
Hallucinatory god

Let me pose the idea that god was a hallucination. That with this idea one person at some point in time had this hallucination and in that same hallucination had the back story for the character. Then people all through out the same cultural background create a god out of this. So then people in this same culture also had the same mental illness, so they beileved since it was put in a good light, that when they also had hallucations thay also thought it was this god talking to them. Lets take, I think it was moses and the burning bush anyway its been a long time since I read the bible, Moses has the hallucination while the bush is burning. That bush can burn naturaly as proved by sceince, this could be what triggered his hallucination seeing the burning bush that is and so he started to hear the "voice of god" as he couldn't find another explanation for this event and yet another of his episodes was triggered. The founder of the Mormons had an episode like this where he fell asleep and had this fantastical dream that god told him to form his own community and other such things, he was eventually killed by a group of christians for being a heretic and "devil worshipper".

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