
God's Gaze: I Met a Regressor in Another World

One day, Kleint was summoned to an unknown world after an enigmatic message appeared on his screen: - Will you participate in the game? - The monsters poured out, and an incredible crisis ensued. Kleint's talent couldn't have been worse. [The player's talent is horrible] [No matter how hard you work, your talent level will not improve.] Magic and monsters existed in this place, and he seemed to have those powers. Although Kleint's talent is not the best, all that changes when he has a pair of strange eyes. ....

Junni_MC · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Class [3]

Nothing unusual happened two days after Kleint got his [Mage] class.

A few days after Kleint got his class, Lee Joon also got a class, and the choices he had were [Priest], [Warrior], and [Archer]. His choice was quite obvious, and he chose the [Archer] class since it is the most compatible with him.

Besides, kleint suggested that he choose that class, as Lee Joon had thought he intended to choose the [Warrior] class because it gave the most benefit in terms of statistics. Giving two points in stats: strength, agility, vitality, and stamina.

Unlike [Archer], which only gave him three points in agility, and [Priest], which only gave him one point in strength and holy power.

So a person who doesn't have Kleint's attribute that allows him to see the hidden talent in people and his own, if a class like [Warrior] that gave him basic knowledge in different weapons appeared to them, they would choose it without hesitation.

"Sigh, when we leave this place..." Kleint, with a bored expression, leaned against a tree, looking up at the clear sky with no clouds and no sun.

During these two days, after Lee Joon got his class, Alice told them that she had things to do, so for the time being, they did not go out to hunt monsters or attract supplies. Also, there were practically no monsters near the safe zone after constant cleaning.

During these days, I have been simply practicing my magic... But I didn't expect magic to be so interesting... Well, now that I already have a class, I have a future assassin as a companion... Kleint thought with a smile plastered on his face, and then looked at Lee Joon and checked his status window.

[Checking the status window and talent levels of player Lee Joon].

[Name: Lee Joon]

[Age: 20]

[Disposition: ambitious reserved]

[Title: None]

[Class: Archer (Common)]

[Class Effect: Basic knowledge in the use of bow and arrows]


[Strength: 16/growth potential: rare or lower]

[Agility: 14/growth potential: legendary or higher]

[Vitellinity: 14/growth potential: heroic or lower]

[Intelligence: 11/Growth Potential: heroic or lower]

[Stamina: 12/growth potential: heroic or lower]

[Luck: 10/Growth Potential: heroic or lower]

[Mana: 5/growth potential: rare or lower]

[General review: You have taken the first step and are well on your way to becoming an amazing assassin by choosing the [Archer] class, even though you are still in the growth stage. I applaud you for being able to witness the growth of an incredible assassin, to think of having such a low talent]

"Oh, this time, the message was much shorter than the previous ones, but the comment directed at me is never missing," Kleint muttered to himself with a small smile drawn on his face.

Well, keep growing, my dear cute assassin... Kleint smiled at Lee Joon, who was practicing with the bow he had grabbed from the starting point; he looked at the sky again, without clouds or sun.

Sigh, I'm quite curious about what Alice is doing right now. Maybe she went to look for survivors, or she went to look for some item like that potion with which she cured me... Kleint got up from where he was and went to the small river to wash his face and eliminate the laziness.

After doing that, she began to practice her magic again to finish familiarizing herself with it.

Two hours later, Alice and the people, upon seeing her return, went to greet her but suddenly froze, seeing her accompanied by a group of five people who had grim expressions, and some were shaking with fear for no reason.

"This... Mrs. Alice, who are these people?" asks one of the people who went to greet her.

"They are survivors from another nearby starting point," Alice said neutrally as if it was nothing new.

"From another starting point?"

Confused expressions appeared on the faces of the people nearby, which gave them an understanding that they were not the only ones summoned to this hell.

"Yes, besides us, we had other starting points, or did they think they were the only ones summoned?" Alice said calmly as she continued walking, followed by the group of five people.

Stopping, Alice looked at the people she brought and said in a neutral tone, "This is the place where you will stay for the time being; that person is the one who manages the supplies; there is a small river to clean and hydrate."

Before separating from the group and heading to where Kleint and Lee Joon were, I added seriously, while his eyes glowed dangerously, "And don't do anything stupid."

The group looked on in earnest as they swallowed spittle and went to wipe the blood from their bodies and clothes.


The five people Alice had brought had cleaned up, hydrated, and eaten some skillets.

Alice stood silently beside Kleint and Lee Joon as if waiting for someone to speak.

On the other hand, Kleint felt like asking something but decided to wait for her to say something because he knew very well that Alice would not bring them in for no reason. Besides, she had not used her attribute yet.

Not too late, a woman from the group that had come with Alice began to approach them nervously but with confident steps.

She had blonde hair falling in soft waves that delicately framed her face, providing a warm glow to her appearance. Her eyes were of a penetrating blue.

The woman's face exhibits soft, harmonious features: delicately sculpted cheekbones, an elegant nose, and rosy lips.

Stylishly dressed, the woman wears black pants that are stained with scarlet blood and tight-fitting mud that subtly enhances her curves, especially highlighting her ass in an elegant and sophisticated way.

Completing her outfit, she wears a black sweatshirt with purple details. The drawing of a bunny on the sweatshirt shows a taste for fashion that combines the comfortable.

This woman seems to belong to a family with money... Kleint thought with a bit of envy as he looked at the woman's clothes, for he knew they were not cheap; they were something he could never afford before he was summoned to this place.

Next to Kleint, Lee Joon had a similar thought; looking at how she walked despite being nervous and scared, she had the gate of someone of high society.

Once the four of them were gathered, they all looked at each other in silence as the atmosphere became awkward. Until Kleint decided to break the silence:

"Alice, who is this person?" He asked curiously, looking deliberately at the blonde-haired woman.

"This is Liana. She will be joining us from now on," Alice replied calmly, pointing at Liana, who was standing with a nervous smile as she felt Kleint and Lee Joon's stares.

"Hello..." Said Liana with a nervous smile, still feeling uncomfortable under Kleint and Lee Joon's stares.

"Hi, I'm Kleint, and the one beside me is Lee Joon." Kleint, with a small smile, introduces himself and also introduces Lee Joon, who is beside him.

After Kleint introduces him, Lee Joon attends; he is unsure how to talk to Liana since they just met.

Once they finished introducing themselves, there was a moment of awkward silence. Kleint decided to look at Liana's window, as he was curious about what they were.

[Checking player Liana White's status window and talent levels].

[Name: Liana White]

[Age: 25]

[Disposition: kindly calculator]

[Title: None]

[Class: None]


[Strength: 11/growth potential: rare or lower]

[Agility: 9/growth potential: common or less]

[Vitality: 12/growth potential: rare or lower]

[Intelligence: 22/Growth Potential: heroic or higher]

[Endurance: 10/growth potential: common or lower]

[Luck: 20/growth potential: heroic or lower]

[Mana: 10/growth potential: legendary or higher]
