul of a former reader of the novel to the dimension where the story takes place by granting him wishes as a bonus. English is not my first language so bear with me, I've put enough detail into the story so knowledge of the main novel is not necessary. However, I invite you to go and read this novel because it's incredible . I hope you enjoy reading my little story .

The3Entities · Book&Literature
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67 Chs

chapter 7 : First night

The phone rang for almost 10 seconds before a woman's voice answered.

 Maria: Alexa my baby! Oh thank goodness! Are you home ?! Please stay safe until we get back.

 Drake: Mom please stop fussing, I'm fine! It's actually you I'm worried about. How are you ?! Have you leveled up?! You must become much stronger for this new world.

 Maria: Yes my heart, we are trying to adapt, especially your father who does not seem at all bothered by this situation (In a depressed tone). We have a fortified and armored shelter and we sometimes go out to kill the monsters , they are quite scary! Weak but scary.

 Drake: Where's Dad ? I would like to listen to him please.

 Maria: Rob your son wants to talk to you (addressing her husband)

 Robert: Champion! Fuck yeah I knew you were going to survive even without us. You were right to make us watch all those zombie movies with you!

 Drake: Good to hear from you old man. I hope you have plenty of food with you.

 Robert: Huh?! Um yeah I guess, your mom and I were shopping for a few weeks.

 Drake: That won't be enough, put the speaker on please, I want you both to listen to me, it's really urgent!


 Robert: It's done son, your mom and I are listening to you.

 Drake began to explain to them what he knew about this new world, the agricultural crops that would no longer produce normally, the mutated beasts, the water that had to be boiled, the different types of zombies, the hordes coming, humans who would also become real psychopaths and above all, he emphasized the importance of picking up the survival parts, fallen skills and equipment, gathering a group of strong survivors and finding a village of novice for individual or collective improvements.

 Maria: My angel, we listened to you but how do you know all that?!

 Drake: When I was a kid I had nightmares about it and all the images are coming true now.

 He had to lie to them about it.

 Robert: Wow!! Okay son but tell me, what's your level now ?

 Drake: I'm level 17

 Robert & Maria: WHAT?!! Already ?!

 Drake: Well, yeah and you?!

 Maria: level 8

 Robert: Level 9. Damn kid, how did you do it ?!

 Drake: Let's just say I'm just faster than you hahaha! By the way, which country are you in Africa ?

 Maria: In Gabon! Where your father was adopted as a baby by the Armstrong family (she said with amusement)

 They continued to chat for a bit and then Drake asked them to find some solar phone chargers so they could still call each other. He said goodbye to them before hanging up.

 Drake after all this fighting was hungry so he went to the kitchen and luckily there was a lot of food, spices and in the cold room there was beef stew and some vegetables with rice. Using telekinesis, he flew them into his inventory to multiply them, then he brought out the quantity needed to cook.

 From his childhood Drake had developed an ability to quickly, very quickly assimilate information.

His parents for his good nutrition had hired one of the best cooks in the world and out of curiosity he learned cooking skills from this man, very soon Drake's cooking skills were a world above theirs.

 He only ever cooked for himself or his parents. 

 After a few minutes the food was ready. Drake had made a beef stew extremely rich in meat whose devilishly good smell spread throughout almost the entire building and especially among his neighbors, Yue Zhong's group.

 In Yue's apartment, everyone was exhausted and hungry, Yue asked to make some rice and meat for them to eat.

He decided that the fighters would have meat while the rest would have rice and vegetables.

 This decision was not approved by everyone and especially Zhao Zhen's group.

 As they tried to eat, the smell of Drake's stew came to disturb them to the highest level.

 "How can a dish smell like that?! It smells so good!! "

 "Where does this perfume come from?! What culinary demon could have made this mesmerizing dish in the building" 

 "That smell of meat so spicy! Damn I'm even hungrier than before!" they started to get agitated.

 Chen Yao: It's coming from the apartment next door, where the stranger moved in!

