
15 Years Old

He saw hundreds of goblins doing daily activities like usual. Hunting, farming, crafting, and other activities that villagers normally did.

Some young goblins were training in the barrack swinging their short swords. A taller goblin yelled at them to do the exercise seriously.

For 15 years he had watched the development of the goblin village. From 3 male goblins and 3 female goblins, the population of the village had increased tremendously.

No one would think it was strange, if they saw how the goblins live. He counted at least 2 times a day goblin couples did 'that'. The pregnancy of the goblin was only 3 months. It meant every year each couple could get pregnant 4 times.

Normally for each female goblins would give birth 1 to 3 babies for each pregnancy. So each couple could produce 4 to 12 children each year.

Goblins reached adulthood on their 5th birthday. After that, they would marry other goblins. If not because many factors that could kill them existed, such as drowning in the river, preyed on by wolves, tigers, crocodiles, snakes or bears, or poisoned by poisonous insects or plants, their population would be uncontrollable.

He could watch the goblin village from his birth. It sounded weird, but it was the fact. For a note, he was not a goblin. He was a healthy human boy, or could be said too healthy for his age.

With a height of 1,75 m, he was pretty average among boys in his school. He loved to exercise like running, swimming, climbing, etc. He was also one of the top students in his school as he had mastered 3 different languages and was doing fine in mathematics and biology. One of his favorite books was historical books in the school library. From a retired hunter whose house next to the orphanage, he also learned what he should know to survive in the wilderness.

He was pretty known in his school. It was because he was one of few students who often got a top ranking in his school. However, he was pretty low-key. He never participated in academic competitions that were held by the federation or some big companies.

He was also known as a polite and kind boy around his neighborhood, as he was often seen to participate in neighborhood activities such as monthly public facilities cleaning activity. In the eyes of older villagers, he was a promising youngster. However, he actually had a reason to do them.

It was because he was born in a gangster family in the nearby city. Because of the weak constitution of his mother, she passed away after she gave birth to him. 

His father, being a notorious gangster boss, had many enemies who wanted his death. He then sent his newborn son to the orphanage of a rural village, fearing his son was inflicted because of him. He could only send some money to the orphanage every month to ensure his son's needs.

Every few months his father would come to meet him. However, in these five years, he hadn't come even once. He feared that an unfortunate thing had happened to his father. Being a reincarnator, he decided to lay low and became an 'ordinary' person, at least until he had enough power to protect his life.

By the way, His name was Alto, Alto Crown.


"Alto, are you sure we will do it? It looks dangerous," A thin boy with curly hair asked nervously.

"Tom, you should know that some of Mrs. Phina's chickens are lost these days. I'm sure it was the perpetrator. If we can kill it, Mrs. Phina will surely be thankful to us," A tall boy with sharp eyes said confidently.

"B-But this evening we will do the soul-awakening ceremony. I don't want to be punished and lose my chance. You know, it is only held once a year," Tom said nervously.

Alto sighed, "I have already told you. In the past, before participating in the ceremony, the teenagers should be tested. If they could show their worth, God will give them extraordinary talent. Don't you want to be druid, esper, or summoner? It's about our future. We should strive the best we can."

Tom's eyes shone, "You are right. As orphans, we can't get many opportunities. We must strive for our future."

Alto nodded, "It seems you get it. As expected of my brother."


The beast was resting under the tree. After the hunting last night, it was full and sleepy. 

It was a gray weasel. A level 5 wild beast. With length more than 2 meters, it was categorized as a dangerous beast, at least in the eyes of the villagers. Only village hunters with hunting guns had the ability to face it. 

How can Alto know its level? Because he had an ability to see stats of creatures since birth. He could identify a person's or a beast's strength just by looking at it for more than 3 seconds.

Gray Weasel

Level 5

HP: 270/270

Energy: full

Mana: 25/25

Strength: 12

Speed: 17

Defense: 10

Will Power: 5

Magic: 5



Analysis: an ordinary beast, but it can kill you easily. Don't mess with it.

For a level 3 Alto and level 1 Tom it should be a deathly beast. However, in front of Alto who was a former gamer with a total of more than a hundred years of experience, it was just a normal prey. Although he only had a normal boy physique, years of exercise made him stronger than most boys, even stronger than some normal Users. User was an awakened person outside of druid, esper or summoner catagory.

In fact, it was not his first hunt. To upgrade his levels, he had started hunting a few months ago. If there was a difference this time, he accompanied his best friend to do his first hunt.

He had the intention to bring Tom, his friend to hunt some beast for some weeks, but he postponed his plan because he hadn't found a suitable beast that was pretty 'docile'. And he still hadn't the confidence to protect anyone in the unpredictable circumstance.

However, today he found a suitable prey and he had the confidence to face any situations that might happen in the fight.

Alto Crown 

Level 3

Experience: 157%

HP: 170/170

Energy: 87%

Mana: (locked)

Strength: 15

Speed: 9

Defense: 7

Will Power: 10

Magic: (locked)

Luck: 7

Fame: 1

Free points: 10


Hard Worker: Energy recovery +15%.

