
Longsong Stronghold

After a couple of hours of leaving Border Town, Calista entered the city through the wall with Planeswalking, and immediately dashed to the her first goal, Duke Osmond Ryan, that was in the middle of a chat with Petrov Hull.

"... Duke Ryan, it would be better to us to avoid war with the Prince, Roland Wimbledon." Petrov said to the Duke while frowning but maintaining a respectful tone.

"Do you think i'm a coward!? That good for nothing Prince refused to retreat from Border Town in this winter, he is clearly provoking me!" Duke Ryan yelled to Petrov.

"... I have a really bad feeling about this, Duke Ryan. I think it's better to start a trade business with the Prince." Petrov responded while maintaining the respectful tone.

"Shut Up! After the end of the Months of Demons, Border Town will be in ruins! We just need to send the army to take the town from the Prince! Leave!" Duke Ryan yelled again to Petrov but with a colder voice.

Seeing Petrov leaving the room, Duke Ryan smirked while thinking, 'Tch... After i take Border Town, i can start my plan to declare the independence of Western Region.'

"... What a clown." A voice echoed in the room, making Duke Ryan stand up from his chair panicked.

"Who?!" Duke Ryan yelled.

Seeing someone wearing a smiling mask with a black vest appearing from the corner of the room, Duke Ryan panicked even more and yelled, "Who are you!? How did you enter!? Guards! GUARDS!".

"... There is no guards." Calista said calmly.


"... You are alone. There is no one near this room." Calista continued.

"... Who sent you? I can offer more!" The Duke asked while trying to understand the situation.

"... I'm here to kill you and nothing will change it." Calista responded while walking towards the Duke.

"... Why!? If you just wanted to kill me, why didn't you kill me fast and easily!" The Duke yelled while falling down to the floor.

"... It's not like i'm Sadistic or whatever. I'm just curious, you know. I want to test something on you... it's okay, you will feel no pain. For i'm merciful." Calista said to the Duke while creating a transparent gas with the right hand, composed of 'Nothingness' snakes.

Seeing the Duke breathing the gas, Calista waited.

The Duke confused, tried to stand up, only to find out that he didn't had legs anymore, like they didn't exist to begin with.

'... Wh-!? I didn't feel anything!?' The Duke thought while trying to use his hands, only to find nothing there too.

Turning his eyes for the last time to a near mirror, the Duke saw himself, vanishing. As if God erased his existence from this world.

Leaving the room, Calista searched for Petrov Hill that leaved earlier.

( Calista 'Nothingness' snakes: Her concept of 'Nothingness' is to erase everything the snakes bite painless. The more powerful the being is, the more magic power she needs to pour on the snakes to erase it. )


Petrov was sitting in his room, thinking about the probably near war when he heard a knock on his door.

"Sir, a letter from Prince, Roland Wimbledon, to you." A guard voice sounded behind the door.

"Than-" Petrov said while opening the door but finding no one outside, he was surprised and confused.

'Hallucination?' Petrov thought while sitting again on his chair.

But seeing a letter on his table, Petrov panicked for some time, until he decided to open it.

Only to find 'Make the right thing and God won't punish you, Petrov Hill' in the letter without names of who sent it.


'... Now that the Duke is dead, there won't be a meaningless war... It's best if i don't kill the Rats in this Town. After all, even if i kill only the leaders now, the nobles will kill every Rat in the Town, innocent or not... Let's leave it to Roland...' Calista thought while leaving the town.

Hello there, thanks for reading.

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