 Cai Xiao : Handsome, strong, and an excellent cook, at this point he's not even human anymore. We should go see him right?!

 Yue : I don't think that's a good idea! We are no longer in the same group and our resources are not to be shared according to what he made us understand last time. Thanks to the language of some people, it will be difficult to collaborate with him later.

 Listening to it, everyone else was embarrassed, especially the girls! Chen Gang stood up among Zhao Zhen's group he joined and said

 "So what?! I remind you that this guy wanted Chinese people to be abandoned just because they didn't want to fight!" 

 Zhao Zhen and the rest of his group nodded their heads in approval.

 Wang Fang: That's right! Besides he's not a gentleman, he was going to ask girls to risk their lives when there were men to fight. 

 The other girls approved when suddenly Ji Qing Wu stood up and walked towards the door to go out.

 Chen Yao: Qing Wu where are you going?! It's dangerous outside!

 Qing Wu: I'll be right back. 

 She went out and knocked on Drake's door which he opened while he was shirtless, he had undressed to sleep, it was his habit to sleep naked.

 When Qing Wu saw Drake, her blood rushed to her head and she looked away, blushing. Drake himself wasn't really aware of how much more handsome he had become and what's more, his perfect torso muscles and abs were bare in front of Ji Qing Wu.

 While Qing Wu was in his world, he woke him up saying in a dull tone

 " What do you want ?!" with an emotionless face.

 Embarrassed and upset Ji Qing Wu frowned, usually boys are polite and seek her attention or want to please her but not the guy in front of her whose appearance looked more like an illusion than anything else.

 She came to her senses and said "I'm sorry for bothering you, it's just that I smelled your food and wondered if you could give me some." 

 Drake: You still have your supplies and food right ?

 Qing Wu: yes but… (Drake cut him off)

 Drake: You got a lot more than me at the supermarket didn't you ?

 Qing Wu: I know, it's just... (Drake cut in again)

 Drake: Why come and ask me for food when you have more than me! Do you have any modesty ? I took almost nothing from you though. I remind you that we are not from the same group you have silently approved so assume silently.

 Qing Wu: I'm sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to taste your dish, just a little. After this difficult day it would perhaps have relieved me.

 Drake: All right, don't move.

 He went to get a clean plate and put some of his food on it then gave it to Qing Wu.

 Drake: This is the last time you bother me. Don't you or your friends come back and tell Yue that I'm tired at the moment, he will go look for his friend without me because I'm exhausted, he can look for me if he really needs my help only later. Drake wasn't lying, he was really exhausted from his body's transformation.

 He closed the door and Qing Wu stood there for a few seconds murmuring

 "He really has no interest in me ? Hmm!" she sighed in disappointment.

 Earlier, Drake gave her a sword and she thought he was somewhat interested in her, although it wasn't too important to her, a woman always likes to get the attention of a man who is better than the rest.

 She sighed and went back to her group's apartment, when they saw the plates containing the delicious food, they all knew why she went outside.

 Chen Yao asked for a taste but first, Qing Wu warned her group about what Drake told her!

 The girls were hugging but when they saw Qing Wu completely red in the face they asked him why. Qing Wu lowered his eyes a little before saying softly.

 "You'll know when you see it."

 The other girls became curious, they knew that Drake was quite a handsome guy but to make the first beauty of the university blush just like that was something else.

 Qing Wu gave the girls just a little meat and shared the rest with Yue Zhong while telling him what Drake had asked her to let him know. He nodded and after eating they went to bed.

 Chen Yao asked Yue to take his room to make a good impression and he thanked him without more.

 For his part, Drake went to bed peacefully, took out a shadow to guard the apartment while he slept and slept like a baby!

He came to this reality for fun and the logic of a fictional universe dictates that all the most interesting events have to do with the main character of their story and in this reality, Yue was the original main character. Drake had plans that were going to include Yue, so for now he's going to follow him a little bit to attend certain important events before establishing his dominance over this world later and even more.