Top Student: Reduce the difficulty of learning skills by 25%.


Goblin King: No goblins will decline your order. Your word is the rule. Used 50% of the required mana to activate goblin-related cards.

Source World Owner (locked partially): Can observe the Source World.



Brawling (intermediate) level 1

Throwing (basic) level 5


Climbing (basic) level 4

Swimming (basic) level 4

Sneaking (basic) level 2


Fender (intermediate) level 7

Savon (intermediate) level 5

Roland (intermediate) level 4

Analysis: Step aside, brats! You are in his way.

As for Tom. He was an orphan that lived in the orphanage all his life. No one knew his parents as he had been put in front of the orphanage door one night 15 years ago.

He had been as timid as a rabbit at his early age. However, with Alto's continuous 'help', he could show a little bit of his bravery sometimes. 

Because he befriended Alto since childhood, he knew well Alto's circumstances. Despite that, he didn't show any reluctance to be his friend 

In fact, there were many people in the orphanage that knew Alto's situation. They didn't say much about it, but when Alto's father never again came to the orphanage, they started to draw a line with him. 

Alto also understood, they did that because they were afraid to be inflicted with potentially dangerous situations because it related to the criminal world.

So he decided to put more effort to 'guide' Tom, because he was thankful to him for not treating him differently. However, that was not the only reason. He found out that his best friend was special.

As a former king (in the game), Alto knew better the importance of talent. Back then, he would take extra attention to the talented people around him to get their loyalty and cultivate them to be his helpers. 

However, for Tom, Alto only hoped to help him to get an opportunity to get a better life. And to reach that goal, he would help him to get enough power to protect himself, because he realized that only powerful people had the right to decide his fate in this world.

Tom Clover 

Level 1

Experience: 87%

HP: 52/52

Energy: 79%

Mana: (locked)

Strength: 7

Speed: 8

Defense: 6

Magic: (locked)

Will power: 5

Luck: 10

Fame: 1


Nerd: Decrease the alertness of people around you to a certain degree. In some social circles, you will easily get a reputation.

Top Student: Reduce the difficulty of learning skills by 25%.


Machinery Prodigy: Very talented with machinery. Get a 50% bonus when studying technology-related knowledge and skills.



Brawling (basic) level 3

Throwing (basic) level 7


Climbing (basic) level 1

Swimming (basic) level 2


Repair (basic) level 3

Abnormality identify (basic) level 6


Fender (intermediate) level 2

Analysis: What am I doing here? It's scary 

Yes, Tom was really good at machinery and technology. The orphanage caretakers and some villagers often asked his opinion and help if their devices or tools malfunctioned. He usually knew what was wrong with them. When he was asked how he could know, he often answered that he just knew.

"I will start, you know what is your role, right?" Alto said while circling the beast. He took two machetes from his back and never put his signs off from the weasel.

At the other side, Tom clenched his staff that he modified by putting a sharp iron knife on the tip of it. He made it to become a spear. Although his hands were trembling, he tried his best to hold on.

When he thought he was at the right spot, Alto then ran to the beast with naked blades in both of his hands.

The sleeping weasel was woken up by the voice of Alto steps. However, it was already too late. Alto swung his machete to the pretty long neck of it.

-48 (critical)

Alto was glad, his first attack was critical. 

A large chunk of its HP was lost. The weasel roared painfully. It then jumped back and looked at Alto warily.

However, it didn't know that behind it, Tom was hiding behind the bushes. Looked at the beast that was a few meters from him, Tom rushed and stabbed its back. The small knife on the tip of his staff entered its back fully. 


The weasel roared once again. Knowing that it was surrounded, it became crazy and struggled hard to escape from Tom's 'spear'.

Alto then approached it and swung his machete downward. The blade hit its sensitive nose and made him feel unbearable pain. 

After that, The two teenagers took turns to attack it. It tried to bite Alto a few times, but Alto could avoid them well. Only one time he was hurt by its claw attack. After all, the weasel had more speed than Alto, so it was pretty hard to win unscathed. 

To protect Tom, Alto had to actively attract its attention by doing exaggerated attacks.

The most dangerous moment was when its HP was less than 10%, it suddenly released a shock wave. It injured Alto and Tom a little bit and threw them a few meters.

It then rushed to the unguarded Tom and wanted to bite him. Tom was frozen on his spot and didn't know what to do. He could only point his spear in the direction of the beast.

Knowing it would be impossible for him to intercept the weasel's attack, Alto threw both of his machetes. One machete hit its back and the other machete hit its head, adding the damage that was caused by the pointed spear that luckily pierced its stomach, it was dead.

Because of inertia, its body fell on top of the frozen Tom, making him more terrified. However, after knowing it didn't move, he knew it was dead.

"Al...H-help me~," Tom said with a weak voice.

However, he was still in a terrified state and his body was still stiff. Even Alto could see his pants in the crotch region were wet.

Alto could only shake his head helplessly, "What can I do with you?"


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